Shen Fankai is very excellent. She likes his opposite sex a lot. She just doesn't want the girl to get hurt, but who thought the girl misunderstood her! She even felt strange to her.

How do you explain it?

"Little girl, I..."

Bai Luoyu suddenly regretted. Xian Mei tightly screwed together, but she didn't know how to explain for a moment.

Ali bent his lips and his tone was still light: "aunt, I can understand what you mean. In fact, even if you don't say it, I've always planned to take a detour when I see him from a distance."

"By the way, it seems that the wind is blowing. Let me take you back!"

"Little girl, I don't mean that. I just, I just don't want you..."

"I'm really not interested in him, not at all, so don't worry. I'll never take your prospective son-in-law."

Speaking of this, Ali felt that he was really angry.

Otherwise, how could she show her edge in a strange place? The woman in front of her knew that her identity was very unusual, but she couldn't stand this injustice.

Especially she liked this woman at first sight. She just thought she was very kind, but in the end

Pressing down the discomfort in his heart, Ali raised his chin slightly, and a shallow smile rippled from the corners of his mouth.

Seeing the girl around her with a firm face, Bai Luoyu was confused and even worried, "little girl, you really misunderstood. I'm just worried about you, I..."

"Aunt, I don't need people to worry. Really, you'd better worry about your daughter!"

Ali's tone was a little stiff. Even she recognized it.

But she just couldn't help it. She knew it shouldn't be like this. However, she seemed to have a backlog of evil fire in her heart. She kept running around and hit the heart wall hard. She wanted to burn all this.

Bai Luoyu's face slightly changed with his proud and cold eyes.

The corners of her mouth moved, as if to say something, but she couldn't say a word.

In fact, Ali would like to say that Shen Fankai is really not a good man, let alone a good man.

The first time I met her in a psychiatric hospital, if she hadn't slipped away quickly, she would guarantee that Shen Fankai would kill her. Maybe he still has such a mind now.

After a long distance, Ji Wei saw Bai Luoyu and Song Li sitting on the corridor. At the same time, she also felt the indistinct unhappiness between them.

He was stunned immediately. With his mother's temperament, he would never easily get impulsive with people, not to mention that Ali was still a little girl. Did Ali annoy his mother?

It doesn't look so far.

Ji Wei frowned and felt very angry. She had an impulse to run away.

One is a sister and the other is a mother.

He is both a big brother and a son. It's really difficult to be a man when he is caught in the middle! Ji Wei sighed helplessly and could only go forward with a stiff head. Who let this matter be spread by him!

"Mom, why did you run out again?" suddenly she pretended to find something. Ji Wei brightened her eyes and said with a smile, "girl Li is also here! Are you chatting?"

Hearing what big beard said, Ali was stunned.

Mom? Beard even called the beautiful woman "Mom". Before he came, he promised beard that he would persuade his mom to allow him to fall in love.

Now it seems that

Ali took a deep breath, raised his eyes and secretly looked at his beard.

Bai Luoyu was stunned and couldn't wait to ask, "Xiaowei, do you know this little girl?"

"My younger martial sister."

Ji Wei explained in a brisk tone.

Hearing what he said, Bai Luoyu's hanging heart finally fell back, hurriedly pulled his son's sleeve and looked at him, "Xiaowei, tell this girl to stop being angry with me. I didn't mean to say those words, I just..."

Worried about her?

Who would believe this if it were said? After all, she met the little girl for the first time.

Ji Wei:

These two people are really in conflict, but with the temperament of Ali and his mother, they should not! But Ali's face was a little stiff, especially after his mother finished speaking.

Estimated that Ali was really angry.

Ji Wei lowered her eyes and sighed slightly in her heart. Mom, this is your daughter who has been thinking about for 20 years. If someone stands in front of you, you make her angry. I don't know... I don't know what to say about you! You are really great.

Thinking so, he dared not reveal the slightest on his face and dare not say it on his mouth.

After a pause, Ji Wei asked without trace, "Mom, what did you say to make Ali unhappy?"

Bai Luoyu turned his head and looked apologetically at the girl around him.

Before she could say anything, Ali said carelessly, "in fact, it's nothing, just..." as the conversation turned, she pursed her lips, raised her eyes and stared at the beard, "beard, I guess I can't do what I promised you before."

"By the way, bearded, your mother had snack colic just now. Take good care of her. I went to find the beautiful master."

With that, Ali immediately stood up, turned decisively and walked towards the end of the corridor.

"Little girl..."

Bai Luoyu frowned and wanted to say something, but Ali had strided away.

Ji Wei couldn't help but stretch out her hand to help her forehead. She only felt that naoren hurt and finally arranged to meet, but who thought there was an accident. The two met in advance and were very unhappy.

"Mom, it's your fault. Ali's temper is so good. Why do you..."

Looking at his mother's face of shame, he couldn't bear to blame.

Ji Wei glanced helplessly, and finally knew how Ji Zhenhua had spoiled his wife for decades. His mother only frowned, but every man was reluctant to let her sad.

"Mom, I don't blame you, I just think! You are so old, how can you speak so frankly! Especially with the little girl, it's not! People clearly like you, but you have to make people angry, I really don't understand..."

Bai Luoyu frowned and couldn't help asking, "what don't you understand?"

"I don't understand why dad took a fancy to you!"

Hearing his son's jokes, Bai Luoyu blushed, stared at him angrily and said angrily, "smelly boy, are you itchy again and want to be whipped by your father?"

Ji Wei choked and begged for mercy: "don't! Mom, I won't say it. Can't I say it?"

"By the way, mom, Ali is a classmate of the full moon. Don't mention it to her when you go back."

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