Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3093: as you wish

In his arms, Junya was reluctant to come out.



"I am a normal, healthy man who already knows women's marrow. If I hold on, I cannot guarantee what will happen next."

Junya got out of his arms hurriedly, blushing, but without tears, raised her face and looked at him: "Then you don't guarantee."

All of a sudden, she just wanted him to do something to herself.

Habits are really terrible things. She has become accustomed to being with him in a short period of time, and is also completely used to those things he does to herself.

"I'm not going to be another man's substitute, when you are empty, take his role."

"No, I don't think of any other men at all now! Right now, I just want you. Do you think you are the only one who knows the taste?" Jun Ya kissed his lips.

"As you wish." He didn't object anymore, he picked her up and put her on her lap, and put the back of the chair down, "Next time, get more things in the car."

Although Lu Yiyang never said love or even liked it, Junya still felt it in the process.

He is extremely considerate, he will take care of her feelings and even take pains for her pleasure.

Junya likes to take what she needs, and it really fills her up too much.

To Huazhuo Entertainment.

Han Yixiao was already waiting.

"Where is your new artist?" Han Yixiao stood up.

"Here. But Mr. Han, my artist's worth is a bit high."

Han Yixiao saw Lu Yiyang: "Your boyfriend? Junya, the company is not a place for nepotism."

"But there is no explicit stipulation that employees are not allowed to fall in love. Right, Mr. Han?"

Han Yixiao thought.

"If Mr. Han is unwilling, he goes to another company, presumably you also know how big a loss this is."

"How much does he want?" Han Yixiao let go.

"It's not money, it's time. He only signed for one year."

Han Yixiao secretly thought for a while: "Yes. Let's sign. But Junya, let me tell you, if he can't make a score, he will be hidden. Moreover, I have the conditions."

"What conditions?" Junya frowned.

"The three trainees still have a one-year contract expiration. They are now in the idle stage. You take them, at least, to use them." Han Yixiao was dissatisfied that Junya brought Lu Yiyang to sign, so he put forward harsh requirements.

In fact, Junya had planned to use these three people under Lu Yiyang's suggestion.

Since Han Yixiao proposed it, Junya has room to make a request: "Yes, but I have either newcomers or poor qualifications. You have to give me more privileges and let me be an artist. Fight. I want to write it in the contract."

Han Yixiao agreed.

"By the way, President Han, I want to ask one thing..."


"Suddenly I don't want to ask anymore. Goodbye, President Han." Jun Ya and Lu Yiyang walked out.

"What did you want to ask?" Lu Yiyang asked.

"I wanted to ask, who the **** broke the artist in my hand, so that I have no retreat. However, I have now figured out that both he and Han Yixue are to blame for this matter. The only thing I can do, Just bring an international superstar out again. This is the best way to slap your face, isn't it?" Jun Ya smiled.

"Do you mean me?"

Junya laughed: "You are the most qualified one, but you only give me one year... I am not a god."

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