Chapter 52: To Give Her a Home

When Quan Rui said these words, he never imagined that those few words would impact Bai Ran in any way.

But Bai Ran felt as though her heart had skipped a beat and someone had taken an invisible hammer and clobbered her heart till it was thudding wildly and mercilessly against her chest.

It was not painful, but it was definitely shocking!

The muted but intense feeling she felt was a strange sensation to her. Heat began to spread out from her heart and flow through her bloodstream into her cold limbs and bones.

Bai Ran widened her eyes and looked incredulously at Quan Rui who was in front of her.

He was still seated while she stood staring at him.

He appeared casual and unaffected whereas she was extremely uneasy and a bit flustered.

From a distance, it looked like she had been called into the discipline master’s office for a lecture for some minor infraction she had committed repeatedly when she was younger.

But the emotion she felt was completely different.

Right now, Bai Ran’s heart was extremely comforted and warm.

“My home is wherever he is?

“So, he wants to give me a home?”

All of a sudden, Bai Ran did not care what Quan Rui’s motives were anymore.

He was a ray of light in her darkness. At this very moment, he lit up her entire world.

Even if he was dangerous, she would still fly towards him helplessly like a moth to a flame, inexplicably drawn to this alluring warmth and brightness.

“I understand. Thank you for being willing to help me.” Bai Ran nodded her head and she made a concerted effort to loosen up her clenched fists.

“No matter what problems result from this, at least I’ve settled Mum’s medical fees.”

Quan Rui looked up at Bai Ran but he did not speak. His deep-set eyes were as black as ink.

He just stared at Bai Ran like that. But all of a sudden, he was looking behind her, at the lights inside the operating theatre behind Bai Ran and the little red bulb above the door.

A flick could be heard, and the red light was switched off.

Bai Ran noticed Quan Rui’s gaze go past her to the operating theatre behind her. Unable to help herself, she instinctively turned around to take a look. She also heard the sound at that very same moment. The red light above the operating theatre, which indicated surgery was taking place, was now switched off.

Bai Ran also felt her heart waver at that moment.

Subsequently, the door to the operating theatre was pushed open.

The doctor walked out first and removed his mask with extremely weary hands. When he spotted Bai Ran standing at the entrance of the operating theatre, he paused for a moment.

Bai Ran could not hold herself back. She immediately left Quan Rui standing there and dashed over. “Doctor, how’s my mother?”

“She’s no longer in mortal danger. The surgery was very successful as well. We need to place her under observation in the ICU for the next two days, and after that she will need time to recuperate.”

When Bai Ran heard what the doctor said, her anxieties finally settled down. “Thank you, doctor… Thank you, doctor…”

Beyond thanking the doctor, Bai Ran suddenly found herself unable to think of any other words to use to express herself.

The doctor acknowledged her with a wordless nod and left after a quick gesture of farewell with his hands.

Subsequently, Bai Ran’s mother was wheeled out of the theatre and Bai Ran followed after to take a look at her mother’s condition.

Quan Rui continued to stand in the same place Bai Ran had greeted the doctor before she left.

He heard what the doctor had said earlier on.

He did not have to worry anymore since Bai Ran’s mother was no longer in a critical condition.

Luo Wei, who had been hiding in the corner discreetly, walked over when he sensed the moment was right and took his place beside Quan Rui.

“Young Master, George has returned to the manor.”

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“Alright.” Quan Rui nodded his head. “Arrange for the best doctors and nurses for Bai Ran’s mother. Contact the expert team from abroad if the need arises.”

“Yes, Young Master,” Luo Wei replied.

Although Luo Wei had hidden in the corner out of courtesy for his boss, he had overheard the exchange between the Young Master and Miss Bai.

“Oh. I should address her as the Young Mistress now…”

“I wouldn’t dare slight the Young Mistress’ mother, even if the Young Master did not instruct me to look out for her personally.”

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