Shen Fankai raised his mouth and smiled with disdain and contempt.

However, in his eyes under the lens, he could not hide his pain and resentment,

After a pause, Shen Fankai continued, "it's like a vegetarian monk who never knows the taste of meat, but one day someone tricked him into eating a piece of meat. He immediately liked the taste. Even if he knew it was meat, he was unwilling to give up meat and continue to be vegetarian."

"I don't want to continue to be lonely. If a lonely person dies one day, it's estimated that no one will collect his body!"

Ji Wei lifted her eyes and looked at him very seriously. Her eyes were calm. "Ali is not meat, and you are not a monk. Therefore, Shen Fankai, don't pull Ali into hell with you."

Shen Fankai was stunned and immediately hissed, "Oh! Hell?"

"Hell is so cold! I feel lonely when I am alone. If she is with me, I will feel much better."

He looked defiantly at Ji Wei with an arrogant look.

Ji Wei's face changed slightly, collected her mind and said without trace, "she won't promise."

"You're not her. How do you know she won't promise? Maybe she'll stay in hell with me?"

"Shen Fankai, are you crazy?"

"Crazy?" Shen Fankai's face suddenly became ferocious. He looked up and drank up the wine in the cup.

"Didn't I go crazy long ago? I think when? Twenty years ago? It should be twenty years ago! In order to punish shen you, my mother, she committed suicide in front of me. She cut her wrist and shed a lot of blood. I was surrounded by her blood."

Shen Fankai drooped his eyes, and the whole person seemed to fall into memories. "That was the first time I saw so much blood, really a lot. The soles of my feet were all. I watched my mother close her eyes with my own eyes. I didn't call the doctor, because I knew that my mother was too tired."

"Since she wants to be free so much, as her only son, I'll help her."

"Later, shen you died and cut his wrists in the same way! Of course, shen you cherished his life so much that he could not commit suicide, let alone by cutting his wrists. How painful! He is such a selfish man..."

Speaking of this, Shen Fankai suddenly stopped. He took a meaningful look at Ji Wei, and a cold smile came up at the corners of his mouth, "Ji Wei, you are so smart that you should have guessed! Shen you, my father, I killed him."

Ji Wei was shocked. He had heard of Shen you's death. The Shen family announced that Shen you was in a trance because his wife's death was too painful. Then he cut his wrist and committed suicide.

Even if the outside world questioned this statement, it was said by old man Shen, and no media dared to write indiscriminately.

"I coaxed him to eat the juice with sleeping pills, and then while he was asleep, I tied him up. The dagger used to cut his wrist was used by my mother. Later, shen you woke up with pain. I still remember the panic in his eyes. He wanted me to let him go, but he couldn't open his mouth, because I blocked his mouth early in the morning."

"My grandfather is really hypocritical. He knows that I killed shen you, but he claims that Shen you committed suicide."

Shen Fankai lifted up the corners of his mouth with a cold light in his eyes, but his warm face made him feel like a spring breeze.

He is smiling. He smiles very well.

"Ji Wei, it's really lonely in hell. I finally met such an interesting little Ali. How can I let her go? Unless I die."

Unless... He dies!

Shen Fankai left after telling the story.

Ji Wei kept silent and couldn't say a word. He had known Shen Fankai for decades. This was the first time he heard him talk about the family affairs of the Shen family. When he opened his mouth, it was this kind of secret feeling.

After Mrs. Shen died that year, the Shen family announced that Mrs. Shen died of a bad disease.

Ji Wei suddenly thought that Ali had asked him if Shen Fankai would covet the position of Shen family leader. If it was true as he said just now, he would not give up, because only destroying the Shen family can he really avenge his mother. This should be the reason why the old man took Shen Muning back to the Shen family!

If master Shen gives the Shen family to Shen Fankai, the Shen family will really overturn.

Just a little Shen Muning, is he Shen Fankai's opponent? If Shen Fankai wants to kill him, he has no power to parry.

Suddenly he remembered something. Ji Wei showed a clear smile. Shen Tiancheng would not sit idly by.

"Mr. Shen, the charity auction is about to begin. Do you want to go in?"

"Of course."

In the bar hall, the dim light sets off strange faces.

The air was filled with the smell of tobacco, tobacco and the strong perfume of women.

Ali's drinking capacity has always been good, but she can't hold a cup. One cup after another, she poured it into her mouth. Half an hour later, she shook and smiled at the bartender, with a pair of beautiful apricot eyes slightly bent.

The little brother saw many women who came to the bar to get drunk, but it was definitely the first time he saw someone who could drink five "killers" at a time, and he was still a woman and a very beautiful woman.

Can such a woman be lovelorn?

The bartender shrugged his shoulders and looked incomprehensible, but he advised: "Miss, you can't drink any more."

"Drink! Why not? Are you afraid I won't give you money?"

Ali glared at him angrily.

A dandy who looked very human came up and took out a stack of hundred yuan bills from his wallet. "I'll buy this lady a drink! Then you have nothing to worry about."

The bartender choked and collected the money. He didn't say anything more. Who can't live with money these days! Those who can't get along with money are tortoise bastards.

"This beautiful lady, my surname is Wu. I haven't asked for advice yet..."

The young man smiled very genially, but he couldn't hide his obscene heart.

Before he finished, the woman around him suddenly raised her head and looked at him with blurred eyes. The young man was stunned. The raised Adam's apple rolled slightly and swallowed a mouthful of saliva hard. This woman is really the best thing!

I made a lot of money!

But he didn't think of it. The woman in front of him said, "who the fuck are you? You look so ugly, like the scene of a car accident. Does Miss Ben know you?"

At that moment, the young man's face became extremely ugly, like being pinched by someone's throat, and his face turned red.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a fucking beauty?"

Ali drinks a little too much, but he won't be reduced to tolerating the chat up of strange men. Anyone with a brain can see that this man just wants to take advantage of her and maybe want to sleep with her.

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