Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2337: you don't believe it

  Chapter 2337 Forget it if you don’t believe it

  Lin Yan said again: "Sun still likes your brother, and the Sun family also likes him very much. Recently, the Sun family has often deliberately created scandals between the two of them, making everyone think they are a couple."

   "How do you know this?" Chu Xi was puzzled.

   "Our family has business contacts with the Sun family. I heard from my father and my uncle that Ms. Sun and Lan from Shengshi Investment are always a couple."

  Chu Xi: "."

Lin Yan said again: "The power of the Sun family in Jindu City should not be underestimated. Moreover, there are rumors that the Sun family is secretly doing things in a dirty way. If they find out about your relationship with Lan Feng, it may be bad for you. Be careful yourself. .”

  Paused for a moment, Chu Xi said: "Lin Yan, thank you."

  Lin Yan smiled wryly: "Don't be polite to me, I don't want anything to happen to you."


  Chu Xi went to Shengshi Investment.

  In front of Lanfeng's office, she suddenly stopped when she heard the voice inside.

  The female voice said softly: "Lanfeng, my dad is also for the support of other shareholders, don't mind."

   Lan Feng's voice was serious: "Miss Sun, I can't help but mind."

   "It's just a play on the occasion, just for a while, is it really not okay?" There was a bit of grievance in the woman's soft voice.

  Lan Feng said: "I have someone I like, this is unfair to her, and she will be unhappy."

   "It's just acting on the occasion and it's not true. If she really loves you, she should understand you. If it were me, I would definitely understand you and support you. I won't make you half-divided."

   "I'm not embarrassing, I just don't want her to be wronged. No matter when, she is the only woman in my blue peak."

  The woman was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "I see, I will make Dad stop doing this. Lan Feng, I am willing to do anything for you, even if it is against my father."

   After speaking, there was a sound of high heels, and then the office door opened.

  Chu Xi and Sun Yiran looked at each other, and both of them were startled.

   "Xi'er!" Lan Feng looked at the girl at the door.

   "Blue Peak."

  Chu Xi walked into the office and closed the door.

   "When did you come?" Lan Feng asked.

   "Just arrived. A few minutes." Chu Xi replied.

   "You, heard that?"


  Lan Feng pulled the girl into his arms and said softly, "I will take care of this matter."

  Chu Xi leaned in his arms and didn't speak.

  Sun Yiran's words just now still echoed in her ears. It sounded really affectionate, but the purpose was too obvious.

   "Why are you here suddenly?" Lan Feng asked again.

  Chu Xi looked up at him with a small face, and replied: "I heard that Mr. Lan of Shengshi Investment and Miss Sun's family are in a relationship, so I'll come and take a look."

  Blue Peak: "."

  Chu Xi deliberately said again: "When did you get a girlfriend, Lanfeng? Don't tell me."

  Lan Feng's thin lips slightly curled up, and her fingers raised her chin: "You don't know when I got a girlfriend."

   "How do I know, I know it all from other people's mouths."

   "Who told you that?"


  Seeing that the girl didn't speak, there seemed to be a hint of guilt in her eyes. Lan Feng lowered his head slightly, approached her, and asked, "Who told you?"

  Chu Xi: "I listened to other students' discussions at school."

   "Students in your school still talk about this?"

   "Of course, those senior students who have already practiced like to gossip about major companies, and Shengshi is of course no exception."

  This is the truth. Those seniors who have already practiced really like to get together to discuss the gossip of major companies, including Shengshi Investment, and Lanfeng Sheng Mingyu is also included in the gossip.

  But Lan Feng knew the little woman in front of him too well. From the guilty look in her eyes, he guessed that she was not telling the truth.

   "Lie! Tell the truth!"

   "I'm telling the truth, forget it if you don't believe it!" Saying that, Chu Xi pushed him away and was about to walk inside.

  (end of this chapter)

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