Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1597: someone is righteous

  Chapter 1597 Someone is justified

  In the car.

  Shi leaned against the back of the chair, stared at the man beside him for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking: "What happened just now?"

  Shang Sizhan lifted her chin with his fingers, admiring the girl's jealousy, and chuckled lightly, "Are you jealous?"

  Shi Qian: "Be honest."

   "People from the Bai Family of Jinjiu Store."

   "A member of the Bai family?" Shi Qian frowned slightly: "Don't Mr. Bai have a granddaughter?"

   "It's not the granddaughter of old man Bai, but the second room, the granddaughter of old man Bai's younger brother."

   "Why is she here? Looking for you?" Shi Qian asked again.

  Shang Sizhan replied: "The second bedroom business of the Bai family is not doing well. Seeing that Chiyan Academy is getting stronger and stronger, I have been thinking about Chiyan Academy for the past two years."

  Shi Qian raised her eyebrows: "Aren't they stupid enough to want to borrow your strength? Don't they know that you have a good relationship with Mr. Bai?"

   "They really don't know much about it."

  Time shallow: "."

  Paused for a moment, she asked again: "Then she just wants to ask you for help, and has no other unreasonable thoughts about you? Are you familiar with it?"

  Shang Sizhan said: "Not familiar."

   "Then why did she call you that? I think you are familiar!"

   "I used to study ancient martial arts at Blazing Academy, that's all."

  Shiqian snorted softly: "Why do I feel that things are not that simple! Let me see. I'll investigate."

  Shang Sizhan chuckled, "As you wish."

  The car door opened, and Shang Sizhan said softly, "Get out of the car."

   Shi Qian stared at him: "Did you do it on purpose?"


   "Deliberately don't let me continue to ask you."

  Shang Sizhan's thin lips curled slightly, and he smiled: "The night is long, is it not enough for you to ask?"

  Shi Qian: ". Enough."

   The two got out of the car and returned to the villa, then went directly upstairs.

  In the elevator, Shi Qian said again: "When did you meet at noon? What did she tell you?"

  Shang Sizhan looked sideways at her and explained: "Monday. She asked me if I wanted to get Blazing Academy."

   "Ah?" Shi Qian frowned: "Ask if you want to get Blazing Academy? What does that mean? Aren't they planning on Blazing Academy?"

   "I don't know, I didn't ask." Shang Sizhan said, "I'm in a hurry to bring you food."

  Shi Qian recalled that on Monday, Shang Sizhan brought him meals to the company. It turned out that he met another woman first at noon that day, and she was still a woman who admired him.

  Shi Qian said nothing more, the elevator door opened, and she strode out.

  Standing in the hall, she looked around, and then said, "Let's go back to our respective rooms tonight." Then, she walked to her own room.

  Shang Sizhan: "."

  Shi Qian: ".You are so confident when you see other women behind my back?!"

  (end of this chapter)

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