Chapter 2352 Speechless

   In order to break the awkward atmosphere, the girls next to her changed the subject.

   "Mengmeng, I heard that you are going to Shengshi Investment for an internship. Congratulations."

  Hearing this, the girl opposite Chu Xi who dared to be angry and dare not speak up just now became proud instantly: "Yes, I'm going next Monday."

   "Wow! Then isn't your boss the same as Young Master Sheng and the rumored upstart of Jindu City, Mr. Lan?"

  The girl laughed softly: "I just went to practice, I don't know the result yet, it's too early to say the boss."

   "Your grades are so good, you will definitely be kept, and you will develop in the prosperous age in the future, don't forget about us."

   "Yes, yes, Mengmeng, can you arrange a job for us through the back door?"

  The girl smiled and said, "Don't make fun of me. Shengshi Investment is now one of the hottest companies in the investment world. How can it be so easy to get confused."

   "Don't be modest! By the way, I heard that Young Master Sheng is unrestrained, you are so beautiful, do you think Young Master Sheng will fall in love with you?"

  The girl stroked her hair, and said a little shyly: "The more you guys talk, the more you go too far. There are so many beauties around Young Master Sheng, how could you fall in love with me?"

  Although she said this, the girl's eyes were shining brightly. If something could happen to the dignified young master of the Sheng family, then she would have a bright future.

  Not to mention a little Chu Xi, even Huo Yan wouldn't dare to do anything to her.

  A girl said again: "By the way, Mr. Lan, another partner of Shengshi Investment, is also very handsome. He can do it too."

  Another girl said: "I heard that Mr. Lan is very cold, especially towards women, and he has never heard of any scandals with any women."

   "Huh? Indifferent! Doesn't Mr. Lan like women?"


   "Well, forget it, let's be the flirtatious Young Master Sheng. Men are not bad and women don't love them."

  Listening to the conversation of several people, Chu Xi was extremely speechless.

  The girl who was originally timid suddenly gained some confidence at this time, and gave Chu Xi a cold look, and when she achieved success in Shengshi Investment, she must wash away today's shame, so that this **** dare not be arrogant in front of her.

   "By the way, Mengmeng, what is your position in Shengshi?"

  The girl rolled her eyes and replied, "Assistant to the general manager."

   "Assistant to the general manager! Isn't that a direct contact with senior leaders! Mengmeng, you are too good."

  The girl smiled: "Actually, it's nothing."

   In fact, she is just an ordinary little assistant, but she is determined to work hard to climb up, no matter what the price is.

   After a while, the professor entered the classroom, and everyone stopped chatting.

  Chu Xi's ears finally cleared up. She knew that the girl was lying. The assistant to the general manager of Shengshi Investment was a very capable woman. After working with the general manager for many years, it was impossible to replace her with a newcomer.

  But she didn't bother to expose the girls, and she didn't want them to know about her relationship with Lanfeng.

  Since she no longer lives near the school, Chu Xi has settled in the dormitory, and occasionally goes to the dormitory to rest at noon.

  In order to accompany her, Huo Yan also applied for a dormitory, and the two were in the same room.

   At noon this day, the two were staying in the dormitory. Huo Yan was reading comics with her mobile phone in her arms, fascinated by them.

  Chu Xi glanced curiously, and asked, "Is it very good-looking? So fascinated by it?"

  Huo Yan said: "Of course it looks good. Do you know who the author of this cartoon is?"

   "Who is it?"

   "Sister Shiqian, I think this comic is like her and Master Zhan. She is the little rabbit picked up by Master Zhan's big bad wolf."

   "Little rabbit?" Chu Xi raised her eyebrows: "She has nothing to do with little rabbits, right? She's so powerful."

"She is very powerful in front of other people, but she is like a little rabbit in front of Lord Zhan." Huo Yan laughed, and said again: "Haha, Lan Feng said it, but he dared to secretly Say it, I dare not say it in front of Sister Shiqian."

   While the two were talking, the dormitory door was suddenly pushed open, and two girls walked in.

  Seeing Huo Yan, the two immediately burst into smiles, and said courteously: "Yan'er, we bought a lot of food, do you want to eat?"

  Huo Yan said indifferently: "Thank you, no need."

  The two didn't ask Chu Xi. They always felt that Chu Xi was attached to Huo Yan, but she was just a little follower by Huo Yan's side. She was still an orphan and had no power at all.

  (end of this chapter)

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