Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 3174: Then eat more

Lu Yiyang brought in milk, bread and eggs.

"Lu Yiyang, look!" Junya turned over the content to him, and said as she read: "Lu Yiyang is like the light that suddenly flashes in the night sky, making me doubt his previous appearance based on his appearance. The possibility of more roles has become extremely anticipated. Let's boldly predict that maybe he will be the biggest surprise in the film industry this year... Listen to you, the recognition you get is really great!"

Lu Yiyang curled his lips: "So now you should rest assured?"

"Well, it looks pretty good at the moment. I have a look at the pre-sale box office and the number of people who want to see it." Junya turned it over, "The quantity is okay. It is within my expectations."

"Hurry up and eat. As I said, don't worry." Lu Yiyang pushed the breakfast in front of her.


"I went out early in the morning." Lu Yiyang saw that she was full of mouthfuls, and handed her the napkin.

"Lu Yiyang, what you make is really delicious." Junya was in a particularly good mood.

"Then eat more." Lu Yiyang divided some of the things on his plate among her.

After having breakfast, Junya went to review comments again, and found that the limelight of "Born to Love" completely overwhelmed "Shadow", and more film critics made huge contributions to "Born to Love". Praise, and the attitude towards "Shadow" has become somewhat lukewarm.

"What's going on?" Junya was puzzled, she naturally didn't know, this was Han Yixue's hand and foot, and the film critics she paid for it began to go online.

Jun Ya frowned and brushed up.

Lu Yiyang also hugged her from behind, watching the comments on her mobile phone.

Some people began to pick the thorns of "Shadow", and belittle "Shadow", mainly because the story of "Shadow" doesn't make sense, the director is too capricious, the screen looks dark and so on.

Although Han Yixue didn't buy many film critics, the audience liked the content of Tucao more. With the help of Han Yixue, the reviews of "Shadow" suddenly became mixed.

"Could someone do tricks?" Lu Yiyang guessed.

"If Han Yixue really did this, she would be too despicable. Although such methods in the entertainment industry are the norm, I have never bothered to use such methods before, let alone use them for people in my company." Jun Ya said.

Lu Yiyang asked, "What are you going to do?"

She is more familiar with the market, as long as she thinks of a way, he can help implement it.

"If she did it, it would be easy to handle. In fact, works with mixed reviews attract more attention. I'm afraid that this is the true expression of film critics." Junya pondered for a moment and said, "So I want to sort these film reviews. People’s profile and see if they have anything in common. Then I will use your Weibo to post some tidbits and highlights about the movie to attract more people to discuss.

"Well, if there is something I need to do, just say it."

"Well," Junya sorted it out, and found that the praises of "Born to Love" and the belittles of "Shadow" were basically the same critics, and they were the same critics who compared the two films.

Not only that, but they are also film critics who don't pay much attention, but usually receive a lot of advertisements.

Seeing this, she was relieved: "Lu Yiyang, these people's words are not to be believed. They are usually people who are willing to take money to do things. Whether they are invited by Han Yixue or not, they are not particularly trustworthy film critics."

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