Chapter 1553 let people go

   Paused for a few seconds, Shi Jingnian suddenly said, "Are you sure I want to invite you, not arrest you?"

  Yi Xuanming said seriously: "Of course you invited me, why arrest me, I didn't do anything!"

  Shi Jingnian sighed: "You don't have to do this, and you don't have to feel guilty. It was originally my decision, and it has nothing to do with you."

  Yi Xuanming coughed lightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

   "Who is guilty, I am just idle and bored."

   "Then you can find something to do by yourself, don't bother Qianqian, be careful that Qian Tea Shop is rude to you, I can't help you."

  Yi Xuanming smiled: "Don't worry, I know. By the way, when will you come back?"

   "It might be a while."

   "Oh, ok, I see. See you later then."


  Hung up the phone, Yi Xuanming suddenly asked: "Qianqian, do you want to go on a trip?"

   Shi Qian: "I'm very busy!"

"Is going."

   "If you say another word, I will lock you up!"

   Before the man could continue, Shi Qian interrupted him, and Yi Xuanming immediately shut up.

   After a while, Shi Qian said: "You go. But, don't make those little tricks behind my back!"

   "Then can I come here anytime?" Yi Xuanming asked.

  Shi Qian: "No!"


   Checking the time, Yi Xuanming immediately stood up: "Okay, then I'm leaving."

  The man turned and left, Shi Qian pinched the center of her brows helplessly.

   Lei Ming murmured: "Shopkeeper, just let him go."

   Shi Qian let out a "hmm".

  Fang Zui asked: "Do you want to send someone to watch him?"

  Shi Qian said calmly: "No need."

  Yi Xuanming's goal has been achieved, he just wanted to say those things to her, and he probably won't do anything else for the time being.

   Lei Ming suddenly looked at Fang Zui and asked, "By the way, did you just ask him to restore Qian Mei's memory?"

  Fang Zui went to the sofa and sat down: "No, I just thought that if Qian Mei remembered something, if she wanted to restore her memory, we wouldn't have to find another hypnotist again."

   "What do you remember?!" Shi Qian looked at him and asked, "Is there anything wrong with Qian Mei recently?"

  Fang Zui nodded: "Well, I think it may be because everyone is familiar with it and has been in frequent contact recently, which stimulated the memory deep in her brain."

   "Did she remember something, or did she say something?" Lei Ming asked.

  Fang Zui replied: "Two days ago she suddenly asked me, have we met before? She said she seemed to have met us somewhere."

  Lei Ming strode over to him and sat down, then said: "Then she is thinking of us soon, but she is not sure yet."

  Fang Zui murmured, "It's possible."

   Lei Ming looked at Shi Qian: "Shopkeeper, do we want to restore Qian Mei's memory? Actually, I have never quite understood why you and the boss didn't allow Qian Mei to restore her memory.

  We have decided not to take revenge from the beginning. Even if Qianmei recovers her memory, she will definitely listen to you and the boss. Why not let her recover her memory? "

  Thinking for a moment, Shi Qian said: "Let me think about this matter again." After a pause, she asked again: "Is Qian Mei now interested in joining Qian Tea Shop?"

  Thunder: "."

  Fang Zui: "...Not yet, this girl is a bit wild now."

  Shi Qian: "Then wait for her to recover her memory before making a decision."

  Lu family, study room.

  Lu Yunran stood in front of the drawing board, lightly depicting a landscape.

  A moment later, a man walked in and nodded, "Sixth Young Master."

  (end of this chapter)

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