Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2106: Do not disturb a family of three

  Chapter 2106 Do not disturb a family of three

  Shi Qian stared at Shang Sizhan for a moment, speechless.

  The servants next to him retreated out, not disturbing the family of three.

  Noticing the girl's gaze, Shang Sizhan glanced sideways at her, and deliberately asked, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"


  Shi Qian didn't want to say anything more, it was useless to say it, Shang Sizhan and his son had been jealous for a day or two.

  The next day.

  Everyone arrived at Qianyue Bay.

   Bailiyi and Yuwen Chengyuan came over: "Master Zhan, madam."

  Shang Sizhan glanced sideways at Shiqian, and said softly, "Qianqian, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

  Shi Qian immediately said, "I'll go with you."

   "I will take you there next time."

   "I'll watch it sooner or later."

  Shang Sizhan's thin lips curled slightly: "Be obedient."

  Time shallow: "."

   Bailiyi looked around, but did not see Bai Wuchen.

  Secretly wondering, didn't Qian Tea Shop come with Shi Qian?

   It seems that no one from Qian Tea Shop has seen it.

  Seeing him looking around, Shi Qian said: "Don't look, they haven't arrived yet."

   "Didn't they come here today?" Bailiyi asked.

  Shi Qian: "I'm here today, but it will be later."

   "Oh." Baili Yi smiled: "Just come here today."

  A moment later, Shang Sizhan ordered: "Let's go."



   Baili Yiyu Wen Chengyuan and Shang Sizhan left together.

   Shi Qian didn't follow in the end, and carried her son back to the room to play.


  Han Jin, Bai Wuchen and others arrived at Qianyue Bay.

  Shi Qian was playing with her son in the yard.

   Several people came over: "Shopkeeper, we are here."

   "Hmm. Are the matters over there in Jindu City settled?" Shi Qian asked.

   Han Jin replied: "It's been dealt with."

  Fang Zui stretched his waist: "It's still warm in the Ninth Store. When we set off, it was snowing in Jindu City, so it was freezing."

  Shi slightly raised his eyebrows: "Is it snowing in Jindu City?"

  It wasn't there when they set off.

   "Yeah, it's a big game. It started after you and Master Zhan set off."

   Shi Qian nodded, she didn't feel much about snow, it snowed every winter, nothing unusual.

  Bai Wuchen likes snow very much, and murmured: "It would be great if it fell two days earlier, and I can still see the snow scene."

  Fang Zui glanced at him, and jokingly said: "You can come two days late, and you won't come back after the snow melts."

  Bai Wuchen: "."

  Golden capital city, great copper technology.

  Snowflakes floated in the sky, and soon the earth was covered with white.

  Huo Yan rested her chin in her hand and looked at the heavy snow falling outside the window: "It's snowing so hard. Xiao Xi, how are you going back later?"

   "Lanfeng said to pick me up, how about you?"

  Huo Yan curled her lips into a smile: "I'm going to a banquet tonight."

   "Banquet?" Seeing the smile on the girl's face, Chu Xi asked, "You look very happy, will Second Young Master Jiang also go?"

  Huo Yan smiled and nodded: "Well, Lan Feng said he would come, but am I not in a good state today?"

   "No, it's beautiful."

  Huo Yan suddenly sighed softly: "Oh, it seems useless to be pretty."


  Chu Xi wanted to comfort her, but Huo Yan smiled again: "But it doesn't matter, there will be no result anyway, I know very well."

  After class, Chu Xi left first.

  Huo Yan is still waiting for the call.

  After waiting for half an hour, the phone finally rang, and Huo Yan answered immediately: "Brother, are you finally here?"

   "Yan'er, it's me." Jiang Ci's voice sounded: "Your brother can't come, I have already arrived at the gate of your school, come out."

  (end of this chapter)

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