Shen Muning is silent.

From beginning to end, except Ali, his eyes did not stay on anyone for more than a second.

"Beauty Shen, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your promise." with her jaw slightly raised, Martha was still as proud as a white swan.

Shen Muning suddenly sank a little when he heard the speech, and shouted coldly, "noisy!"

Martha's mouth moved and choked all at once. Her eyes opened angrily and couldn't say a word.

She was despised!

Martha stared at him angrily, and her back teeth clenched. "Shen Muning, you, you're too much!"

This time, Shen Muning didn't speak again. He just raised his head and looked at Ali meaningfully.

Ah Li smiled with a smile at her peach eyes. She secretly congratulated herself that she had seen many beautiful men, especially those like Bai ran, so she was still very calm and had not been affected at all.

But even so, she still had to sigh: evil! Martha, the girl is fascinated by him.

"Martha, it's your working time now. If you want to deduct the baby, can you change it?"

When she saw Ali talking, Marton was as clever as a little white rabbit, puffed his cheeks and said, "I see." then she pretended to be fierce and waved a small powder fist at Shen Muning.

Princess Ben is going to kill you!

"Ali, there's a vehicle tracking behind."

Lu Ye suddenly said.

Ali Lian's eyes, a pair of beautiful apricot eyes, narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "I know. However, this is the imperial capital of China. I can't shoot at will in broad daylight."

"I see. Try to get rid of them."



Lu Ye's driving skills are very good. Black MABA he galloped in the endless traffic and overtaked all the way. After a while, the cars that followed them were left behind.

A truck of people finally breathed out, which meant that they were safe for the time being.

"Beauty Shen, do you know who sent these people?" Ali asked quietly. From Shen Muning's calm expression, she could see that this was by no means right. It was not his first murder.

Shen Muning turned his head and looked at Ali with extremely gentle eyes. Immediately, he casually hooked his lips. His lips were crimson and unspeakable temptation, "someone doesn't want me to take over the Shen family."

Ah Li was slightly stunned, and a suspicious color flashed from the bottom of his eyes, "Shen family?"

"I'm Shen Fankai's half brother. More than 20 years ago, my mother was a hostess. Shen Si, the young master of the Shen family, fell in love with her, so Jinwucangjiao, and then there was me. Grandpa wanted me to take his place and take charge of the whole Shen family. Like many big families, the Shen family is deeply intertwined, and many people covet that position..."

At this point, Shen Muning suddenly stopped. He lifted his eyelids and his eyes were burning.

Ali had guessed the relationship between Shen Muning and Shen Fankai, but Lu Ye and Martha didn't know. When they heard Shen Muning say that he was coach Shen's half brother, they were stunned.

That's coach Shen. In their eyes, Shen Fankai is a divine existence

"So, Ali, you should be able to think of who sent these people." Shen Muning smiled, seemingly indifferent.

Ali naturally knows that according to him, Shen Fankai can't get rid of dry cleaning, because they are competitive. The man Shen intends to belong to is Shen Muning. As for Shen Fankai, she's not a worm in his stomach, so it can't be guaranteed that he doesn't have any desire for power and profit.

Ali raised his eyebrows wantonly and said with a smile, "beauty Shen, don't worry, I will protect you."

"I will, Shen Meimei, and I will protect you."

Hearing what Ali said, Martha hurriedly came over to show her heartfelt.

As for Lu Ye, he only smiles and takes money to eliminate disasters for others. This is what they should do.

The old house of the Shen family is located in the west of the imperial capital. It takes an hour and a half to drive all the way from the airport.

After driving two-thirds of the way, a familiar mobile phone ring suddenly rang. Shen Muning took out his mobile phone and his eyes fell on the lit screen. He put his mobile phone in his ear.

"Hello, Grandpa."

Shen Tiancheng's old voice soon came from the handset, and he was vaguely relieved: "Anning, are you getting off the plane?"

"Yes, Grandpa, I'm on my way back to my old house now. There are about twenty minutes left."

"OK! OK! Anning, grandpa is waiting for you at home. Pay attention to safety on the way. Don't worry."

"I know."


Ali and his party mainly escorted Shen Muning to Shen's house safely. That is to say, their task will be completed in more than 20 minutes, leaving only the last 20 minutes.

If those people still refuse to stop, they will naturally carry out crazy attacks on them during this period of time.

There are several corners in a tree lined path. Ali once came to the Shen family with Bo Hanchi. As long as they crossed this road, they will successfully reach the Shen family's old house.

Suddenly, a fierce wolf dog ran out.

Lu Ye subconsciously stepped on the brake, and the huge inertia made the people in the car lose their mind instantly.

Ali first reacted. A pair of beautiful apricot eyes narrowed abruptly and quickly warned Lu Ye: "don't care so much, rush over!"

But at the same time, their tires burst and both front wheels were flat.

In the imperial capital in late autumn, the weather changes as it changes. The wind rises. The sky above the head gathers large dark clouds, like cotton full of ink, and the sky darkens instantly.

A woman in leather clothes and trousers appeared in the middle of the road. Next to her was an iron fence, which was placed in the middle of the road.

Looking at the familiar face, Ali smiled and couldn't help bending his lips.

The smile fell into the eyes of several others in the car and became very strange.

Ali reached out and pushed the door open.

But at the next moment, Shen Muning strongly stopped him. He frowned tightly and said in a deep voice, "Ali, you can't get off. If they have a gun in their hand, you..."

He didn't say the following words, but as long as he thought about it, he could guess that the consequence of her getting off the bus must be beaten into a sieve.

"Don't worry! It will be fine. She is my creditor. If I die, who will she ask for money?"

Three years ago, the money she owed to the legend had not been settled!

The crowd: "..." looked confused!

So, under the stunned and complex eyes of the people, Ali pushed open the door and went out.

But she didn't think of it. It is said that several people in the mercenary team, except Ji Wei, didn't appear. They surrounded her, with the muzzle of the black gun against the back of her head and the forehead.

And a sharp dagger with a cold light.

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