Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1576: go to dreamtime

  Chapter 1576 Go to Dreamtime

  Jiang Qianqian looked back at her and shook her head helplessly.

  She really wanted to persuade Shang Yujin that Shiqian was already the mistress of the merchant anyway, and this was an unchangeable fact. Even if she couldn't get used to it, she couldn't help it.

  But Shang Yujin wanted to be arrogant, and she couldn't listen to other people's persuasion, even her own daughter.

  She simply didn't say anything, as long as she didn't do anything excessive, otherwise, sooner or later, something would happen to the Jiang family.

  Jiang Qianqian just opened the door when Shang Yujin's voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Wait a minute."

  Jiang Qianqian stopped and turned to look at her: "What's wrong?"

  Shang Yujin stood up: "Come with me for a beauty treatment."

   "Huh? Now?"

   "Now! Tomorrow's party, you have to dress up beautifully and become the focus of the audience."

  Jiang Qianqian frowned: "I don't want to go. Mom, I'm still young, can you stop thinking about marriage?"

"You think it's so easy to find a good man, you have to do it early. I thought about it carefully, and I still need to find it among the four major families, so as to stabilize our position in the family. The development of the Lu family in the past two years That's right, you can choose one of the few boys from the Lu family."

  Jiang Qianqian's head was full of black lines: "I'm only 18 years old, what are you thinking!"

   "It's not that you want to get married now and choose a good relationship first. If you are seduced by those hillbillies first, you are so stupid, can you **** it back?"

  Jiang Qianqian snorted softly: "If I can be seduced by another woman, then it doesn't belong to me, and I don't want to!"

  Shang Yujin's complexion suddenly darkened, and she said angrily: "Why did I give birth to such a worthless **** like you!"

   "Anyway, I won't go, you have to go by yourself." Jiang Qianqian opened the door and went out.

  Shang Yujin was angry: "Come back!"

  Being depressed, Jiang Qianqian called her classmate.

   "Come out and play."


   "Okay, I'm going out now, see you later."


  Shi Qian and Murong Jing walked into the dream time together.

  The two of them were walking, when Murong Jing suddenly said, "Is it okay if you go back late? Master Zhan won't blame me, will he?"

  Shi Qian glanced sideways at her: "You used to call out often before, didn't you have this concern?"

  Murong Jing: ".Didn't I have it before?"

  Shi smiled slightly: "Let's go, come here, why do you think so much?"

   Murong Jing smiled lightly: "That's true."

   The two of them walked into the bar. When they got to the bar, Murong Jing ordered the bartender to mix two glasses of wine for them.

  Looking at the colorful cocktail, Shi Qian took a sip.

  Murong Jing said: "This is a new product, how about it?"

  Shi slightly hooked his lips and smiled: "Not bad."

   "Have you not been to a bar for a long time?"

   "Well, it's been a while." As he spoke, Shi Qian's eyes suddenly fell on a few girls on the dance floor.

  Several girls were dancing together happily, when a man suddenly came up behind one of the girls and deliberately rubbed behind her.

  The girl paused and turned to stare at the man.

  The man smiled evilly, and then said something.

  The girl stared at him coldly, and replied something.

  The man's face darkened suddenly, but he didn't say anything, and turned back to the booth next to him.

   But his eyes kept staring at the girl, like a beast staring at its prey.

  Murong Jing saw that Shiqian had been staring at the dance floor, and then followed her line of sight, but didn't see anything unusual.

   "What are you looking at?"

  (end of this chapter)

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