Bo Hanchi narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at Zhang Xueli, who was white. He didn't hide his disgust for her in his eyes. He scolded in a deep voice: "Miss Zhang, do it yourself!"

With that, he walked past Zhang Xueli calmly and coldly.

Zhang Xueli suddenly went crazy and grabbed his arm like a pear in tears. She looked pitifully at those dark eyes, "no! Bo Shao, you can't be so cruel to me! You can't! You gave me hope three years ago, you can't..."

She shook her head desperately, her lips trembling slightly.

The man's eyes were cold. A cruel light flashed from the bottom of his eyes. He looked at Zhang Xueli indifferently, and then broke her fingers bit by bit. There was no pity in his eyes.

Looking at her fingers being broken off one by one, Zhang Xueli was scared to the extreme. Her face was pale. She was frightened and frightened, "no! Bo Shao, no, I beg you not..."

Bo Hanchi picked up his eyebrows, mocked at the corners of his mouth and said, "it's already late when you go to find song Li privately."

Zhang Xueli was stunned for a moment. Her fingers relaxed slowly, then hung down powerlessly, and murmured, "she told you, didn't she? But I didn't say anything bad for you. I just wanted to tell her not to misunderstand the picture crazy on the Internet. I didn't mean anything else."

Bo Hanchi narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Zhang Xueli, do you think others are fools?"

Zhang Xueli was shocked, swallowed her saliva hard, and looked at him, "Bo Shao, you have to believe me..."

With that, she wanted to grab his sleeve again, but she was frightened by a cold look. Zhang Xueli subconsciously retracted her hand, stood trembling in place and dared not move any more.

She looked clearly, and the terrible look in her eyes was full of the spirit of killing

He might kill her!

Bo Hanchi opened the door of the ward and walked in. He took a big step. Soon, the door of the ward was closed again, isolating the lost and desperate eyes of Zhang Sydney.

She curled up her fingers vigorously, and her newly trimmed nails pressed against the palm of her hand. She didn't feel pain, but she was itchy.

Zhang Xueli suddenly smiled and her eyes were cold.

The mobile phone in the bag suddenly rang. She was stunned. She quickly turned out the mobile phone from the bag and looked at the mobile phone number displayed on the screen. Zhang Xueli didn't hesitate. She quickly collected her mind and scratched on the screen, "hello?"

"Create a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding enough for song Li to take the initiative to leave him. You only have three months."


"Don't forget your agreement with me."

Zhang Xueli's heart trembled, instantly filled with fear and helplessness, "I, I didn't forget, and I didn't dare to forget."

"Better so."


The noon sun is good and warm. I just want to doze off when I fall on my body.

This season, the roadside French Wutong has already fallen off the leaves, leaving only bare branches.

How desolate!

Shen Fankai stood quietly in front of the French window. The sun fell in through the glass window. His cold face was a little softer, especially his dark eyes under the lens.

I don't know what suddenly occurred to him. He was rarely warm.

He shook the goblet in his hand, lowered his head and sniffed it. The mellow aroma of wine hit his face. A familiar figure walked downstairs. He suddenly lifted the corners of his lips in a cold place.

Get out of the glass!

Walking on the road, Shen Muning's eyebrows jumped. He only felt that the danger was close. He subconsciously stepped back.

The next second, I only heard a "bang", the goblet broke, and Raffi fell on the ground in 1982.

Shen Muning was shocked and his face was slightly white. If he hadn't noticed in time, the broken goblet should have hit his forehead, and he would die.

Under the pressure of his anger and dissatisfaction, Shen Muning looked up and saw that one was open. The people standing in front of the window did not hide or flash, nor did they feel guilty or remorse.

He did it on purpose!

"Sorry! My hand slipped just now."

The man in the room shrugged and said something like a smile.

Shen Muning suddenly smiled. His slender Phoenix eyes were like waves. He leaned down and picked up a piece of goblet fragment. With a flick, the small fragment became a "weapon".

Shen Fankai, standing in front of the window, narrowed his cold eyes, and his body deviated slightly to avoid the attack of debris.

"Good! I've grown."

Shen Muning smiled proudly, his eyes were cold, "thank you for your compliment." then he strode in.

Shen Fankai narrowed his eyes and the temperature around him suddenly dropped. The wild seed dared to challenge him!

At this time, Shen Muning has begun to rectify the Shen family under the inspiration of Shen Tiancheng. It is rumored that the young master of the Shen family has the same means as the one of the Bo family at the beginning. He has strong means and is cruel and fierce. He always pays back the people who want him to die.

Gradually, with Shen Muning's powerful means, the people of the Shen family no longer dare to underestimate him.

A year later, he was engaged to a princess from a small oil-rich country in Saudi Arabia, which further consolidated his position in the Shen family.

Of course, that's all later.

Hospital, VIP advanced ward.

When Bo Hanchi went in, he saw the old man lying in the hospital bed. In two months, it was grandma's 80th birthday. She was really old, with silver hair. Even her spirit was not as good as that of a few years ago.

Thinking about this, he felt some emotion in his heart. He was raised by the old lady, because his mother always resented the old lady for taking him away. Before he was ten years old, she had never stepped into the door of the old house, but the old lady never concealed his existence about his mother.

Su Qin smiled, his face a little pale, "coming?"

Bo Hanchi hurried over, sat down in the chair beside the hospital bed, and gently held the old lady's thin hand. Even if it was well maintained, it still couldn't hide the invasion of years.

But years never defeat beauty. Even with wrinkles on his face, Su Qin can still see the beauty and temperament of his youth.

"Grandma, do you feel better?"

Su Qin looked calm and could not see the slightest fear of death. "I'm an old problem! There's nothing good. Even if Lord Yan asked me to die today, I don't have any complaints."

Thin cold pool frowned unhappily, "grandma..."

Su Qin smiled and didn't care. "I'm just talking. You're serious!" she smiled and continued, "by the way, ah Chi, the person talking to you outside just now is Miss Zhang Xueli!"

Seeing that grandma looked a little different, Bo Hanchi nodded without trace and said, "it's her! I met her at the door just now."

"It's grandma's fault. Grandma shouldn't ask her for afternoon tea. She may have misunderstood."

"If only grandma knew."


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