Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1551: not an ordinary girl

  Chapter 1551 is not an ordinary girl

  Looking at Yi Xuanming, Fang Zui suddenly said: "It was the order of our old shopkeeper, when he was seriously injured in Jindu City, it was the shopkeeper who saved him.

  However, in the end the old shopkeeper encountered an accident and left. Before leaving, the old shopkeeper told us to go to Jindu City to find a girl. The girl is our new shopkeeper. "

  Yi Xuanming looked at him: "Then you found Qianqian and recognized her as the owner?"

  Fang Zui: "That's right."

   Lei Ming looked at him: "Why did you tell him?"

  Fang Zui said lazily: "He will know sooner or later."

  Yi Xuanming nodded clearly: "Your old shopkeeper is very wise! You can follow the old shopkeeper's wishes and accept a little girl as the shopkeeper, and you are also very loyal."

  Fang Zui: "Our shopkeeper is no ordinary girl."

  Yi Xuanming chuckled: "That's right. She is indeed extraordinary, and there will be more surprises waiting for you in the future."

   "What surprise?" Lei Ming asked.

  Yi Xuanming stared at him: "I won't tell you the secret."

  Thunder: "."

   "Mr. Yi." Fang Zui said again: "I have something to ask you."

"What's up?"

   "I have a friend whose memory has also been changed, and she has completely forgotten her past. It has been about two years. You should have a way to restore her memory, right?"

"Of course." Yi Xuanming said confidently: "No matter what methods and methods I use, I can recover. I think you are not bad, and if you want me to help, I can consider it. However, you have to Do me a favor."


  Fang Zui coughed lightly: "I'm just asking, I don't want her to ring for now."

  Yi Xuanming's head was full of black lines: "Then what do you mean?"

   "I think if one day I need to restore her memory, I hope you can help."

  Yi Xuanming smiled: "That's easy to say. As long as you help me with one thing now, I can help you at any time in the future."

   "You want me to help you persuade our shopkeeper?"

"Hey, yes. I don't want Shi Jingnian to wait too long before recognizing this precious girl." He suddenly sighed softly and continued, "Oh, it's all my fault for coming up with such a bad idea. Although he didn't blame me , but I feel sorry for it."

   Lei Ming frowned: "What! Did you come up with this idea?"

   "I saw him in too much pain at the time, and I was worried that Liyue was in the same pain as him. Rather than letting two people face the painful reality, it is better to erase one person's memory.

  We didn't expect Qianqian to be his daughter. Moreover, Qianqian at that time was not as tall and slim as she is now. "

  Fang Zui also frowned: "Of course a 9-year-old child can't be this tall."

   "Uh, no, she was petite at the time, she didn't look like a 9-year-old at all, she looked much younger than her actual age. Otherwise, we couldn't have thought about that at all."

  Lei Ming murmured: "I heard from the shopkeeper that she seems to have grown taller suddenly after she was 19 years old, and she started practicing ancient martial arts."

   "Hey? Who taught her to practice ancient martial arts?" Yi Xuanming asked suddenly.

   Lei Ming said: "Master Zhan taught it."

   "Shang Sizhan! How can he know ancient martial arts?"

   "I learned it at Jinjiu store."

   "Jinjiu shop!" Yi Xuanming was slightly surprised: "Where did you learn it in Jinjiu shop?"

   "This." After thinking for a moment, Lei Ming suddenly said, "I don't know."

  The shop owner never said anything about it at first, so he better not tell this guy.

  Yi Xuanming could see that Lei Ming didn't say anything on purpose, and turned to look at Fang Zui.

  Fang Zui shook his head, indicating that it was inconvenient for them to talk.

  (end of this chapter)

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