Zhang Guihua stopped crying and said obediently, "I, I said, I'll tell you, but you must keep it a secret and never say it, otherwise..."

Zhuang Xiaoyu nodded without hesitation, "OK! I promise you."

"My name is Zhang Guihua. In my arms is my little girl. I began to take care of her in two months. The little girl also has a sister. She is a star and her name is song Chuwei. If you don't believe it, you can check it on the Internet and you will find my miss."

Zhang Guihua dared not lie at all.

"Song Chuwei?" Bo San was stunned. "Aunt Zhang, you really didn't lie to us?"

Zhuang Xiaoyu squinted and looked suspiciously at Bo San. "Do you know him?"

Bo San sneered with disdain and said with a sneer, "know! How can you not know! Song Chuwei is song Jingye's daughter and has lived under the same roof with song Li for six or seven years."

"You, you know my lady? Girl, I said I didn't lie to you. I won't lie to you."

Zhang Guihua wept with joy.

Bo San just sneered and didn't say anything.

Seeing that they didn't ask any more, Zhang Guihua's hanging heart finally fell back. She was really worried that they would find out the truth and that she would not help saying it all.

"Sir, can you drive faster? My little lady is very ill. I'm worried about her."

Zhang Guihua almost begged.

Bo San was silent, and the speed was raised by him again.

Zhuang Xiaoyu doesn't know the grudge between Song Chuwei and Song Li, but she sees that Bo San's face is not very good, so she doesn't continue to ask.


More than ten minutes later, Bo San parked his car at the gate of the emergency center.

Zhang Guihua anxiously hugged sissy to get off the bus, perhaps because she was too nervous. When she got off the bus, she stumbled at her feet, and the child in her arms was almost thrown out by inertia.

Thin three eyes and hands quickly, quickly helped her.

That is, at this moment, Bo San saw clearly the child held by Zhang Guihua. Where was the child sick? He was obviously injured. His cheek was swollen like steamed bread.

There's blood on the corners of the mouth.

Zhuang Xiaoyu looked out all the time because she was worried. Naturally, she also saw thin San's face and couldn't help clicking in her heart.

Zhuang Xiaoyu quickly got off the bus and asked eagerly, "what's the matter?"

With those meaningful Phoenix eyes, Zhang Guihua turned pale and said tremblingly, "please, please let me go to the doctor to save my little lady. I will tell you other things."

"Zhuang Xiaoyu, you wait for me here. I'll go in with Aunt Zhang."

"No, I want to be with you, too."


Microblog fryer!

Song Chuwei exposed a group of pictures on his microblog. Each picture is shocking. In the picture is a lovely baby, but the baby's white and tender skin is full of bruises, piece by piece

At the same time, she also wrote a paragraph: "you must also recognize who the child in the picture is. She is my own sister sissy. I work hard to take care of her, but the nanny in my family treats sissy like this. All the injuries on sissy are from her hands! She is a frightening devil!

My sister is only ten months old, so cute, how can she do it! I don't understand, I really don't understand, I'm so good to her at ordinary times, does she bully our sisters? My mommy died in a car accident, and my father doesn't want to bear the living expenses of me and my sister.

I really don't know what I did wrong! What did my sister do wrong! Why should I be so cruel to her? "

Every word is like weeping blood!

Every word comes from the heart!

Countless netizens rushed to song Chuwei's home page to give her encouragement, comfort and support

Sui Sui Ru Ge: "Weiwei, we will support you. You must send this vicious nanny to prison. If you need our help, please tell us."

Whispered: "how could there be such a vicious person in the world! It should be cut thousands of times. This person doesn't deserve to live in this world. It's too cruel! It's too vicious!"

Weiwei's Guardian: "poor sissy! How could you meet such a scum nanny! It's not enough to vent people's anger even if such a person dies 10000 times!"

Sdkfhfg: "human flesh her! Lest she harm other people's babies in the future!"

A drop in the ocean: "this matter has broken the law. It's the crime of child abuse. I don't make any comments. I just wait for the police uncle to investigate the situation and tell you the truth."

Naihffa: "for a girl as kind as Wei Wei, she must not have the heart to sue her nanny. After all, she is only 19 years old and has to take care of her own sister who is only ten months old. Kneel down and beg to make Weiwei's resources better, so that when she has money, she can take better care of sissy."


In a very short time, the forwarding volume of this microblog exceeded 100000. The number of messages on the microblog home page of song Chuwei was unprecedented, and the growth rate of the number of fans was increasing.

At the same time, Song Li's microblog home page was captured by netizens, all the Navy hired by song Chu Wei.

Qiulin Shili: "Song Li, you have no conscience! You are too cold-blooded! Although you have no blood relationship with Wei, you two have lived under the same roof for six or seven years. As sisters, how can you ignore Wei and sissy?"

Frost stained the dust: "Weiwei and sissy have been bullied like that. Don't you take a look? Even if you are a stranger, you will have compassion! Not to mention Weiwei once called your sister."

Lvluo: "Song Li, I advise you to be kind!"

This is your Yida: "don't be too cold-blooded. Be careful where people treat you like this! So go and see sissy. It's good for everyone."


It's late, but Ji full moon can't sleep. Her mind is full of the things explained by the masked man. She wants to persuade Song Li to move back to Ji's house anyway. She doesn't understand why Song Li should move back to Ji's house? What good will Song Li's moving back to Ji's house do to the masked man!

Sitting at the head of the bed for a long time, Ji full moon still has no clue.

She picked up her mobile phone and brushed her microblog boring. A hot search ranked first attracted her attention. Song Chuwei's sister was abused by the nanny. The second one was about Song Li.

Ji manyue squinted and clicked in.

She looked very carefully and soon figured out what was going on! He immediately raised his lips in mockery.

Abused by a nanny?

Was it really abused by the nanny? Or, the nanny was just pulled out to top the cylinder!

As for song Li, it's really pathetic. It can be kidnapped by those ignorant netizens!

Ji manyue stared at her cell phone and hesitated.

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