Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2104: do you regret it?

  Chapter 2104 Do you regret it?

  Chu Xi shook her head and said with a smile, "Thank you, Senior Lin, but I'm not interested. I'm not artistic, and I don't know music. Senior Lin should find someone who understands to listen to it. I'll give you the ticket."

  A trace of disappointment flashed in the boy's eyes, and he took the two tickets: "Okay then."

   "I'm going first." Chu Xi said.

  The boy nodded: "Yes."

  Because of the previous incident, the Xu family was suppressed again and again. Now Xu Ziyao has almost deserted all relatives and has no friends around her. She looks a bit haggard.

  Walking, she suddenly saw Huo Yan, hesitated for a moment, and called her: "Yan'er."

  Hearing the sound, Huo Yan turned her head: "Sister Ziyao."

   "Do you have time?"

   "I'm going to class, what's wrong?"

   "Forget it, you go, it's nothing."

  Huo Yan looked at the two girls beside her: "Let's go first."

  One of the girls whispered: "Yan'er, no one pays attention to her now, why do you still pay attention to this kind of person?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, you go first."

   "Okay, then let's go first."

  After the girl left, Huo Yan walked towards Xu Ziyao: "Sister Ziyao, you look very bad, do you want to go to the infirmary?"

   "No, I just didn't sleep well, go have a cup of coffee with me."


   The two of them went to the cafe in the school.

  Xu Ziyao suddenly laughed at herself mockingly: "I never thought that I, Xu Ziyao, would go to such a point where everyone betrays relatives, and I don't have a single friend by my side. You are the only one who can accompany me for a cup of coffee."

  Huo Yan stared at her and asked, "Sister Ziyao, do you regret it?"

   "Regret? Regret what? Regret for liking Jiangci? Or regret for dealing with Shiqian? Is regret useful?"

   "It's useful. If you regret it, stop fighting against Brother Jiang Ci or Sister Shi Qian, and just concentrate on your own career. With your ability, there will definitely be a different situation."

   "Yan'er, sometimes I envy you. Your parents really love you. You have a complete loving family and a husband who loves you. You can be so simple forever."

  Huo Yan moved her lips, and said softly: "How can I be so lucky, all good things happen to me."

  Xu Ziyao suddenly smiled: "You will. But Yan'er, remember, never fall in love with a man who doesn't love you. Otherwise, your happiness will end."

   "But... how can I control my feelings?"

  Xu Ziyao was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Do you have someone you like? Is it from your school?"

   "No, no." Huo Yan immediately denied.

  Xu Ziyao took a sip of coffee and murmured: "Whether you have it or not, you must remember, try not to let yourself fall in love with someone who doesn't love you."

   "Sister Ziyao, what are you going to do next? You...don't do it wrong with Brother Jiang Ci, you know his temper"

   "Of course I know that except for Shi Qian, he can be indifferent and decisive to anyone. But I have no way to turn back, and he hasn't given me a way to turn back."

  Xu Ziyao suddenly pinched the center of her eyebrows: "Okay, you go to class, I want to stay by myself for a while."

   "It's okay, I'll accompany you."

   "No, let's go to class."

   "Then I'll go first, if you need anything, you can find me at any time."

  Huo Yan left the coffee shop.

  Xu Ziyao looked out of the window alone. She used to be the eldest lady of the Xu family that everyone here admired, but now she has fallen into this state.

  (end of this chapter)

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