Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2132: don't go back

  Chapter 2132 Don't go back yet

  Lin Zhixi was stunned for a long time: "What you said is. Really?"

  Yin Xing smiled proudly: "I have all the witnesses and material evidence. I have a man in my hand who used to be the guard of the Emperor's Garden. He witnessed all this with his own eyes and recorded evidence."

  Lin Zhixi's fingers tightened suddenly, still in disbelief.

  How could the active person be Shang Sizhan!

  She always thought it was Shang Sizhan who was seduced by Shi Qian, how could a man as cold and indifferent as him take the initiative to like other women!

   Seeing her questioning expression, Yin Xing took out his mobile phone and clicked on the photo album, then handed the mobile phone to her: "Look at this video."

  Lin Zhixi took the phone and clicked to play.

  The video is a luxurious manor.

  In front of the villa, Shang Sizhan's face was extremely cold, and Shi Qian was carried on his shoulders, looking flustered and nervous, as if he wanted to say something, but hesitated.

  Shang Sizhan strode into the villa with her on his shoulders without saying a word.

   "What does this represent?" Lin Zhixi said in a deep voice.

Yin Xing sneered: "If you have to deceive yourself, then I can't help it. A woman was carried into a villa by a man, cried all night, and didn't step out of the villa all day the next day. That's not considered coercion." and house arrest?

Moreover, the reason why Shang Sizhan was angry was that Shi Qian went to another university, and Bai Liyue was the dean of that university at that time. Not only that, Shi Qian originally applied for the same university, but Shang Sizhan arbitrarily changed.

  He deliberately prevented Shi Qian from seeing Bai Liyue, and used all kinds of despicable means to keep Shi Qian by his side. Do you think he is really a high-altitude flower who doesn't like beauty, but in fact he is the most despicable person! "

   After a long silence, Lin Zhixi said slowly: "Where is that person? That guard."

  Yin Xingdao: "It's in my hands."

   "Give him to me."

   "Not yet."

   "What do you mean?" Lin Zhixi frowned.

   "Although he told me these things, he didn't dare to expose him in front of Shang Sizhan. I have to work harder."

   "Send me a copy of that video too."

  Yin Xing laughed: "Yes."

  After receiving the video, Lin Zhixi didn't watch it anymore, she suddenly opened the door and got out of the car.

   Yin Xing immediately said: "You are not looking for Shiqian, are you? Don't let her know the existence of the video for the time being!"

   "I know, I don't intend to!"

  Lin Zhixi closed the car door and walked towards Jewelry City.

  Before entering the door, she suddenly took out her phone and watched the video again.

  She suddenly smiled, feeling a little relieved.

  Although Shang Sizhan took the initiative at the beginning, at least Shang Sizhan and Shi Qian were not as affectionate as they seemed.

  If the Bai family knew what Shang Sizhan had done to Shi Qian, perhaps their marriage would not be possible.

   No matter whether the two are true or not, she doesn't want to see these two together.

  She can't stand beside Shang Sizhan, and neither can other women.

   Shi Qian went around each store and was coming out of the last store.

  Just a few steps away, a figure she didn't want to see appeared on the opposite side.

   "Why is this woman here?" Qian Mei's tone was full of disgust.

   Shi Qian glanced at the woman indifferently, and continued walking forward.

   Lin Zhixi looked at her for a moment, then continued to walk in the opposite direction to her.

  When the two passed by, Lin Zhixi thought to himself, so you are not so lucky.

  When going downstairs.

  Qian Mei asked: "Shopkeeper, are you going back now?"

  Shi looked down at the time, and then said: "I won't go back yet. Let's go to the ancient street for tea."

  (end of this chapter)

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