Little glutinous rice curled his mouth. Under the coercion of his father, he closed his eyes reluctantly.

Bo Hanchi suddenly breathed a sigh. If the little guy doesn't sleep again, he really doesn't have to do what to do! He can't beat or scold. The only thing he can do is to accompany him with his eyes open.

The cell phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

Little glutinous rice secretly opened his eyes and narrowed a seam. For fear of being found by his father, he closed it again.

It's so late. Who's calling daddy!

In order not to disturb the little glutinous rice, Bo Hanchi quickly picked up his mobile phone, got out of bed and walked towards the balcony. "Hello?" his voice was low and dull, and there was a cold silence.

Soon, a cool voice came from the mobile phone receiver: "boss, Shen Fankai is back to the imperial capital."

Bo Hanchi was stunned and hurriedly asked, "when did it happen?"

"According to the information I found, he should have returned to the imperial capital three days ago, but he didn't show up at Shen's house until more than ten o'clock this evening."

"Well, I see."

"Boss, when shall we do it?"

"Follow him first and think long term."


More than seven years have passed. When he dreams at night, he still dreams of the bloody scene. His closest comrade in arms and his best friend were tortured to death by a lone wolf.

Before his death, he was injected with a lot of amphetamines. When he was tortured, he was sober.

What's it like to have five ribs smashed? What's it like to be skinned and cut meat below two legs and knees? The eyeballs were smashed? Ten fingers were stuck off one by one?

Life is better than death!

He watched his comrades die, but he couldn't save him. This has always been his devil.

Bo Hanchi turned back to his room, took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer and took a lighter. When he pulled out the cigarettes from the cigarette box, his fingers trembled a few times, and then he steadily put the cigarettes into his mouth.

The stars flickered, and the gray smoke blurred the dark eyes.

He narrowed his eyes and the cold light flashed across his eyes.

After smoking a cigarette, he picked up another one. However, he didn't put the cigarette in his mouth. He lit it habitually, then watched it burn out inch by inch, and finally turned into soot.

"Daddy, daddy, you sleep with me..."

After waiting for a long time, daddy didn't go back to his room. Little glutinous rice was suddenly unhappy.

Standing on the balcony, the thin cold pool was stunned. He quickly pressed out the cigarette butt and turned back to the room.

Looking at the little glutinous rice who got up and sat on the bed, Bo Hanchi frowned, endured the dryness in his heart, and asked endurably, "why don't you sleep? Aren't you used to it?"

Little glutinous rice rubbed his fluffy eyes and nodded vaguely, "well, I miss mommy a little, but Mommy said that she wanted me to stay with daddy and take me back when she was busy."

For the little glutinous rice, Bo Hanchi is still not used to it. "Song Chengan, you really recognize the wrong person. I'm not your father. If you keep asking a strange man to be your father, your biological father will be unhappy."

Little glutinous rice sighed helplessly and thought to himself: how can I recognize the wrong person! Mommy puts a picture of our family at the head of the bed. I see it as soon as I wake up every morning.

He bowed his head and was silent. Without mommy's permission, he couldn't tell Dad the truth, otherwise Mommy would be angry.

"Forget it, you're still young. I told you you won't understand. I'll tell your Mommy when I see her."

"Daddy, can we sleep now?"

"Well, sleep!"


When he slept until midnight, Bo Hanchi only felt that his body was wet. He suddenly remembered something. He quickly stretched out his hand and touched it. The corner of his mouth pulled hard. The little guy around him even wet the bed!

It happened that the "culprit" was still asleep and didn't know what beautiful dream he had. He even giggled.

With a helpless face, Bo Hanchi had to turn on the bedside lamp and carefully picked up the little guy.

He has to take the little glutinous rice to another room to sleep, otherwise he will definitely catch a cold when he wakes up early tomorrow morning.

As soon as he picked up the little guy, he suddenly woke up and opened his eyes vaguely. There was light in his eyes.

As soon as the little glutinous rice looked up, he saw his father's beautiful face, "Oh, Dad, what are you going to do with me?"

"Wake up?"

Bo Hanchi asked patiently.

The little guy tooted his mouth angrily, as if he didn't wake up. "I was awakened by Dad. Dad, I still want to sleep. I'm so sleepy! I'm going to sleep until dawn."

Bo Hanchi: "..." hold back! You can't see the same thing as the little guy.

"Daddy, you want to sleep." the little guy closed his eyes again. No matter where daddy wants to take him, he can't sell him for money! Mommy said that dad is not short of money.

He looked down at the little guy in his arms. Bo Hanchi couldn't find a place to get angry. The culprit of the wet bed continued to sleep like a person who had nothing to do.

Bo Hanchi had no choice but to take him to the guest room next door and continue to sleep.

The next morning, little glutinous rice woke up early in the morning.

He opened his eyes and looked suspiciously at the layout of the room. Why was it different from that of last night? He rubbed his eyes again. The next moment, the little guy cried loudly.

It must have been midnight last night. Daddy sold him to someone else while he was asleep!

The little guy was crying. How pathetic!

In the living room, sister LAN, who was putting breakfast, seemed to hear crying. This sister LAN came to Bo residence two years ago. Aunt Zhang resigned and went back to her hometown because of something at home.

She thought of the little boy brought back by the young master last night, but at this time, the young master ran away in the morning.

After hesitating for a while, sister LAN put down the plate in her hand and ran to the guest room upstairs.

Little glutinous rice had stopped crying. He sat quietly at the head of the bed, but when he thought of dad selling him while he was asleep, he was very unhappy and couldn't help sucking his nose.

After thinking about it, the little guy rustled his bed in the home clothes that dad bought him last night.

The bed was a little high and he could only climb down tentatively.

Just as the tip of little glutinous rice was about to step on the ground, sister LAN came in from the outside and was startled by his action. She hurried to pick up the little guy and shouted tremblingly, "my little ancestor, be careful to fall down!"

Little glutinous rice was immediately frightened and struggled desperately, "you let go of me! Let go of me! I want Dad..."

"Ouch! My little ancestor, the young master went out for a morning run. He will be back in a minute."

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