Chapter 2139 Sowing dissension

   After a while, Lin Zhixi found his voice: "I see."

  Hung up the phone, Lin Zhixi fell weakly on the sofa. She remembered that she once expressed her heartfelt heart in front of Bei Mingyue, and she looked like she was about to confront the head of the Nine Stores. It was a joke.

   No wonder Shang Sizhan was not afraid of Bei Mingyue at all, no wonder Bei Mingyue didn't make any moves for a long time, the two of them were just acting, in order to let them reveal themselves.

  What did Shang Sizhan think of her at that time?

   In the future, the Lin family may not have much development in the Ninth Store.

  The most important thing is that he is the head of the Nine Stores. It turns out that the man she likes is far better than what she saw.

  Lin Zhixi picked up the phone to call Yin Xing, but before her fingertips touched the screen, she suddenly stopped.

  If Yin Xing was told about this matter, he would definitely not take any further action. If he gave up, then Shang Sizhan and Shi Qian would hold their wedding smoothly.

   No, she doesn't want to see them together.

  After thinking about it, Lin Zhixi finally didn't tell Yin Xing about this matter. Of course, she didn't dare to participate in this matter anymore.

  She found an excuse to leave the city that never sleeps temporarily, and let Yin Xing act on his own.

  Yin Xing knew that Lin Zhixi was making excuses, but he didn't understand why she suddenly changed her mind.

   But this does not affect his plan, even if Lin Zhixi does not cooperate, he will do it himself.

  Even if Shang Sizhan broke up with the Bai family, he would not be able to deal with them, and he wanted them to lose something.

   No one else would take the opportunity to deal with them, not his own.

  This morning.

  Yin Xing wore a human skin mask, disguised himself and waited near Blazing Academy.

  Old man Bai's car came out from the direction of the college, Yin Xing deliberately blocked the car in the middle of the road, and took the opportunity to meet old man Bai and Shi Jingnian.

  Yin Xing got out of the car, walked to the old man's car window, and said, "Old man, Mr. Shi, can you take a step to talk?"

   "Who are you? What do you mean by wearing a mask?" Mr. Bai saw through his false face at a glance.

  Yin Xing smiled: "I really can't hide anything from the old man. Yes, I wear a mask, but I have no malicious intentions. The purpose of looking for the old man is to tell you and Mr. Shi some truth."

   "The truth?" Shi Jingnian asked.

   "Yes, about the truth about Miss Shi and Shang Sizhan being together, Miss Shi didn't do it voluntarily, she was forced by Shang Sizhan."

   "Nonsense!" Mr. Bai naturally didn't believe it, and shouted: "No matter who you are, if you dare to talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude to you."

   "Master, I have evidence." As he spoke, Yin Xing took out his phone and clicked on the video: "Look, this is the evidence, and it was taken by the guard next to Shang Sizhan."

  Master Bai and Shi Jingnian looked at the video. In the video, Shang Sizhan was indeed very angry, and Shi Qian was carried on his shoulders, nervous and flustered.

  Old man Bai frowned suddenly: "This brat is quite scary when he is angry, he dares to scare Qianqian."

   Shi Jingnian said: "There should be some misunderstanding."

   "It's not a misunderstanding." Yin Xingdao: "It was Shang Sizhan who prevented Miss Shi from seeing the person she likes and Ms. Bai Liyue. Mr. Bai, Mr. Shi, maybe you don't know the real Shang Sizhan at all."

   "Stop Qianqian from seeing Liyue? What do you mean?" Elder Bai asked.

   "At that time, Miss Shi didn't know that his mother was still alive, but Shang Sizhan knew that in order to keep Miss Shi by his side, Shang Sizhan deliberately concealed it, and even used various methods to prevent the two from meeting."

  (end of this chapter)

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