Chapter 59: Why Does He Want to Have a Meal with Her?

The two nurses who had been tagging along behind Song Chengjue were both dumbfounded as they watched the scene that unfolded in front of them.

“Oh my god! Is this really happening?”

“Dr. Song is usually so serious and professional but he’s being so gentle and forward with this girl…”

“Also, did you hear? The girl addressed Dr. Song as ‘Brother Cheng’. Seems like they’ve known each other since a long time ago?”

“Boohoo… Yet another eligible bachelor in the hospital is taken. I’m so envious!”

Luo Wei also witnessed this incident as it happened.

He took a short nap in the middle of the night, but he woke up very early in the morning as well, so he was there when the doctor came rushing out of the ICU into Bai Ran’s arms.

Luo Wei frowned and turned away as he called Quan Rui.

“Young Master told me that I have to report anything concerning the Young Mistress or if something new happens…”

After the short reunion with Song Chengjue, both of them exchanged phone numbers and had time to talk for a short while, before a new patient arrived at the A&E and Song Chengjue had to bid her goodbye.

Initially, Quan Rui had arranged for Bai Ran to return to the manor by the evening, but for some reason, it was brought forward to earlier in the afternoon.

Bai Ruolan had yet to regain consciousness and Bai Ran to be there to assure her mother when she woke up, but she was dragged to the car by Luo Wei.

“Why do I have to head back so early? Didn’t we agree on going in the evening?” Bai Ran was slightly puzzled, but she could not insist otherwise.

Luo Wei merely focused on driving carefully and did not dare to say reveal too much. “The Young Master said to bring the Young Mistress back home for a meal.”


“A meal… Why does he want to have a meal with me?”

Bai Ran frowned until eventually, she could only catch a glimpse of the hospitalization block as it passed before the car turned around the bend. Very quickly, they left the hospital behind altogether.

It was early in the afternoon and there were still many cars on the road. However, Bai Ran noticed that the car she was in was actually driving past all the other cars unimpeded.

“Many cars seem to have been caught in a jam by the side, but our lane seems to be… Um, are those people the traffic police?”

There were traffic police actively helping to direct traffic, clearing the way for them throughout the whole journey. They did not have to stop at all.

Very quickly, they arrived at Quan Rui’s manor.

When Bai Ran came here yesterday, it was nighttime, so she did not manage to get a clear look at the whole manor.

Today, the surroundings were bright and clear in the sunlight, so it was much easier to stare and admire if there was something specific that she liked seeing.

The metal gates were three meters tall and they opened automatically when the vehicle came close. The car drove in and stopped in a foyer area. Someone quickly came over to open the door for Bai Ran to get out of the car and that person subsequently stood by the side respectfully. “Welcome home, Young Mistress.”

“…These people are really extraordinarily quick to change how they address me!”

Bai Ran smiled mockingly and nodded her head. Then she walked towards the manor’s main building, a villa at the center of the property, with Luo Wei.

Along the way, Bai Ran could not help but scrutinize the house in awe…or horror.

“A rockery garden, a pond, flowers of every color and trees, shrubs and even… On the right side of the main entrance, there’s even a stretch of a lush green forest?”

The corner of Bai Ran’s eye inevitably twitched. “There’s a forest in the manor!

“As expected, Quan Rui’s world is completely beyond anything that I’ve imagined.”

A few minutes later, Bai Ran arrived at the dining room and found herself standing politely in front of Quan Rui.

“He’s really having lunch…”

Bai Ran casually glanced over the dining table was surprised to see that there were only a few side dishes lined up on Quan Rui’s dining table.

“Oh… Forgive me for having such contemptuous thoughts but shouldn’t a rich man like Quan Rui have a hundred different side dishes made specifically for one meal so he can merely eat one mouthful of each dish?

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“Compared to that…this seems quite light and bland…”

Bai Ran felt a little embarrassed for thinking about this. Her eyes shifted and landed on Quan Rui himself.

“He seems to stay at home all the time? Or rather, he’s been at home for quite some time already?

“He’s not wearing his suit and is just wearing casual home clothes.”

Quan Rui wore a long-sleeved, white cotton sweatshirt and he probably had a pair of dark, navy long pants under the table but Bai Ran did not notice because she merely swept her eyes over him very quickly.

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