Chapter 2097 Courting death

  Chu Xi stared at the man, and said coldly: "If you dare to touch us, you will just wait for death without a place to bury you?"

  The man's eyes froze, he raised his hand and slapped her across the face: "Stinky girl, what are you! How dare you threaten me!"

  Chu Xi's fair cheeks suddenly became red and swollen.

   Seeing this, Huo Yan said angrily: "Asshole! Don't touch her!"

  The man sneered: "Miss Huo is right, I am an asshole, and now I will let you feel more assholes!"

   As he spoke, the man suddenly tore off the girl's coat.

   "Ah! Bastard, get out of here!" Huo Yan cried in fright.

"Miss Huo is so young and beautiful. She probably hasn't dated another man yet, right? Don't worry, you'll cry later." As he spoke, the man looked at Chu Xi again, and said with an evil smile, "I can have a big meal today." Yan Fu, I let you escape last time, today I must take care of you!"

  Huo Yan choked up and said, "Bastard, let me go! My brother will kill you!"

   "Don't worry, I've prepared for it long ago, he won't know it's mine, and you two don't want to take another step here!"

  The man pulled the two girls up and walked to the next room.

  At this time, there was a loud 'bang' outside, followed by the sound of several cars braking.

  The bodyguard looked out of the window and said in a panic: "Master, the kid surnamed Huo is here, and there is Second Young Master Jiang."

   "What!" The man's expression changed suddenly: "How could they be so fast!"

  He was clearly prepared!

  The wooden door of the living room was kicked open by more than a dozen bodyguards!

  Huo Fei, Chu Feng, and Jiang Ci walked in.

  The complexion became more and more terrifying.

  Huo Yan cried: "Brother, save me!"

  Seeing Chu Feng, Chu Xi was surprised: "Brother!"

  Chu Feng's face was gloomy, he stared fiercely at the man, and his voice was extremely cold: "Let her go!"

  Looking at Huo Yan's messy clothes, Huo Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Shen, you are looking for death!"

  Because Chu Xi is very skilled, the man decisively pushed her away, quickly took out the dagger at his waist and pressed it against Huo Yan's neck: "Don't move! Otherwise, I will wipe her neck and let your sister die with me!"

  Huo Fei: "If you dare to touch her, I will tear you apart!"

   "Xi'er." Chu Feng had already run towards Chu Xi.

  The four bodyguards beside him ran towards Chu Xi at the same time and grabbed a hostage, maybe they could have a chance to escape.

   It's just that Chu Feng's speed was too fast, and he pulled Chu Xi into his arms without giving them a chance to get close to Chu Xi.

  The four bodyguards wanted to rob someone, but Chu Feng covered Chu Xi's eyes at a faster speed and fired four shots in succession, followed by the sound of four people falling to the ground.

  Seeing this, the man surnamed Shen was startled, and looked at him with wide eyes: "Don't come here! If you dare to move again, I will kill this woman!"

  Chu Feng whispered in Chu Xi's ear: "Don't open your eyes."

   "Yes." Chu Xi responded softly.

  Chu Feng stared at the man with a sharp and cold gaze, and the man felt terrified at the sight of him: "Don't **** look at me, step back and let me go!"

  The man held Huo Yan and moved slowly.

  At this time, Jiang Ci said coldly: "Shen San, do you want your own life, or your family's life?"

  The man stopped suddenly: "What do you mean?"

  Jiang Ci sneered: "What do you think?"

  The man said angrily: "Don't lie to me! You can't do all this in such a short period of time."

  Jiang Ci said lightly: "I didn't say I'll arrest you now, but do you think it's difficult for me to arrest your whole family?"

  Jiang Er Shao's prestige, the man is very clear, he didn't expect Jiang Ci to help the Huo family in this way, he just kidnapped Huo Fei's sister, Jiang Ci can come in person!

  The man's hands began to tremble.

   Seeing that the time had come, Chu Feng shot quickly, snatching the dagger from the man's hand with lightning speed, and breaking his hand!

  (end of this chapter)

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