Chapter 1058 Have you calmed down?

  Shang Sizhan smiled, helped her fasten her seat belt again, and sat down and fastened her seat belt himself.

   At this time, the sky was already dark, and the car set off.

  Shi shallow nest on the seat, to be honest, completely lost the previous hostility.

  In the villa.

  K fidgeted, looked at Bailiyi and the others and asked, "What happened just now? Master Zhan and Sister Qian didn't quarrel, did they? Have they ever quarreled?"

  Bai Liyi lazily leaned against the sofa with his mobile phone, and said, "Don't worry, the two of them can't quarrel."


  Bai Liyi: "One won't, and the other dare not."

  How could Lord Zhan quarrel with others? He usually fights directly.

  Even if you deal with Shi Qian, it's still hands-on, but the way of doing it is different.

  As for the little girl Shi Qian, it's okay to have a cold face, but she definitely doesn't dare to quarrel with Master Zhan.

  Even if she dared, she would be blocked by Lord Zhan if she opened her mouth.

  Except for K, the others are quite calm, as if they are used to being jealous of each other.

  K looked at the darkened sky outside the window, and said again: "But...why haven't they come back so late?"

   As soon as the voice fell, two figures appeared at the door of the living room.

came back!

  Shang Sizhan lowered his eyes and asked softly, "Are you hungry?"

  Shi Qian had completely calmed down by this meeting, and then let out a "huh".

"What to eat?"

  Shi Qian thought for a while: "Barbecue."

  Shang Sizhan's eyes are full of doting: "Okay." After finishing speaking, he looked at Yan Yi and ordered: "Prepare the barbecue."

  Yan Yi immediately said: "Yes, this subordinate will go to the kitchen immediately."

   "Let's go upstairs to rest first." Shang Sizhan said again.

  Shi Qian: "Okay."

  The two of them went upstairs as if nothing had happened, as if no one else was around.

  K looked at the two in a daze, his worry seemed unnecessary.

   Bailiyi smiled and said nothing, and continued to send messages to Bai Wuchen.

  Yan Yi went to the kitchen and ordered the chefs to prepare the barbecue for dinner.

   While grilling the meat, Shi Qian couldn't see any trace of getting angry after eating vinegar, and ate the barbecue with relish.

  Occasionally, he would feed Shang Sizhan a few mouthfuls.

  Suddenly, the barbecue in everyone's mouth was full of the smell of dogs and wolves.

  After eating, he took a walk in the garden, and Shi Qian went back upstairs.

   Grabbed the computer to investigate what she had quietly heard today.

   It's just that, before investigating for a long time, Shang Sizhan suddenly walked over, grabbed her with a big hand and hugged her horizontally.

  Shi Qian looked at him in a daze: "Why?"

  Shang Sizhan smiled charmingly: "I'm afraid you haven't completely calmed down yet, so let me calm down completely." Then, before Shi Qian could react, he carried her into the bathroom.

  Time passed bit by bit.

  The girl's hoarse voice sounded: "It's okay, I won't be angry anymore."

   "Really?" The man's tone was provocative.

   "Really." She was no longer angry in the afternoon, and this monster clearly did it on purpose.

   "No, I don't think it's enough."


  (end of this chapter)

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