Mr. Zhan’s Little Demon is All Grown up

Chapter 2349: Someone is following

  Chapter 2349 Someone is following

  The girl hurriedly said: "I thought they didn't dare to do anything, I just wanted them to scare her, I didn't think so much."

   "I just said something casually, I didn't expect your father to do this."

The girl cried anxiously, and noticed Chu Xi who was walking over, and immediately said: "Chu Xi, Chu Xi! Can you beg for mercy for me? I know I'm wrong, and you can tell me to do whatever you want, as long as I stay in Tong Great skill, please."

  Chu Xi glanced at her indifferently, but said nothing.

  She would not plead with Lin Yan for such a woman, she is not such a virgin yet.

  She will remember those who are kind to her, and will repay them twice, and she will not condone those who are malicious to her.

  Chu Xi walked into the school gate without saying a word.

  Lin Yan didn't bother to entangle with her anymore, so he was about to leave.

  The girl stopped him, choked up and said, "Lin Yan, do you really want to be so heartless?"

   "Get out of the way! Otherwise, you won't just leave the Bronze Technology University."

  The girl smiled suddenly: "Okay, I understand, this is an era of the jungle, you are all indifferent people, I shouldn't beg and expect you to be soft-hearted and forgive me."

  The girl turned and left without saying another word.

  Lin Yan quickly caught up with Chu Xi: "Chu Xi, do you think I'm too indifferent and decisive?"

  Chu Xi said lightly: "I didn't say anything, isn't my attitude the same as yours? The same indifference and determination."

"It's not the same. After all, you are the one who was threatened, so naturally you can't forgive her. As long as I think that you are threatened because of me, I can't forgive myself." After a pause, Lin Yan continued: "And , I am worried that that woman will not let it go, I will send bodyguards to protect you."

  Chu Xi said: "No need, I don't need other people's protection, I can protect myself."

   "Those are just punks who are easier to deal with. If you encounter some thugs, it will be difficult for you to deal with."

   "Lin Yan, someone is secretly protecting me, you really don't have to."

   "Is it arranged by Mr. Lan?" Lin Yan asked.


"I see."

  Lin Yan didn't say anything more, but still sent bodyguards to protect her secretly.

  This afternoon, Lan Feng came to the school to pick up Chu Xi early after work. The car was driving for a while, and he felt something was wrong. It seemed that other cars were following them.

   After thinking for a moment, Lan Feng turned the steering wheel and changed the route.

  Chu Xi immediately said: "Huh? How do you go this way?"

   "Someone is following us."

   "What!" Chu Xi immediately looked into the rearview mirror, observed for a while, and sure enough there was a suspicious car, "Who could it be?"

  Lan Feng pressed the bluetooth to connect to the mobile phone and called his subordinates.

   Soon his men arrived near his position, stopped the suspicious car, and then grabbed the man inside.

Lan Feng stopped the car on the side of the road, and said to Chu Xi, "You are not allowed to get out of the car." Afterwards, he got out of the car, looked at the imprisoned man in front of him, and asked, "Who sent you here? "

  The man glanced at Chu Xi who was sitting in the car, and replied: "I have no malicious intentions, Master Lin sent me to protect Miss Chu."

  Chu Xi: "."

Lan Feng glanced sideways at the dazed girl sitting in the car, then turned to look at the man, and said coldly: "Stop following Chu Xi, or I'll break your leg! Also, go back and tell Lin Yan , Just take care of yourself, and he doesn't need to worry about other people."

  The man nodded: "I see."

  (end of this chapter)

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