Mr. Lu, the World’s Sweetest Man

Chapter 851: I only saw you

"It's also that we were too abrupt." Lu Zhanting said, "He really saved us, and if Mrs. Ming did it again, then he must have offended the presidential palace. His status and status are even more different from ours, offending the presidential palace. But a big deal..."

Yun Wei suddenly realized: "Yeah, I didn't even think of this. I knew it, we shouldn't have come, otherwise, letting the people in the presidential palace know about them would be very bad for them." Yun Wei is busy Said.

Lu Zhanting nodded: "It's true. But it's okay. Since they don't want to admit it, just let it go. It's better to do more than less."

Yun Wei smiled brightly and said, "I just didn't expect that they would help us like this. But it's okay. Since they don't want to get involved, we should assume that nothing has happened."

Lu Zhanting rubbed her hair and whispered, "Okay."

Lu Zhanting accompanied Yun Wei home, but he couldn't feel relieved when he thought that Chen Haiming's matter had not yet been completely resolved.

Although they had a good conversation with Sha Heng and Sha Yiwen, they never let go of Chen Haiming.

Lu Zhanting also understood that they had promised that Mingye was cold a long time ago, and if Chen Haiming was temporarily handed over to him, they could not explain to Mingye coldly.

So the source of the matter is still on the cold side of tomorrow.

Lu Zhanting said to Yun Wei, "I still have things to deal with. You are waiting for me at home."

"Yeah." Yun Wei forgot, she still has a lot to do.

Lu Zhanting went out to find Ming Ye Leng and continued to talk about Chen Haiming.


Yun Wei returned to her room and began to deal with work matters.

She now has a lot of assets under her name, and Lanyun Studio has made her a lot of money, but Yun Wei still has not given up on her efforts.

The meaning of hard work is not only for making money, but for better self-improvement, but also for better growth.

She was concentrating on work, when her phone rang suddenly, she picked it up and said, "Hello, hello."

"Yun Wei, Chen Haiming is in Sha Heng's hands. Sha Heng wants to see you at the International Hotel. Remember, I only see you alone." The other party is a woman, and his voice is cold and without emotion.

Yun Wei was taken aback: "What Chen Haiming?"

"Is there a second Chen Haiming? It's the one you sent to prison before. He escaped, but he was free for a while outside before he was caught by Sha Heng, and he was controlled by Sha Heng and stayed beside them. This Lu Zhanting knew about this a long time ago, so he kept it from you." The other party's female voice continued.

Yun Wei was slightly surprised: "Who are you? How can I believe your words?"

"Just forget it if you don't believe it." There was a snap and put down the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Wei's cell phone entered a photo, and it was Chen Haiming. The place where he was detained was not the prison in Hengzhou City that Yun Wei was familiar with, but another place.

Yun Wei took the phone and went out immediately, just to meet Haicheng: "Uncle Hai, did Chen Haiming escape?"

"Nothing..." Haicheng said immediately, "Who is talking nonsense to you, there is no such thing."

Yun Wei took out the phone and placed the photo in front of Haicheng.

A trace of panic appeared on Haicheng's face immediately, and he defended: "Weiwei, don't think about it so much. Ting Shao said he will take care of this matter... Don't interfere."

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