It's hard to bear. How can it be broken! Ji Wei sighed slightly in her heart.

Bai Luoyu flushed her eyes and wanted to immediately think of Ali as her daughter. However, she hesitated at the thought of her son, who is over 30 and has always been a single dog.

This girl is so nice and kind-hearted. What if Xiaowei likes her? Still no, No.

"Ali, why do you think so? Of course I won't dislike you! I even want to..."

I want you to be my daughter-in-law!

For a moment, Bai Luoyu couldn't say this. He could only keep winking at Ji Wei. Son, aren't you going to say anything? There will be no shop after this village!

Ji Wei couldn't help but help her forehead.

sham dead!

"In short, Ali, if you have nothing to do in the future, go home to dinner with Xiaowei. Aunt's cooking is very good. Just tell your aunt what you want to eat at that time."

Hearing Bai Luoyu's blurting out words, Ali felt warm in his heart, as if wrapped in the sun.

She bent her lips, half narrowed her eyes and smiled, "beautiful aunt, I remember."

"Then you must come." then Bai Luoyu poked his son's arm again. "Xiao Wei, don't always be stunned! If you are so silent, which girl will like it!"

Ji Wei immediately choked.

So, is his single Wang despised again? Or rejected by his own mother.

Ali's heart jumped and suddenly heard a different taste. He quickly said with a smile: "beautiful aunt, you misunderstood the eldest martial brother. The eldest martial brother is called low-key and introverted. There are as many girls like him as carp crossing the river, but the eldest martial brother's vision is too high."

Then she smiled again. Her silly little appearance was like the two fools in the next village.

Bai Luoyu liked the girls around her more and more. She was satisfied with what she thought. She had to let Xiao Wei work harder.

"Elder martial brother, am I right?"

Ali winked at the beard again.

Ji Wei sighed a little and was very pleased that the two women had joined forces to run on him!

The host and the guest enjoyed the dinner.

So that Ali completely forgot her initial unhappiness. When she came out of the private room, she took Bai Luoyu's arm. The two walked together like a pair of high-value mothers and daughters.

"Xiao Wei, you must send Ali home safely. You can't leave until the light in her room is on."

Bai Luoyu couldn't help asking again.

Ji Wei nodded again and again, "Mom, I know. Hurry up! If you don't go back, dad will call."

It is said that Ji Zhenhua did this every time when he was dating with Ji Zhenhua, so that Bai Luoyu now gradually loses his memory, but still has a deep memory of these past things.

"OK! I'll go back first, Ali. I must be a guest at home."

"OK, beautiful aunt."


"Take you back to Bo mansion?"

Ji Wei turned her head and asked the girl around her. He saw the previous scene.

The girl shrugged her shoulders, half narrowed her eyes and smiled, "of course, go back to Bo residence." otherwise, where can she go? Really let Ji Wei help her find a house outside? That's what happened after the college entrance examination.

Listening to Ali's resolute tone, Ji Wei sighed a long sigh, her own good cabbage!

Seeing that she was still standing in a daze, Ji Wei couldn't help but urge: "little girl, get on the bus quickly!"

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw the thin cold pool not far away. Jiang Yuan was still standing beside me. I wanted to beat him!

"Little girl, why don't you go back to Bo residence tonight? Elder martial brother takes you to stay in a five-star hotel. If you don't want to stay in a hotel, go home with elder martial brother and give you your bed."

I can't stand the little girl's sad look!

Seeing that Ali was still silent, Ji Wei racked her brains and continued to say, "otherwise, I'll give you free! Little girl, this free is not for nothing..."

Without waiting for Ji Wei to finish, Ali turned his head, glanced at him fiercely, and said unhappily: "cheap, no good goods! Let alone free."

Ji Wei:

Proper discrimination!

At the same time, when Bo Hanchi came out of the plum garden, he looked up and saw the girl standing next to a flamboyant red super run, Ali?

His eyes lit up, that is to say, he didn't look at her before. When he first came in, the figure he saw was her!

The next second, Bo Hanchi had already opened his slender legs and strode towards the girl not far away.

"Cold pool..."

Just after walking out, Jiang Yuan's voice of near despair came from behind.

She stood quietly where she was, and the only pride left on her did not allow her to catch up, even if the man planned to leave her here alone.

Bo Hanchi didn't stop. At this moment, only the girl standing stubbornly in the night wind was left in his heart and eyes.

He wanted to appear in front of her immediately and then press her into his arms.

"Little girl, it's free! Don't you really want it?"

Looking at the man coming not far away, Ji Wei deliberately lowered her voice and gave a meaningful reminder.

Ali sniffed, "no!"

"One last chance?"


"Sleeping trough! You girl, why are you so obsessed! What's good about that boy? He has two eyes, one nose and one mouth. He's no more than your eldest martial brother!"

Seeing that the girl was still indifferent, Ji Wei held her forehead with one hand and frowned helplessly. It's really nice! He really couldn't swallow that breath. His fresh and tender cabbage

This guy, even the girl of the yuan family is unfair. What's the face to come to Ali!

But this little girl is stupid!

"No! Little girl, I'll take care of it. If I don't do anything and don't say anything, Bai ran will have to scold me when she knows. That guy is just like monk Tang, nagging very much!"

Then, whether Ali agreed or not, he immediately came out of the flamboyant red sports car and provocatively scratched his lips at the man not far away.

Thin cold pool picked eyebrows, and those dark eyes sank instantly, like the deep sea with dark tide surging in the night.

He quickened his pace.

With a heavy step, it was like stepping on her heart. Ali stood in place expressionless, but his fingers hanging on both sides of his thighs tightened little by little without trace.

"Ah! Little girl, are you nervous?"

Ji Wei raised her lips and asked with a smile.

Ali immediately choked, and the tight little face split in an instant.

She turned her head and stared at him angrily, "elder martial brother, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!"

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