Little glutinous rice bowed his head and twisted several meat fingers together. Wei said wrongfully, "Mommy said, let me go to work with Daddy every day. When she's finished, she'll find me."

Bo Hanchi: "... What else did your mommy say?"

"Mommy also said, let me listen to daddy's words." of course, you can't listen to what you should listen to or shouldn't listen to. For example, daddy asked mommy's name and Mommy said it. I can't tell Daddy yet.

For a moment, Bo Hanchi didn't know what to say. However, seeing that the little boy was very cute, he regarded it as charity. It shouldn't take a few days, little glutinous rice's Mommy will come to him.


"Mommy, shall we go back?"

It feels bad to be ignored. Bo Qingge doesn't want to stay here at all.

Zhang Wanyi didn't hear Bo Qingge clearly. She just thought, what if Bo Hanchi sent the little glutinous rice away while she was away? On second thoughts, she made up her mind to stay here tonight.

"Little song, Mommy is staying here tonight. If you want to go back, let the driver take you back."

Bo Qingge was stunned and regretted telling her that her eldest brother had an illegitimate child. After hesitating for a while, she kindly advised, "Mommy, you'd better not get involved in my big brother's affairs. If you make him unhappy, he should break up with you again."

Zhang Wanyi was slightly stunned and hesitated to look at Bo Qingge. "He, he's really unhappy?"

"Of course! If the child is really his own, he will certainly stay. You can rest assured that my eldest brother always has rules."

"It seems reasonable to hear you say that!" Zhang Wanyi frowned thoughtfully and suddenly remembered something. Her eyes lit up and took Bo Qingge's hand and said sarcastically, "by the way, Xiaoge, if you tell Song Li about your eldest brother's illegitimate son, would she never want to marry your eldest brother?"

Bo Qingge was shocked. She had to admit that if she really didn't want song Li to marry her eldest brother, it would definitely be a good opportunity. With song Li's pride, she would never be a stepmother for a child.

Besides, the child's mother is still alive! And that child is evidence that his big brother betrayed her.

Seeing her daughter kept silent, Zhang Wanyi said, "what do you think, little song? In fact, if it hadn't happened three years ago, I still like her."

Bo Qingge chuckled, "Mommy, let's go back first! We'll talk about other things later."

"OK! Go back, go back. If the child is really your eldest brother's own, your eldest brother won't let him wander away."

"Yes, you should believe in my brother's character."


It was very late when I left the Shen family.

Ali drove a tough guy SUV and sped along the broad road. Shen Fankai's words kept echoing in his mind. You can be my girlfriend at the charity banquet on the weekend night

She had to promise!

Because this condition does not violate morality, nor does it violate her principles of life.

But she was always uneasy.

While Ali was thinking about things, a thin figure broke into her vision. She suddenly shook, stepped on the brake and almost hit it.

Ali frowned and looked a little ugly, staring coldly at the girl who stopped her car.

Long hair, big eyes, a long dark green coat

She's seen that face.

Ali always has a good memory. She can hardly forget anything she has seen.

That photo, a group photo of the girl and Bo Hanchi. In that photo, she showed most of her face, and Bo Hanchi was just a silhouette, but it was enough for people familiar with him to recognize him.

Although he didn't believe that Bo Hanchi would take a fancy to this girl, Ali felt a little uncomfortable, especially when he saw her real person. At that moment, it was like swallowing a fly raw.


Thinking of this, Ali's tone was naturally not very good. He leaned out his head and said fiercely, "don't you want to live at night?"

Zhang Xueli closed her eyes until she heard the unpleasant scolding. She opened her eyes and looked at Ali's cold and indifferent deep eyes. She rattled in her heart and ran over quickly.

"Miss Song, you are Miss Song, aren't you?"

Zhang Xueli gasped and asked eagerly.

Song Li looked at her indifferently, and the corners of his mouth began to play. He asked with a smile: "what are you looking for?"

A woman who takes the initiative to throw herself into Bo Hanchi's arms. What can I do for her! Either show off in front of her and let her leave Bo Hanchi, or pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic, and finally want to force her to leave.

"Miss Song, I have something to tell you. Can you give me a few minutes?"

The girl stared at Ali with red eyes.

Ali put his hands on the steering wheel and flashed cold at the bottom of his eyes. Why don't you just listen?

"It's cold outside. If you have anything to say, get in the car and say it!"

"Thank you, Miss Song."


After Zhang Xueli got on the bus, she didn't speak for a long time. She just lowered her head and was silent. Several white fingers twisted together hard, as if she was very nervous.

It's Ali. Her elbows are on the steering wheel, her palms are holding her cheeks, and the corners of her mouth are playfully raised. She looks at Zhang Sydney with meaningful eyes. "She looks very beautiful. No wonder brother Bo will like you."

Zhang Xueli blushed and even looked embarrassed when she heard the speech. She immediately shook her head like a rattle and explained, "Miss Song, you misunderstood. Brother Bo and I..."

Seeing that Ali had been watching her carefully, Zhang Sydney felt inexplicably guilty. She clenched her fingers hard.

Ali couldn't help laughing and even encouraged her, "you go on."

Zhang Xueli was stunned. A suspicious color flashed in her eyes. She just lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong, and didn't dare to look at her. "Miss Song, the reason why I came to you is to explain the photo on the microblog to you face-to-face."

"Well, I listen."

Ali was still not in a hurry. The corners of his mouth stirred up and rippled a smile that could almost bewitch people.

Zhang Xueli never thought that song Li should be so calm! Doesn't she like Bo Shao at all? Even if I like it a little, she can't be so calm when I say my identity.

She was suspicious.

"Miss Song, brother Bo is my life-saving benefactor. If it hadn't been for him in recent years, I couldn't have successfully completed my college studies. Last year, my mother suddenly fell ill. If brother Bo hadn't been here, my mother might..."

At this point, Zhang Xueli's voice became choked.

Alimo was silent, just like "you said I was listening". There was no anger and excitement on that exquisite little face, only calm and indifference.

As Zhang Xueli said, all this has nothing to do with her.

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