After coming out of the audition, Ali immediately called Li Senyan and told him that she wanted to invest in the film. Li Senyan agreed with her and promised to contact the film producer.

After explaining this, Ali was just going to have lunch with everyone. By the way, she talked to Jiang Shengnan about her rest.

But as soon as she opened the door, the mobile phone in her palm rang. Ali took it up and looked at it. Elder martial brother? She frowned slightly and put her mobile phone in her ear, "hello?"

Soon, mobile phone receiver heard Ji Wei's familiar voice: "Ali, do you have time? Mom wants you to come home for dinner tonight."

Ali smiled and promised without hesitation, "OK."

After a pause, she said, "brother, I want to go to the master this afternoon. Will you go with me?"

At the other end of the mobile phone, Ji Wei was slightly stunned, "Xiao Li'er, what did you call me just now?"

"Call you brother! Am I wrong?"

Hearing Ali's words, Ji Wei smiled instantly and almost forgot her shape. "No, that's right, it should be called that! Little girl, you should call it that in the future."

"Brother, did you promise me?"

"Of course."


At more than two o'clock in the afternoon, Ali had sat in Ji Wei's car and sped away in the direction of Huaqing mountain.

Ji Wei turned her head and looked at the girl next to her. She pretended to be careless and said, "Xiao Li'er, Qingcheng told me that you haven't gone anywhere these days. You're staying at home?"

Ali lowered his eyes and raised his mouth slightly, "I just let myself be quiet for a few days."

"What are you thinking?"

"Think of my own situation!"

Ji Weiwei was slightly stunned, with a guilty look on his face. "I'm sorry, I didn't handle the matter well. Originally, I wanted to..." he sighed helplessly and didn't go on.

Ali turned his head, smiled in his eyes and asked, "what do you think?"

Ji Wei pondered for a while and suddenly asked, "Ali, you don't like your current identity?"

Ali shrugged and smiled bitterly. In front of Ji Wei, she didn't want to hide her emotions. "Yes, brother, you guessed right. I really don't like my current identity. You should know that this identity has brought me a lot of trouble."

Ji Wei was stunned for a moment. She seemed to have never thought she would be so direct, "Ali..."

"Brother, I've figured it out these days. I'll accept my current identity, but I won't accept my engagement with Shen Fankai."

This is her only condition! She can't really marry Shen Fankai because of this identity.

After a pause, Ali turned to the man who was driving seriously and added quietly, "so, brother, let the Ji family don't force me, otherwise I don't want this identity!"

Ji Wei shook her head helplessly. He knew it would be like this

"Also, brother, I'm going to take master's advice and go to the mercenary College for further study."

Ali said this sentence calmly, and there was no superfluous emotion on his face.

Ji Wei was stunned again. "What about your career? Are you ready to give up?"

"Living is the most important thing."


"Brother, when I was in Nancheng a few days ago, I almost thought I couldn't get away. Later, I thought, I must make myself strong. Otherwise, one day I will fall into the hands of the old Buddha. You can't save me in time every time."

Speaking of this, Ali suddenly paused. She lowered her eyes, as if she were thinking about something.

In fact, what she cares most is that she can't even beat Shen Fankai.

"Xiao Li'er, the work of mercenary college is very hard. Why do you do this!"

Ji Wei came out from there. He was a top student there, but it took nearly four years to pass the examination. Almost none of the people who came out from there wanted to go back.

That place, people who come out call it "hell".

He didn't want Ali to go in and suffer like that.

Ali is obviously iron hearted.

She pursed her lips and said seriously, "brother, I just want to protect the people or things I want to protect."

"So, you don't have to persuade me. I've decided to leave the imperial capital immediately after making this film."

Ji Wei smiled, "little girl, what else can I do if you say so? Since it's your own choice, I can only support you as a brother."

"Don't worry, I'll talk to my mother. By the way, Xiao Li'er, my parents have discussed these days. I thought you would hold a ancestor recognition banquet to let everyone know that Miss Ji is back."

For the banquet Ji Wei said, Ali didn't say anything. She just stared at the front without expression.

"You really don't want to move back to live with your parents?"

"No!" Ali refused cleanly.

After a pause, she lowered her eyes again and continued, "the place where I live now, you know, is the place where I grew up. I like it very much and don't want to move away."

"Then you don't want to go back to accompany your parents? Little girl, my mother has missed you all these years."

"Brother, if I go back, I'm afraid it's bad! It will affect the atmosphere of your family."

Ali admitted that she was jealous! She was even jealous.

Seeing that Bai Luoyu and Ji Zhenhua were so kind to Ji manyue, she felt terrible. It was like pressing a huge stone on her chest, which made her feel a little difficult to breathe.

Those, originally should belong to her

Ji Wei's complexion is bad for a moment, but she is not willing to blame her. This girl... She can really pick words to pierce her heart!

"By the way, brother, Shen Fankai said that Bai ran agreed to accept me as an apprentice because of my identity as the eldest miss of the Ji family? The Ji family, no, it should be Bai Luoyu. What is her relationship with Shifu?"

"On the first question, Shen Fankai is right. On the second question, I don't know very well. I only know that my mother calls master big brother. Master's face has hardly been done in recent years."

"Then why does the old Buddha drink my blood? Why do you say I'm Tang Monk meat? I'm always haunted."

Ali's tone was a little impatient. She urgently wanted to know the answer, especially this time she almost fell into the hands of the old Buddha.

Even if she dies, she will die plainly.

Ji Wei is silent and doesn't know how to answer him. This question involves Bai Ran's past

Most importantly, what he knows is not very clear. "Ali, you'd better wait until you go up the mountain. Ask your master yourself!"

"OK, I'll ask him myself."


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