Slightly raised his small face, Ali smiled like a cunning little fox, and his lips were evil.

The man lowered his eyes and saw the emotion on Ali's face. The girl was almost the same as he remembered.

"I see. Thank you for your reminder. Then you should pay attention to your safety." he told her with a smile.

Ali immediately nodded and reached out to pick up the rope hanging on the ground.

When she was about to tie her waist, she suddenly remembered something. Ali quickly threw the rope and turned to the thin cold pool.

She lightly stood on tiptoe and stretched out her arm like a vine, firmly encircling the man's neck.

In the man's stunned eyes, Ali slowly closed his eyes, pecked at the corner of his mouth, and quickly released him.

Before Bo Hanchi could recover, Ali raised his white face and said forcefully, "Mr. Bo, this is the mark I branded on you. You belong to me now."

Bo Hanchi: "..." he was speechless.

Seeing that he was silent, Ali stuck his neck again and added proudly: "if you don't speak, I'll take you as a promise."

"By the way, I have to explain to you what belongs to me, that is, your heart belongs to me and your people also belong to me. You can't like other girls and don't get too close to other girls. Otherwise, I will be very, very jealous..."

She deliberately accentuated the last sentence to make him pay attention to it.

"Well, you can only like me. If you like other girls, I..."

Ali bit the corner of his lip and waved his small fist. "I'll beat her! Beat her into a pig's head."

Bo Hanchi couldn't help laughing. Zhan Black's eyes fainted with warmth. This girl is so big. How can she still like violence so much! Totally out of touch with ladies.

"By the way, brother Bo, I have said so much. Do you want to express your attitude, or... Hehe! Express your thoughts at the moment."

Ali raised his head and looked straight at the man in front of him with clear eyes, pretending to be calm.

In fact, she was in a panic. What if he refused me mercilessly?

Thinking, Ali couldn't help gripping his fingers.

forget it! Still don't force him to say his position. If he refuses as soon as he opens his mouth, she will lose more than she gains. This matter must be slowly planned. You can't be impatient, you must not be impatient

Thinking of this, Ali smiled and said, "well, you don't have to say anything. You just need to know my mind. I have to go quickly. I'll see you again tomorrow evening."

As soon as she had finished speaking, a regular knock on the door suddenly sounded.

At the same time, a clear and gentle voice fell in her ear, "cold pool, did you sleep?"

Ah Li raised his small face slightly, narrowed his beautiful apricot eyes slightly, and said seriously: "Bo Hanchi, it's time to test you. I believe you, so... Ha ha! I'll take a step first and remember tomorrow night! We'll see each other at this time tomorrow night..."

After putting down his words, Ali immediately tied the rope to his waist and jumped out without hesitation.

Warm is with the old lady. If she sees her in brother Bo's ward at night, the old lady will know that she broke through the window. In the eyes of the old lady, this behavior is the most shameless, unruly and uneducated

Looking at the girl disappearing in front of the window, Bo Hanchi couldn't help laughing and the corners of his mouth were slightly aroused.

He walked forward a few steps, leaned out and looked up. The girl's speed is so fast!

"See you or leave..."

Bo Hanchi smiled and opened his mouth slightly.

A very light sentence, quietly dissipated in the night.

The wind poured in through the broken window and gently lifted the curtain, which also confused his eyes.

The warm man standing at the door saw that he hadn't responded for a long time. He waited patiently for a while and continued to say, "brother Bo, are you asleep? I, I'm in?"

Just as she was about to push the door in, she heard a low and slightly hoarse voice: "come in!"

When saying this, Bo Hanchi has been looking at the curtains rustled by the wind. If it's like this all night, it seems difficult to accept. That's the next night

At the thought of the girl's violence, he couldn't help shaking his heart.

Hearing the familiar voice, the warmth finally eased. She was really worried that he would refuse

"I'm on duty tonight, so I want to see you and check whether the window is closed. By the way, according to the weather forecast, there's a thunderstorm tonight, accompanied by..."

Before I could say the word "gale", I saw the broken glass on the ground in front of the window.

Er, she blinked and looked suspiciously at the man next to her, "this is..."

Bo Hanchi shrugged and looked like "I have nothing to do" and said, "that's what you see."

Warm narrowed his eyes, smiled and said awkwardly, "it's too windy tonight to scare you!"

Then she went forward and checked. The window was open. It should have been opened by the wind.

"Cold pool, you go and have a rest. I'll clean up these glass fragments first."

Bo Hanchi nodded noncommittally, took his notebook in his hand and continued to deal with the mail.

Seeing his selfless work, he smiled warmly and was very satisfied. They all said that the man who works hard is the most handsome, and he is the most handsome man she has ever seen

The person she likes is obviously him. Why did everyone misunderstand that person is Lu Huanyan later?

Warm squat down and pick up the pieces of glass on the ground one by one.

Some fragments are very small. If she is not careful, she may prick her finger. She is very careful, but she is still affected by the past. Her finger is pricked by a small piece of glass.

"Ah --"

With a warm and gentle cry, he screwed up his eyebrows in pain, and the white and tender finger abdomen was bleeding instantly.

Sitting on the sofa, Bo Hanchi was slightly stunned. He quickly put down his notebook, walked to the warm side a few steps, and asked softly, "how are you?"

Warm raised his head, smiled helplessly and said, "I'm fine."

"How can it be all right! This finger has been scratched with blood. Go to the nurse on duty and ask her to bandage you. There's no need to deal with the broken glass on the ground. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

Hearing what the man around him said, he was stunned in a warm moment. How could he react like this?

Shouldn't he put her finger in his mouth at once? Salivary enzymes in the mouth help stop bleeding.

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