Early winter night, very cold.

However, it still can't stop the bustle and prosperity of this metropolis, and the neon lights in the streets and alleys flicker.

The hurried faces looked strange in the dim light.

Pedestrians walking to the street wrapped themselves tightly to resist the cold in the night.

Ah Yi drove the car very seriously and glanced at Song Li from the rearview mirror. For a time, he was not used to it. After all, ah Yi had never seen Song Li silent.

Since she got on the bus, she only said one word, and then kept silent. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"Ah Yi."

The delicate girl who had been looking out the window suddenly withdrew her eyes and looked at the driving ah Yi with a pair of beautiful apricot eyes.

Ah Yi was stunned for a moment. He immediately sat upright and stretched his face. "Miss Song, what's the matter?"

Song Li leaned back lazily, put his arms around his chest and asked quietly, "what's your relationship with Leng Feng? Or what's his prestige among you?"

"Miss Song, why do you suddenly ask this?"

"To tell you the truth, I'll challenge him in a month." Ali raised his lips and looked at ah Yi with a smile. "Ah Yi, tell me what you know."

Ah Yi was stunned at once. He smoked fiercely at the corners of his mouth. He raised his head and took a sneak look at the expressionless girl sitting on the back seat from the rearview mirror. She, she should challenge captain Leng?

"Hey! Don't be in a daze! Tell me quickly."

"Captain Leng is a little cold at ordinary times and never comes into contact with us in private, but his force value is above me. When I add ah Yi and ah Er together, it is estimated that I can draw with him."

Hearing ah Yi's words, Song Li Wei frowned invisibly, reached out his hand to help his forehead, and looked thoughtful, "that is to say, cold front has a high prestige in your dark guard?"

Ah Yi nodded seriously and said, "it can be said that after all, he is the most powerful one among us. He has been the captain for two years."

"For two years?"

"Miss Song, you should not know that our dark guard conducts an assessment every three months. At that time, every member has the opportunity to challenge the captain, the winner will replace the loser and step down."

When ah Yi said this, Song Li couldn't help frowning, and a pair of beautiful apricot eyes narrowed in embarrassment.

"Six months ago, I challenged the captain of the supercooling team."

Ali shrugged and smiled, "then you lost to the cold front."

After a pause, she raised her eyebrows and smiled. The corners of her mouth were evil. She continued, "ah Yi, to tell you the truth, I must win him and win his trust."

Ah Yi choked, swallowed hard and said carefully, "Miss Song, this... May be a little difficult."

"It's not a little difficult, it's very difficult, but it doesn't matter. Isn't there still a month?" Ali half narrowed his eyes and smiled, as if he didn't care.

In fact, Song Li is very upset at the moment. In case she loses

Ah Yi wondered why Miss Song couldn't figure it out and had to challenge captain Leng? He secretly glanced at the girl behind him from the rearview mirror, and his eyebrows tightened even more.

In order to alleviate the strange atmosphere in the carriage, Ali grinned and said half jokingly, "Hey, ah Yi, you don't seem to look at me?"

"No, No."

Ah Yi quickly shook his head. There was a young master. The captain should not let Miss Song lose miserably.

The girl gave a disdainful light, and then lay on the glass window and looked outside. Her chin was on the back of her hand. Her beautiful apricot eyes narrowed slightly, and the dark light flashed away in the depths of her eyes.

Half an hour later.

A Yi parked his car in front of an apartment.

At this time, it was very dark, and a few small stars flashed in the velvet night.

On both sides of the road, the dim yellow street lights scattered a large area of darkness and pulled the figure of pedestrians long.

Song Li didn't let ah Yi follow her, but walked in alone.

In the afternoon, when bearded received Liang Rong's mother and daughter, he brought them here.

Ali's intuition has always been accurate. She is sure that Liang Rong must know something. Otherwise, why should Liang Rong suddenly remind her of song Jingye?

Along the way, Ali thought a lot of things and closely linked them. She always felt that she had ignored the most important part, but she couldn't remember it.

Take a deep breath and Ali knocks at the door.

Soon, the closed door was opened from inside. Bearded put his hands on his chest, looked inside again and said disapprovingly, "little girl, the person you want is inside."

Ali pursed his lips and smiled. His good-looking eyes narrowed slightly. "Then, can you avoid it?"

The beard was stunned by the girl's bright eyes and immediately agreed, "OK! I'll avoid it."

"Thanks a lot! I'll treat you to supper later."

"It's a deal."


At a glance, the living room is simple black and white, low-key and luxurious.

Liang Rong sat on the sofa with her body half bowed, her forehead against her knees and her hands tightly holding her lower legs.

Her long curly hair was casually pulled behind her head, completely without the elegance of the past.

It seemed that she heard the sound of footsteps. Liang Rong slowly raised her head and looked in the direction of the sound.

The next second, her eyes narrowed, she stared at the girl in front of her eyes, and suddenly smiled at herself.

Laughing, tears rolled out of his eyes.

"In fact, you're very smart, but why didn't you expect such a day?" slightly raised his chin. Ali looked at Liang Rong with a smile and fell comfortably into the sofa.

After a pause, she lifted her lips with cynicism, and her eyes flashed cold, "Liang Rong, he can be so cruel to my mommy and me. Can't he be cruel to you?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I know all about the accident five years ago."

Liang Rong was suddenly stunned. Her already pale face was even whiter now, as if she had painted several layers of white paint.

She looked at the girl around her in horror, her mouth slightly opened, as if she had found something terrible, and asked tremblingly, "you, when did you know?"

Ali's eyes were light, his mouth was evil, and a pair of deep black eyes, like a vortex in the deep sea, "just half a month ago, I saw the driver in Nancheng."

"Liang Rong, you should know what you have done yourself. However, you don't have to be afraid. I won't do anything to you. After all, Liang Qi has borne everything for you."

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