Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1032: being chased and scolded

  Chapter 1032 Being chased and scolded

  Ye Shuran had just finished posting her comments, when a group of fans surrounded her.

  【Are you blind? Don't you see the evidence there? 】

  【What happened to 20 years old, what happened to 18 years old? Do you understand that heroes come out of youth since ancient times? 】

  【Are you a sunspot? Do you want us to greet the eighteen generations of your ancestors? 】

  Seeing the comments scolding her one after another, Ye Shuran's face suddenly darkened.

   A bunch of lifeless things!

  In addition to scolding her, there are many shocked ones.

【What! God is only 20 years old! She was only 18 years old when she was at the absolute peak of her design four years ago! Oh My God! Oh My God! Worthy of being my god, it's amazing! 】

  【18 years old! 18 years old! Really? 】

  【Ahhhhh! My master is too awesome, master, I love you! I love you forever! 】

  For a while, the "Nine Serenity" comics once again set off an upsurge on the Internet, and the popularity was even higher than before.

  Shi Qian's two vests got together and gained a large number of fans.

  Ye Shuran's face turned green with anger.

  She originally wanted to destroy "Jiuyou", but she didn't expect to make her popularity even higher, and Shi Qian gained more fans' support.

  Her Weibo account has fallen, and she is being chased and scolded by a group of fans.

  Ye Shuran angrily quit her account.

  With nowhere to vent her anger, she picked up the cup on the table and slammed it on the ground.

  The assistant who just pushed the door in was startled.

   "Boss Ye."

  Ye Shuran turned to look at her, and said angrily, "Who told you to come in, get out!"

   Immediately afterwards, two policemen appeared behind the assistant.

   "Ms. Ye, please come with us."

  Shi shallow sitting in the classroom.

  Surprised eyes all around looked at her.

  They all knew that Shi Qian was Mu You's name, but they didn't expect that she was also the author of the recently popular "Jiu You" manga!

  That is a key project of Fengrui Film and Television, the leader in the film and television industry.

   Several girls whispered.

   "Sister Qian is too awesome, Chuangyue's hottest game, Fengrui Films' first major TV series, if I don't know her background, I would almost suspect that she has something to do with JE Group."

   "Yes, they are all companies under the JE Group, and they are all key projects."

   "I've been chasing that manga and I like it so much. I didn't expect it to be Shi Qian. I really want to ask her for an autograph? I just don't know if she will beat me up?"

   Others: "."! !

   Shi Qian originally planned to contact Xu Muchen and the people from Fengrui Film and Television to discuss this matter at noon, but the matter was resolved so quickly.

   Presumably Shang Sizhan saw it and sent someone to solve it.

  Wen Keer couldn't help laughing seeing so many confessions of Mu Youming and Wuyou on the Internet.

   "Sister Qian, you have gained a large number of fans again. Many people want to know what you look like. If they see what you look like, they will probably be even crazier."

  Shi smiled lightly, but didn't speak.

  She looked at the computer screen, looking up who did this?

   Soon Ye Shuran was found.

  However, Shang Sizhan has already done something to her.

   Violation of reputation was fined and arrested!

  Shi Mu Xue stayed in a corner of the classroom, looking down at her phone.

  Looking at the news on the hot search, she suddenly panicked. Why is that **** Shiqian related to both companies of the JE Group?

  This bitch's method is really clever.

  She can no longer sit still and watch this **** continue to prosper.

  She quit the Weibo page, clicked on the calendar, the 20th is the press conference of the JE Research Institute, and there are three days left, she must seize this opportunity.

  (end of this chapter)

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