When fan Beiyang treated Su Qin, Bo Hanchi stayed by. His grandmother was angry with him. He naturally wanted to stay and take care of him. Su Qin didn't want to see him at all.

However, this did not affect his decision.

Warm as promised.

Just because the old lady was ill, the dinner for three people has now become two.

Warmth was a little embarrassed. He wanted to find a topic, but he was pushed back by Bo Hanchi's sentence, "I'm sorry! The Bo family has rules and doesn't eat."

At that moment, her warm complexion turned red. After all, she was a thin skinned girl. She opened her mouth and said, "cold pool, I'm sorry. I had a mind I shouldn't have before."

She shouldn't let herself like him, follow grandma Bo's mind, or treat Song Li like that

Thin cold pool picked his eyebrows and said faintly, "you know."

Warm: "..." she suddenly speechless.

A dinner without words.

After dinner, Bo Hanchi sent someone to drive her away.

For his young master's reaction, Yi Xu secretly lamented that thanks to miss Ali's good training!


Song family villa.

Late at night, there was a sudden wind. A sharp sword like lightning cleaved down from the clouds and lit up the whole city in an instant. Soon, the sleeping city fell into darkness again.

The roar of thunder sounded, bursts of, can not be heard.

Thick dark clouds piled up over the city, like cotton full of ink. When it was squeezed gently, it rained cats and dogs.

No one noticed that a very light flute sounded in the rainstorm.

At the same time, a python with thick arms of an adult man quickly drifted away in the rain and soon got into a half closed window.

Ali's sleep has been very shallow, especially in the past six months. After her hearing became extremely sensitive, her sleep was even shallower.

On a stormy night like this, she couldn't sleep at all. Even if cotton was stuffed in her ears, it still had no effect on her.

Allison turned on the bedside lamp and sat up to brush his cell phone.

Just during the day, she has published a plan to temporarily withdraw from the entertainment industry on the grounds of study tour

Ali opened the microblog and took a look. There were many forwarding times and messages. She read them one by one. Almost all of them were messages waiting for her return. Of course, there were also detractors in many compliments.

It's just those who don't like her.

I come from the sea: "Song Li, get out of the entertainment circle!"

Skhfaf: "you are the cancer of the entertainment industry. Without you, the entertainment industry must be cleaner."

White moonlight and cinnabar mole: "go away quickly! It's annoying to look at it."


Ali was too lazy to see things like them. She continued to watch. Aite, the program group of the variety show real man, killed her.

——"This is your favorite song Li. She is definitely a brave and strong girl."

At the same time, there are also several photos of her in military uniform, which are heroic and charming.

The most interesting is the comments below.

A touch of olive green: "do you fans know how powerful song Li is? Whether it's physical strength or shooting skills, if she enters the army, she must be the best soldier."

This is the highest evaluation of her!

Xiao Er Lang: "I declare that song Li is my only goddess at present."

Little fish who couldn't wake up: "my song Xiaoli is the best! Moda, I love you! I want to tell you."


A few days ago, Jiang Shengnan told her that the previous variety show would be broadcast on the first weekend of October. Ali was naturally very happy. After all, she made a lot of efforts in this program.

The rain outside seemed to be getting heavier and heavier. A sudden explosion of thunder made Ali's heart beat faster.

She brushed her mouth and scratched her hair impatiently.

Suddenly, a slight friction sound inadvertently broke into Ali's ear.

The sound was like "rustling", and it was like something was grinding the floor. The speed was not very fast.

Ali immediately became vigilant and listened for a while. The sound seemed to be getting closer and closer.

At this time, a bright white lightning suddenly split down, and the huge bedroom was illuminated in an instant.

She quickly turned off the bedside lamp, then pulled on a pair of slippers and walked carefully towards the door.

The sound of "rustle" came closer and closer.

The next moment, Ali frowned coldly, and his eyes flashed suspicious. Why didn't the voice?

At this time, she held the mobile phone in her palm and suddenly vibrated. Ali quickly looked down, brother Bo? Well, it's been such a night. Why did he suddenly call?

Thinking, she has answered the phone, "hello?"

Soon, a voice of low and dark came from the end of the mobile phone: "Ali, it's me!"

"Well, I know!" Ali half narrowed his eyes and smiled.

After a pause, she smiled cunningly at the corners of her mouth and asked softly, "Mr. Bo, did you call me in the middle of the night because you... Miss me?"

At the other end of the mobile phone, Bo Hanchi was stunned. It seemed that he didn't expect Ali to be so direct!

After pondering for a while, he said seriously, "I miss you."

"I knew it, hee hee! I just missed you."

Ali admired herself more and more. The lie came easily. She didn't even have to think about it. She was clearly brushing her mobile phone just now, and then she was angry with the strange voice.

"By the way, brother Bo, why are you still up so late?"

"Can't sleep."

Bo Hanchi answered simply.

Ali sat on the bed, his white and tender feet dangling around, his lips slightly cocked up, and his eyebrows and eyes smiled. "Let me talk with you! Anyway, I just can't sleep."


"Brother Bo, did you suddenly hear a rustle when you were sleeping in bed in the middle of the night?"

Since I can't sleep and chat, I naturally want to talk about some exciting and interesting topics.

After a while, a man's familiar voice came from the other end of the mobile phone: "Yes. I went on a mission with my comrades in arms a few years ago. It was an undeveloped virgin forest. For the sake of safety, we slept in a special tent at night. In the middle of the night, there was a sudden 'rustling' sound, which was very moving. I carefully zipped the tent..."

Before Bo Hanchi could go on, there was a knock on the door in the room, "knock, knock..."

It's very rhythmic.

Ali was suddenly shocked and frightened. She turned her eyes angrily.

"Brother Bo, wait a minute. Someone knocked at the door just now!"

"Someone knocked at the door?"

Bo Hanchi frowned suspiciously.

Ali reluctantly glanced. "Maybe sister Qingcheng can't sleep and chat with me."

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