Chapter 57: The Surname Is “Bai”? Let Me Take a Look

His voice was cold, indifferent, and distant. Yet it was also filled with the irresistible ring of authority.

“Rui…” Jiang Bangyuan instantly snapped back to her senses but by the time she wanted to stop Quan Rui, she realized that he had already disappeared upstairs.

“Damn it!”

Jiang Bangyuan ground her teeth together angrily. “I absolutely cannot allow Jiang Yuexi to marry Quan Rui!

“Although I don’t know why things have developed to this state, there’s no way we can continue living with this mistake!”

Jiang Bangyuan turned and left furiously.

“I have to hurry back and discuss with my younger sister about what exactly we should do to chase that minx away!”

After Jiang Bangyuan stormed out of Quan Rui’s manor, the doctors in the hospital brought a few nurses to do their rounds of the wards at the appointed time.

It was a young doctor who took the lead today and Bai Ran could vaguely remember that he was the one who performed the surgery on her mother yesterday.

She heard talk that his surgical skills were impressive despite his young age and that he was already the lead surgeon at the Second People’s Hospital. He performed his surgeries very thoroughly.

The doctors and nurses entered the ICU and performed their usual checks on the patients, taking note of additional symptoms, and updating the changes to their condition.

“Make sure you take her temperature once every three hours. Do not stop giving her the medication and administer the exact same amount of it like yesterday. By the way, has the guardian signed the forms already?” Although the doctor was wearing a mask, it did not hide how sexy his voice was.

Perhaps because of the long surgery yesterday or because the doctor did not manage to get a good night’s rest, his voice was slightly huskier than usual. This elicited a dreamy expression on the faces of the nurses standing by his side when he spoke to them.

“Yes, Dr. Song. We went through all the forms as per the usual process,” one of the nurses said and proceeded to hand over the signed documents for the doctor to verify. “The guardian is her daughter. Both mother and daughter share the same surname ‘Bai’! This is a very rare surname that…”

Actually, the reason why Dr. Song was so strict about obtaining the guardian’s signature was because he did not like dealing with medical disputes and thus, he was very particular about this specific procedure.

Therefore, he never expected that the mention of this would hit an especially sensitive nerve inside him.

“Her surname is ‘Bai’? Let me take a look.” Dr. Song held out his hand and hurriedly snatched the documents out of the hands of the surprised nurse. Upon closer inspection, he confirmed the two familiar words that were written under the section of “Guardian’s Name”.

“Bai Ran.”

There were not many people in the world with the surname “Bai” and this was especially true in Sanjiang City.

Even fewer people would have the name “Bai Ran”!

Dr. Song felt his chest tighten and he quickly looked at the name of the patient.

“Bai Ruolan.”


“There’s no mistake. It’s them!”

Dr. Song’s eyes widened, and his breath quickened in excitement.

“To think that I’ve been searching for them for so many years, and I’m only meeting them today even though they’ve been right under my nose this whole time?!

“All because yesterday’s surgery was an emergency! And I was dead beat after I completed it, so I did not look at the name of the patient who received the surgery. What’s more, I even talked to the guardian but didn’t take a closer look at her name!

“My memories of them must have stopped at the time when I was still a child so I can barely remember the appearance of the mother and daughter.

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“Thankfully… Thankfully… I’ve managed to meet them again!”

As this thought crossed Dr. Song’s mind, he looked back at Bai Ruolan, who was still lying unconscious on the bed. Then, he looked at Bai Ran, who was keeping watch outside the ICU, and he immediately dashed out excitedly.

“Ranran!” he yelled out her nickname loudly. His tone of voice was gentle but agitated as though he was calling out to the most important person in his life.

Bai Ran had been staring at the doctors and nurses crowded around her mother inside the ICU and it startled her to see the doctor suddenly lunging towards her like a maniac.

“Who are…” Bai Ran raised her eyebrows and tried hard to recall. She could not think of anyone she knew who worked as a doctor.

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