Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1004: to teach a lesson

  Chapter 1004 To teach a lesson

  Private villa.

  Jiang Manxi was sitting in the gazebo, calling his subordinates: "How is it?"

  The man on the phone faltered and said: "Miss, the people from the Lieyan Merchant Group suddenly stopped taking our order?"

   "What?" Jiang Manxi stood up abruptly, and said angrily, "Suddenly stopped answering!"

  The man replied: "Yes, they said the deposit will be refunded to you."

  Jiang Manxi said coldly: "What I want is not a deposit, but that woman's life!"

   "Otherwise, the subordinate will contact another killer?"

  Paused for two seconds, Jiang Manxi said coldly: "Go and ask them why they didn't pick up all of a sudden?"

   "I asked, but my subordinates feel that they are perfunctory"

   "What did they say?" Jiang Manxi asked.

   After a pause for a few seconds, the man replied: "They said that the woman is too beautiful in person, they... can't do it"


  Jiang Manxi's face turned green with anger!

   "Miss, do you want to contact other killers?"

   Anger is anger, but Jiang Manxi has not completely lost his mind.

  The Lieyan Merchant Guard Group had already accepted the order, and decided to do it today. Logically speaking, they should have already done it at this time, but they suddenly said they would not accept the order.

  The reason for this must not be as simple as the woman's face.

   After calming down for a while, Jiang Manxi spoke again: "First investigate why the Lieyan Merchant Group suddenly gave up this mission."

  The man said: "Yes."

   A few hours later.

  Shi Qianfang Zuibai Wuchen and the three arrived at a certain city on the border of Yubao City.

  This place is rich in jade, and many jade merchants from all over the world come here to buy jade.

  The three of Shiqian entered the hotel and soon arrived at the suite of Han Jin and the others.

   Lei Ming sat on the sofa in the living room and stood up abruptly, looking at the three of them in surprise: "Shopkeeper! Fang Zui, Wuchen! Why are you here?"

   Han Jin also stood up immediately, looked at Shi Qian: "Shopkeeper!"

   Shi Qian stepped forward and looked at the two of them separately: "Are you really all right?"

  Lei Ming blurted out: "It's all right! How could those weak chickens in Jinyu Tongyuan beat us!"

  Time shallow: "."

   Han Jin gave him a sideways look.

   Lei Ming shut up immediately.

  Shi Qian smiled suddenly: "The matter has been resolved?"

   Han Jin replied: "The matter of Jinyu Tongyuan has been resolved. Without their troubles, we can trade jade normally."

  Paused, he said again: "Shopkeeper, I kept the fight with Jinyu Tongyuan from you. After returning, my subordinates are willing to accept the punishment."

  Shi Qian looked at him: "Han Jin, you really shouldn't have kept it from me. But... I am also responsible for this matter, and I am also to blame for not telling you clearly.

  I mean that I don’t like fighting and killing, I don’t like violence, but what I mean is that I don’t do this kind of business anymore, it’s not that when someone bullies us, we don’t fight back! "

   Han Jin stared at Shi Qian in surprise: "Shopkeeper, don't you blame us?"

"Of course I don't blame you. If you dare to deliberately trouble us, of course you have to teach them a lesson!" After a pause, Shi Qian glanced at a few people and continued: "Not only must a lesson be taught, but a harsh lesson must be given to let them know Although our Qian Tea Shop has transformed, it is still something they cannot provoke!"

Several people:"."! !

  Lei Ming looked at Shi Qian in a daze: "Shopkeeper, are you serious?"

  Shi Qian: "Of course."

   Lei Ming excitedly said: "Shopkeeper, you are so wise! Boss, I said I should teach them a lesson, but you still stop me."

  (end of this chapter)

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