For Ali, nothing can defeat her. As long as she wants, she will work hard to complete it.

The first day was physical training, which was a piece of cake for Ali. Because of the competition with Nanxi before, she has been popular all over the military region, so when recording the program, she became particularly low-key. She did what the director said.

Ali warned himself not to be in the limelight, not in the limelight, no matter what

At the end of the first and second day of recording, several people were still tired except Ali.

The focus is on the third day, teamwork, each two people in a group, stars and plain people in a team.

They climbed a mountain from 9 a.m. to 12 noon the next day, that is, they needed to stay in the wild for 27 hours.

Each group should not only reach the end within the specified time, but also beware of the attack of the "enemy" who haunts at any time. If it is hit by the "enemy", it means elimination.

The basis of the final assessment is that whoever spends the least time and destroys the more enemies will win.

The director also stipulates that they can form gangs, that is, after starting, they can also win over the members of other groups, and then resist the attack of those "enemies" together.

"Xiao Xiao, let's work together?"

In view of getting along these days, Ali found that Xiao Jingxing is like a muggy gourd. When she was with her in the past, she was chatty and claimed to be a little master if she had nothing to do

So she decided to take the initiative to prevent such a good seedling from being robbed by others.

Xiao Jingxing picked up the tip of his eyebrows, and the clear and meaningful face flashed a proud smile.

He went to Ali and said quietly; "Then I'll... Reluctantly promise you!"

As soon as Ali took a breath from the corners of his mouth, he looked at Xiao Jingxing with a smile. "It's so reluctantly agreed! I'll change someone. Anyway, everyone is the same to me."

Xiao Jingxing: "..." are you the same as others in your heart?

Seeing that the boy around him was silent, Ali turned his mouth and hung his little head. This smelly boy can't make a joke now. Hey! Still miss the old days, how good the old Xiao was!

Or, coax him?

A thought suddenly flashed in my mind. Ali smiled, raised his flawless little face, and flashed a proud smile in his eyes. That's it!

The next second, Ali raised his hand, several small white fingers, tightly held Xiao Jingxing's sleeve, and then shook it a few times, "Xiao Xiao, do you want to join me?"

The girl's voice was soft and waxy, and a pair of wet eyes looked at him directly.

At that moment, Xiao Jingxing only felt that the tip of his heart trembled gently and collapsed without warning.

Under the pressure of the impulse to hold Ali in his arms, Xiao Jingxing lowered his eyes, raised a warm smile at the corners of his mouth, and a generous palm gently fell on Ali's head.

He rubbed her short hair back and forth and said, "of course I want to work with you."

Xiao Jingxing said in his heart again, Ali, if I don't work with you, I'd rather be alone!

Feeling the touch from the top of his head, Ali was stunned. He took a hard blow from the corner of his mouth. I wiped it! When did this smelly boy become so brave! He never dared before.

Take a deep breath, Ali half narrowed his eyes and smiled, but his eyes couldn't hide his threat.

"Xiao Jingxing, hand!"

The young man picked up the tip of his eyebrows, drew back his hand leisurely, and said carelessly: "it's best to look when you have long hair."

Ali: "..." the smelly boy is getting more and more impolite!

Other people were stunned by the scene in front of them, especially the photographer, who habitually found a good angle and recorded the whole scene. It was a full topic!

Mo Fei sniffed with disdain and muttered angrily, "a woman of easy sex!"

Lin an drooped her eyes and looked a little ugly.

The two comrades in arms who came to record the program with Xiao Jingxing stared hard, as if they saw something very magical, for fear that they couldn't see it clearly.

"Wocao! Xiao Jingxing is really sultry! He is quiet in ordinary days. It's practical to operate... Tut tut! I have to admire his courage! He won Nanxi's man easily."

"No! What does that mean? People can't judge by appearance and the sea can't be measured. I didn't expect Xiao Jingxing to be such a Sao Nian. I thought he was silent and introverted before, but who thought!"

"He is introverted to us. To miss song, he can be as extroverted as he wants."

"What a surprise! Xiao Jingxing has a bright future."


The other eight people soon formed a team.

In terms of strength, naturally, the combination of Ali and Xiao Jingxing is the strongest. Therefore, before starting, some people want to alliance with them. In other words, they want to seek their shelter!

Ali and Xiao Jingxing refused everyone, and then set out with the only photographer.

If only Ali was alone, at her speed, it would be easy to climb the mountain.

But they also brought a photographer.

Along the way, Ali and Xiao Jingxing did not attack the members of other groups, but moved towards the end at a relatively fast speed.

Looking at Ali and Xiao Jingxing who didn't feel tired when they came to the front, the photographer clenched his teeth and continued to keep up. When he couldn't move, he could only call Ali and Xiao Jingxing and let them rest in place for a while before moving forward.

Ali and Xiao Jingxing cooperated very well. The photographer said to rest, so they stopped to accompany him.

"Ali, are you really going to stay in the entertainment industry?"

Xiao Jingxing suddenly asked.

Ali thought about it and said seriously, "at first, I wanted to enter the entertainment industry because I thought it was easy to make money. At that time, I wanted to investigate the cause of my mother's death. Later, I knew all the truth."

"And my current identity..."

She turned her head and looked at the boy around her, hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "all the things I wanted to do at first have been done now. Liang Rong is dead, Liang Qisheng is dead, no one is dead, no body is dead. It is estimated that she is dead too! Song Jingye..."

"I haven't finished with him yet! He killed grandpa and he killed Mommy indirectly. I won't let him go."

Ali's voice was very low, and only Xiao Jingxing standing next to her could hear it. The tired photographer could only see their lips moving.

"In short, Xiao Xiao, don't worry! I will take good care of myself. No one can hurt me, but you..."

Looking at the boy's faded green face, she smiled brightly.

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