Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 1600: settle the bill later

  Chapter 1600 Settle accounts later

  Shi Qian was taken back to the office by Shang Sizhan.

   After a while, the secretary came in with two cups of freshly ground coffee.

   "President, madam, freshly ground coffee for the two of you."

  After putting down the coffee, the secretary walked out immediately.

   Shi Qian turned to look at the man: "You really just asked me to come up for coffee?"

  Shang Sizhan stared at her for a moment: "You really didn't care just now?"


   Shi Qian didn't speak, took a sip of coffee.

   Shang Sizhan still saw through, how could she not care.

  Especially when I heard the phrase ‘You know, I’ve liked you since I entered Blazing Academy. '

   It turns out that this woman has liked Shang Sizhan for so long. How old was Shang Sizhan at that time, only a teenager!

   "Why don't you talk?" Shang Sizhan asked.

  Shi Qian raised his eyes and looked at him: "Were you only a teenager when you entered Blazing Academy?"

  Shang Sizhan said: "13 years old!"

   "." Shi Qian's complexion was indescribable. After a pause, she said again: "So, she has been thinking about you so early!"

  Shang Sizhan explained: "She should have gone to Blazing Academy two years after I entered."

  Shi slightly frowned: "How do you remember so clearly, don't you pay attention to other women?"

   "I just calculated, and didn't deliberately remember her."

   "How to calculate?" Shi Qian seems to believe but not believe.

  Shang Sizhan coughed lightly: "I only remember that girls have approached me since I was fifteen."

  Time shallow: "."

  She drank two more sips of coffee, then put down the cup, picked up the documents on the table and stood up.

   "I'll deal with the company's affairs first, and I'll come back to deal with you at noon!"

  Shang Sizhan chuckled lightly, looking forward to it: "Okay, remember to come here early."

  Shi Qian snorted softly, took the file and left.

  The door.

  Seeing the woman coming out, Li Feng immediately nodded: "Madam, go slowly."

  Shi Qian suddenly stopped, and looked at him sharply: "Li Feng, were you there when that woman was looking for Master Zhan?"

   Li Feng was slightly taken aback, and then replied solemnly: "Madam, my subordinate is not here."



   Shi Qian snorted softly, obviously not believing it.

  However, she didn't ask any more questions and walked away.

  It wasn't until the woman walked out of the company that Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

  Backing to the company, Shi Qian's expression was still not very good-looking.

  Thinking of the woman who confessed her love to Shang Sizhan downstairs just now, she felt her chest constricted.

  The two are still together, joining forces!

  She suddenly regretted letting the woman leave so easily.

  Fang Zui and Lei Ming also just arrived at the company, and the three came out of the two elevators at the same time.

   Immediately afterwards, the two noticed that Shi Qian's complexion was not very good.

  Lei Ming whispered: "The shop owner doesn't look very well, what's wrong this early in the morning?"

  Fang Zui shook his head: "I don't know."

   Shi Qian originally ignored the two, but after walking a few steps, she suddenly stopped and turned to look at the two.

   The two were stunned for a moment.

  Fang Zui came to his senses first, and said with a smile, "Morning, owner."

  Shi glanced at the two of them: "Why are you two here now?"

   "Ah?" Lei Ming looked blank: "What's wrong?"

  Shi Qian: "Late. Fine!"

  Thunder: "."

  Fang Zui: "."

   Isn't that what they are.

   Moreover, they do not come to the company every day, but only occasionally.

   Shi Qian snorted softly, turned around and continued walking.

  Lei Ming and Fang Zui did not move, until the figure of the woman disappeared, Lei Ming spoke again: "Look, I just said that today is not suitable for going out."

  Fang Zui murmured: "I will listen to you later."

  (end of this chapter)

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