Soon, the diamond earring embedded with the positioning system was worn on Ali's earlobe.

The thin cold and dark fundus flashed a different color. The thin lip was hooked and said, "it's very nice!"

People: "..." our eyes are not blind. We know that little Ali is good-looking. You don't need to say it again!

It happened that the two people who showed their love as if there were no one else were not conscious at all.

Ali reached out and touched the diamond earrings on his earlobes, with curved eyebrows and eyes, "I think it's very nice, too."

People: "..." I've never seen such narcissism as you!

Bo Hanchi raised his hand, fondly touched her head and said goodbye to her short hair.

"You two have enough!"

Ji Wei couldn't help but turn her eyes.

Ali curled his lips, held Bo Hanchi's arm affectionately, and then proudly raised his gorgeous little face.

Bo Hanchi couldn't help laughing.

Ji Wei sighed helplessly, a battered look, "if a girl is really outgoing!"


Ali glared at him angrily.

With those big watery eyes, Ji Wei immediately raised her hands and surrendered, "I'm wrong!"

Ali immediately narrowed his eyes, smiled and said solemnly, "we don't have much time left. We should implement the plan as soon as possible." suddenly she remembered something. She quickly reminded: "by the way, the strength of the old Buddha can't be underestimated. Last time I was caught by them, I wanted to escape by myself, but those bodyguards all carried guns."

"Xiao Li'er, I remember you told me last time that you escaped by yourself!"

Ji Wei picked her eyebrows, her eyes were dark and meaningful, and looked at Ali.

Ali immediately choked and quickly reached out to cover his mouth. A pair of beautiful apricot eyes blinked gently. How could he forget such an important thing! The masked man in White told her to keep it a secret.

The others looked confused and knew exactly what Ji Wei and Ali were talking about.

Ali squinted, smiled pleasantly and said, "brother, these are not important. What I want to express is to tell you that the old Buddha is much more powerful than we thought."

Ji Wei still wanted to say something, but he met a pair of poor black eyes. He stared at her angrily, "this matter will be discussed later."

Ali nodded like a pound of garlic when he heard the speech, and the tone of his speech was undisguised flattery: "uh huh, talk later! I will know everything and say everything at that time."

"Ali, have you been caught by the old Buddha? Why don't I know?" even in the materials investigated by Yixu, there is no indication that Ali has been caught by the old Buddha.

Thin cold pool couldn't help tightening his heart, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Ali breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to smoke his two mouths. What a pot can't be opened! She coquettishly held the arm of the man around her. Several glutinous rice shell teeth bit the lip flap, looked at him eagerly, and her voice was soft: "thin Shao, let's talk about it later, OK?"

Bo Hanchi was indifferent, and his cold face was full of haze.

Ali couldn't help feeling embarrassed. He pouted and sucked his nose pitifully, just like he was going to cry.

Facing the wet eyes, the cold heart of the thin cold pool melted in an instant, but his face was still lukewarm. He whispered, "well, you can explain it later."

Seeing that he was no longer investigated, Ali finally breathed out and immediately vowed, "I promise I will give a good account."

People: "..." this dog food has been sprinkled wave after wave. Is it over or not!

"Well, what are you looking at me doing? Is there anything dirty on my face?" Ali blinked suspiciously, reached out and touched his face a few times to make sure there was nothing.

The people sighed helplessly. The girl pretended again!

Thin cold pool took a look at Ali, quietly moved away his eyes, and said faintly: "continue the topic just now."

Ji Wei nodded and continued: "when you have determined your latitude and longitude, I will take someone there immediately, but it will take an hour as soon as possible, that is, after you see Miss Bo, you should try to delay time."

Bo Hanchi pondered for a while, as if he had something to say, "what I'm worried about is that after we get on the boat, everything is out of our control."

"Why don't you exchange me for a little song at the request of the old Buddha? Then I will ask the old Buddha to leave with the little song first. After all, the little song has no self-protection ability. When you ensure the safety of the little song, you can rush to save me."

After Ali finished speaking, Bo Hanchi immediately opposed without hesitation, "no! It's too risky."

He couldn't watch her go into danger.

Seeing Bo Hanchi's firm attitude, Ali had to hold his arm and explain to him patiently: "Bo Shao, you have to trust me. I'll be fine, and I have a positioning system. You can check my whereabouts at any time and find a chance to save me at that time."

"No! I still disagree."

The Buddha's goal is her. Once she falls into the Buddha's hands, she will not be saved as easily as last time.

Ali had no choice but to turn to Ji Wei, "brother, what do you think of my idea?"

Ji Wei raised her eyebrows, "not much!"

Ali immediately choked, stared at him angrily and said discontentedly: "... It's very good. Why don't you both agree? In that case, you put forward a better plan. You know, Xiaoge was captured by the old Buddha because of me. She was implicated by me. How can I hurt her!"

"Moreover, Xiaoge has no self-protection ability, and those people are armed. In case of chaos, none of us can guarantee that Xiaoge will be unharmed. Therefore, the scheme I put forward is the best."

None of them can deny that Ali's proposal is good, but none of them can do it and watch Ali take risks.

Because none of them can guarantee that she will be as lucky as last time if she falls into the hands of the old Buddha again!

"I still disagree!"

Bo Hanchi frowned. His cool face was tightly stretched, and he still objected without hesitation, "Ali, what if he still refuses to let go of the little song and leave with me?"

Ali's face looked very calm and didn't see the slightest fear. She shook her head and said slowly, "no, his goal is me. To be exact, it's my blood. If he doesn't let you leave, I'll threaten him with death, so he doesn't dare to do that."

"In fact, Xiao Li'er is right. The old Buddha's goal is her blood. Even if she is captured, she will not leave. Her life is in danger. We still have a chance to rescue her."

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