Speaking of this, Dongmei feels she is about to cry. Shen Fankai asks her to take good care of Song Li, but now

She's dying now.

"I see. If you hear from Ali, call me immediately."

"OK, Mr. Shen."


Shen Fankai hung up the line and narrowed his eyes coldly. His warm face became extremely cold.

Like a terrible storm brewing.

Ji Wei gave a thump in her heart and hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?"

Shen Fankai lowered his eyes, suppressed his mania and said with a cold face, "Bo Hanchi's car was hit in Jiangcheng. Ali should have been with him, but she was not in the car after the accident."

Ji Wei suddenly changed her face. "Is it the old Buddha's man?"

"I don't know yet."

"Don't think about it. It must be this man. I really can't think of anyone else except him."

Shen Fankai didn't say anything, but picked up his mobile phone to check. No one knows that in the mobile phone he gave Ali, as before, he still installed positioning software.

Soon, he stood up and asked in a deep voice, "let's go to Jiangcheng to save people?"

Ji Wei is naturally duty bound. Ali is his own sister. He found it for twelve years. How could he let her break into the hands of the old Buddha!

"Do you know where Ali is?"

On the way to the airport, Ji Wei took a meaningful look at Shen Fankai. This guy won't install the positioning system in Xiao Li's mobile phone again!

Shen Fankai lifted his lips playfully. Knowing the meaning of Ji Wei's question, he didn't intend to hide it from him. He smiled and said, "I know what you think in your heart, and it's really what you think."

"However, I can't help it. Last time, if it wasn't for positioning, how could I find her so quickly? It's the same this time. Let's hurry there as soon as possible..."

He didn't say that if it was late, those people might take Ali's cell phone and turn it off

"OK! It's not an example."

"When the old Buddha is removed, Ali is no longer in danger. Naturally, I won't continue such a boring thing."


Jiangcheng, a hospital.

In the operating room, several doctors and nurses in sterile clothes are still busy.

Yi Xu and Bo Chengxi were still waiting outside. Their faces were full of anxiety. They were worried not only about the thin cold pool lying on the operating table, but also about the missing Ali.

Bo Chengxi didn't know the existence of the old Buddha, but Yi Xu knew it.

Four and a half hours later, the door of the operating room was finally pushed open, and a man in a blue surgical suit came out first.

Yi Xu and Bo Hanchi hurried up and asked eagerly, "doctor, how's the patient? Is his life in danger?"

The doctor looked pale and tired, but he was still patient and explained, "the patient's head was seriously hit and he lost too much blood. He may not wake up for a while. Your family members should be prepared."

"Doctor, when will he wake up?"

"I'm not very clear about this, but the patient's physical quality is very good, the fastest, the fastest..."

The doctor frowned and obviously encountered a problem. "It depends on the patient's desire for survival. If the patient's desire for survival is strong, he may wake up in a few days."

"By the way, because the head was hit, the patient is likely to have temporary amnesia after waking up."

Bo Chengxi is stupid. How could this happen! It's hard to bear such a result for a while.

Yi Xu seemed very calm, but he was more worried than anyone, "thank you, doctor."

"You, who will pay with me?"

"I, I'll go!"


Not long after the operation, Bo Chengdong rushed to Jiangcheng. He also brought Zhuang Xiaoyu.

Because Zhuang Xiaoyu knew that Ali was filming in Jiangcheng, she naturally guessed that Bo Hanchi appeared in Jiangcheng. It was probably because of Ali. She knew more about the existence of the old Buddha.

After Bo Chengdong simply told her about Jiangcheng, she insisted on coming with him.

"Chengxi, how's brother?"

Seeing his twin brother Bo Chengxi, Bo Chengdong immediately asked without a word of greeting.

It was Zhuang Xiaoyu who first made a flower infatuation for Bo Chengxi for a few seconds. Then he smiled and said hello.

For Zhuang Xiaoyu's little move, naturally he can't escape Bo Chengdong's eyes. However, he doesn't have time to worry about it with her now. He will settle with her after the matter is over.

Book it first!

Bo Chengxi told him the doctor's words intact and added with worry: "I want to send my eldest brother back to the imperial capital for treatment. The medical level of this place is better than that of the imperial capital..."

He didn't go on because the latter words were self-evident.

In such a small town in the south of the Yangtze River, no place is better than God, let alone the medical level.

"I think so, too. This place is too small. I'd better go back to the imperial capital and rest assured."

Seeing that Bo Chengdong also agreed, Bo Chengxi immediately said, "since you agree, I'll contact the hospital and doctor of imperial capital now and take my brother back to imperial capital by my private plane."

"By the way, where's Ali? Why isn't she in the hospital?"

It's impossible for Ali not to watch him when something happens to his eldest brother. Is Ali also in his car?

Thinking of this, Bo Chengdong's face changed smoothly.

Bo Chengxi silently shook his head. He didn't know how to explain to Bo Chengdong, because up to now, they still didn't contact Ali. She didn't go back to the hotel, and no one answered her mobile phone.

It's like disappearing out of thin air.

"Neither the traffic police nor the doctor found Ali at the scene of the car accident, but we can't contact her now. We haven't been able to contact her since we knew the big brother had an accident."

Bo Chengdong tightened his eyebrows, grabbed Bo Chengxi's arm excitedly, and asked anxiously, "Bo Chengxi, what do you mean? What do you mean you can't contact her?"

Bo Chengxi was a little impatient, "I just couldn't get in touch. I couldn't find her, and the phone couldn't get through. At first, no one answered, and then turned it off. It's estimated that her mobile phone is dead."

"How could this happen! I know Ali's temperament. She never worries people. There must be some very important reason, otherwise she won't go missing."

"Chengdong, now the fact is that no one can find Ali."

Bo Chengdong wanted to say something, but she was held by Zhuang Xiaoyu. Her hand trembled slightly. If Ali really fell into the hands of the old Buddha, it would be difficult to save him.

The old Buddha is so mysterious that no one knows who he is, even his gender.

"What are you pulling me for?"

Bo Chengdong stared at Zhuang Xiaoyu. His face was not very good, and his tone was naturally not very good.

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