After thinking about it, Bo Qingge carefully tried, "brother, what about you?"

Bo Hanchi looked at the little song indifferently and said in a deep voice, "Ali is still on the cruise ship."

"Are you going to save her?" Bo Qingge opened her eyes and hugged Bo Hanchi's arm. "Brother, those people have money in their hands. If you save her, it will be very dangerous."

It seems that Xiao Ge'er didn't expect to say such words. Bo Hanchi was slightly stunned. A dark light flashed across his eyes and said, "she's your best friend. Don't you want me to save her?"


Bo Qingge choked at once.

Thin cold pool collected his eyes, and the corners of his mouth aroused a cold and cynical smile, "if Ali knew you said such words, would she forgive you?"

To the pair of dark eyes with no bottom, Bo Qingge was surprised and immediately panicked. She hurriedly saved Bo Hanchi's sleeves and said eagerly: "I, I didn't mean it, I'm just worried about your safety..."

"Xiao Ge'er, Ali is as old as you. You will be afraid, and she will be afraid, but even so, she did not hesitate to agree to the old Buddha's request."

After listening to her eldest brother, Bo Qingge was immediately unhappy. She was spoiled as a child and the youngest in the family. Her parents regarded her as the apple of their eyes. Now she has been kidnapped because of Song Li. Shouldn't she save her?

It was because of her that she had this experience!

"Brother, you mean, shouldn't she come to save me? I was kidnapped because of her? Do you know how scared I was? I don't want to die, I want to live well..."

Bo Qingge sobbed painfully.

Thin cold pool frowned, and his face became cold and heavy. He didn't say anything to comfort, but looked at her coldly.

Sitting in the driver's cab, a half of the words didn't dare to say more, but he was not full of Fei Bo Qingge for several words.

After a while, Bo Qingge finally stopped crying. She raised her head and burst into tears. "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I'm just too scared. I'm afraid something will happen to you."

Seeing that she was no longer unreasonable, the expression on Bo Hanchi's face also eased. He lowered his eyes and said softly, "don't worry! I'll be fine, and I'm not alone to save her."

"Well, that's good. Brother, if you have something good or bad, mom and grandma can't bear it."

"Well, I know."

He said so, but he didn't think so in his heart. His mother should wish that the person kidnapped was him!

Bo Qingge took another peek at his eldest brother. At first, the seed of hatred fell in his heart and sprouted silently. What's good about Song Li? The second brother is, and the eldest brother is now. Everyone is so good to her and wants to pay his own life.

She is unwilling!

Bo Qingge slowly closed his eyes, and fear surged like waves.


Ali was pointed at her head with black muzzle, and she did not dare to resist at all. The old Buddha would not let them kill her, but in case someone fired the gun, then she would regret it too!

Her hands and feet were tied up and a special ball was stuffed in her mouth. Ali wanted to spit out the ball, but she couldn't do it at all.

Ali glared at the building owl angrily. She suddenly felt that the building owl was more hateful than the old Buddha!

"Little girl, don't stare at me like that. Don't worry. What the Buddha wants is you. He's not interested in others."

With that, Lou Xiao picked up the needle and plunged it into Ali's neck.

The potion was pushed slowly, and soon she fell into a coma.

"Carry her back to the lounge." Lou Xiao stood up, coldly ordered the bodyguard next to him, and told him meaningfully, "remember! You'd better not touch her, otherwise I don't mind killing!"

The two bodyguards looked at the old Buddha again. The old Buddha raised his hand and motioned them to listen to the building owl.

"Master Buddha, a hurricane is forming at one o'clock, a hundred nautical miles away from us. According to the current path, the hurricane will not pass through us, but for the sake of safety, I suggest evacuating here as soon as possible. Within five hours, this sea area is not safe."

Lord Buddha's bodyguard Ruth strode in and said what he had detected.

Lou Xiao leaned back comfortably, crossed his legs and poured himself a glass of red wine.

He hooked his lips and shook the wine glass leisurely without any worry. "Old Buddha, don't you have an island near here? We can just go there to avoid."

The old Buddha narrowed his eyes, flashed a flash of vigilance at the bottom of his eyes, and said, "give orders, and we'll set out there now."

"Yes, old Buddha!"


Two hours later.

The scholar took a gulp of coffee and continued to stare at the computer screen. Suddenly, a small red dot appeared on the silent screen.

He quickly wiped his mouth, picked up his cell phone and called Ji Wei, "boss, little Ali has news!"

At this moment, Ji Wei and Bo Hanchi are rushing to the hotel with weapons bought from the black market. The old Buddha's bodyguards are armed. Who knows if he has other more powerful weapons.

If they want to save Ali from the old Buddha, they must have good enough weapons.

Otherwise, all their plans can only be empty talk.


Ji was so surprised that she turned and looked at the thin cold pool driving.

The scholar immediately said, "yes, there is news. From the information on the map, they should be on an isolated island now. I think they should go there to avoid the hurricane."

"I see. We'll go back to the hotel right away."



It was windy. The air was filled with a peculiar fishy smell of sea water. The palm leaves on the coast were rattled by the strong wind, and countless fallen leaves were blown into the air.

It rained cats and dogs in an instant.

There was not a pedestrian in the street, and there were very few vehicles.

Compared with the violent storms on land, on the sea, hurricanes set off huge waves several meters high, enough to overturn cruise ships several meters high, not to mention speedboats.

After returning to the hotel, Bo Hanchi and Ji Wei hurried to the computer, "scholar, how's little Ali?"

The scholar quickly stood up and said, "boss, Bo Shao, look here. The little red dot shows the position of little Ali. It should be to avoid the hurricane. The old Buddha took them to the island."

Bo Hanchi suddenly narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "go and find out who the island belongs to!"

"No problem."

The scholar promised very readily and hit the keyboard quickly. Soon, a series of codes appeared on the computer screen.

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