In the early Song Dynasty, Wei fled in a panic.

The boys who watched were not happy at once. Their goddess was bullied so badly. They always had to do something! For example, drown the malicious girl in front of you with spittle, pull her out and beat her up, and even drive her out of Shengying middle school

"Song Li, you've gone too far! Weiwei's classmate is so kind and has no shelf at all, but you should pour mineral water on her head. You'll be punished for doing so."

"Yes! You will be punished!"

The students around turned angry and angrily accused Song Li, as if she had really done something treacherous.

"Whether I will be punished or not is another saying, but I know if you don't spread out, you will be punished soon."

Grandpa often told her that if people don't offend me, I don't offend. But if people offend me, they must bully me back. Otherwise, some people will think they are cowards and easy to bully

Song Li's eyes were cold and pointed to the boy wearing glasses closest to her. This man is a loyal supporter of song Chuwei. He likes to spread rumors about her and brush a sense of existence.

"Especially you!"

The boy's face was pale and his pupils widened rapidly. He pretended to be calm and shouted at her, "I'm afraid you can't do it!"

The next second, song lixianbai's small hand firmly grasped his collar and lifted it up

Simple and rough.

Zhang Jiayu was stunned for a moment. He just felt that his neck was strangled, which made him out of breath.

Then, keep your feet off the ground.


Zhang Jiayu stared at the girl in front of him, his eyes full of anxiety and fear.

He suddenly had a terrible feeling in his heart. If he aimed at the girl again, she would find a chance to kill him, and would not hesitate, even cruelly dismember him.

Slightly raised his white little face, Song Li looked calmly at the boy in front of him, watching his breathing become difficult, watching his face slightly purple, and watching his increasingly frightened eyes.

Before the others could recover, Song Li loosened his fingers and Zhang Jiayu fell down on the cold ground.

With a bang, people's thoughts were brought back to reality.

For a moment, the eyes of those people looking at the girl became frightened and frightened, and they stepped back in a panic.

Song Li smiled, his eyes slightly stirred up, and a pair of beautiful apricot eyes stared at the boy sitting on the ground coughing violently.

He lowered his head and covered his neck with his hands. He didn't even dare to look at the girl in front of him. He was shaking like chaff. Song Li would really strangle him.

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you say you're not afraid?"

The girl frowned and smiled. She wanted to help Zhang Jiayu straighten his collar, but he shrank back immediately.

Song Li skimmed his mouth. His white little hand continued to extend forward, patted Zhang Jiayu on his face with acne, and then said carelessly, "Zhang Jiayu, you are a man.

Men! They should be like men. Don't hide behind and chew your tongue all day long. You don't feel ashamed like the aunt of the neighborhood committee. As a classmate, I'm ashamed for you. "

Zhang Jiayu's mouth moved. He couldn't say a word. He wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.

"And you, haven't your parents taught you? It's wrong to chew your tongue behind people's backs."

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