Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1036: one bull than one

  Chapter 1036 One is better than the other

  However, Lu Sizhe was still a little worried.

  Lu Yunran asked him to come back first, and stayed near the financial building by himself, apparently to wait for time.

  He understands his sixth uncle very well, and he is not a person who gives up lightly.

   I hope he will not be so persistent about Shi Qian.

  After playing a game, Sheng Xu suddenly said, "It's not long since you two met?"

  Lu Sizhe leaned on the sofa, and lazily replied: "Well, near the financial building, Shi Qian was with the people from Qian Tea Shop."

  Cheng Yu suddenly sat up straight and said in shock, "Brother Lu, what are you talking about? Who is Sister Qian with?"

  Lu Sizhe: "Forget it if you didn't hear it."

  Cheng Yu: "No! Did I hear correctly? Sister Qian is with the people from Qian Tea Shop!"

  Looking at him, Lu Sizhe replied affirmatively, "You heard me right."

   "Why is she with the people from Qianchadian? Isn't Qianchadian the secret guard in the city? Sister Qian is the killer of Qianchadian!"

  Cheng Yu is already in a mess.

  What is Shiqian's identity?

   It’s okay to be a bull brake yourself, and the forces around you are also better than one bull brake!

   "I don't know." Lu Sizhe's eyes were full of doubts, and he said again: "But recently Shiqian always seems to be with the people from Qiancha shop."

Sheng Xu narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly said: "Now that I said this, I suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a very mysterious female killer in Qianchadian. Could it be that Shiqian was not because of Shang Sizhan's acquaintance with Qianchadian? Rather, she was originally People from Qian Tea Shop?"

  Lu Sizhe looked at him in astonishment: "Probably not, how old is Shi Qian?"

  Sheng Xu: "How old do you think she was when she was at the absolute pinnacle of design? Also, she easily managed a group of special guards at the school gate before, and those special guards said she was a top expert."

  Cheng Yu's eyes widened suddenly: "So Sister Qian is really the female killer of Qian Tea Shop!"

  Pausing for a few seconds, Sheng Xu said again: "It's just a guess, not necessarily."

   Two hours later.

  Shi Qian and Han Jin Bai Wuchen returned to the financial building with thunder and thunder.

   Fang Zui had something to do and left early.

   Just as they arrived at the entrance of the building, a man's voice suddenly came from beside them: "Qianqian."

  Hearing the sound, Shi Qian stepped forward and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

   There is a coffee shop next to the entrance of the building. The weather has been warm recently, and there are a few tables outside, covered with sun umbrellas.

  At this time, Lu Yunran was standing under the sun umbrella, smiling at Shi Qian.

   "Mr. Lu, why are you here?" Shi Qian asked.

  Lu Yunran said: "I'm waiting for you."

  Shi Qian: "Wait for me?"

   "Yes, I have something to tell you, can I talk to you alone?" After speaking, Lu Yunran glanced at Han Jin and the others, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

  Shi Qian thought for a while, then looked at Han Jin and the others and said, "You guys go up first."

   A few people did not speak, nodded slightly, and walked into the building.

   Shi Qian walked towards Lu Yunran.

   Lu Yunran smiled and said, "Please sit down."

  Shi looked down at the black rattan chair, sat down immediately, and asked, "What does Mr. Lu want to tell me?"

  Lu Yunran looked at her and smiled: "Actually, there is nothing important, I just want to ask you if there is any problem upstairs? If there are any remaining problems, please tell me, I will be responsible for solving them."

  Shi Qian said: "No, there is no problem, Mr. Lu, please rest assured."

  Lu Yunran: "That's good." After a pause, he moved his lips and was about to speak again.

  Behind the two of them, another voice suddenly sounded: "Qianqian."

  Hearing this familiar voice, Shi Qian immediately turned her head, and immediately saw Shang Sizhan's beautiful face.

   "Master Zhan."

  (end of this chapter)

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