"Ding Dong..."

The mobile phone he threw on the co pilot's seat suddenly rang. Bo Hanchi was stunned and his sword eyebrows frowned. He flicked the ash and picked up the mobile phone.

An unread wechat.

Looking at the words displayed in the dialog box, the handsome unmarried face suddenly became gloomy, as if a terrible storm was coming.

But when he recovered, Bo Hanchi had to admit that Bo San's suggestion was very pertinent, and the effect was much better than his.

Roses, diamonds, this is easy, as for surprises

Bo Hanchi frowned imperceptibly. For her, what kind of surprise can be regarded as a surprise?

One is short and two are long.

After thinking about it, Bo Hanchi picked up his mobile phone, opened the wechat executive group and began to edit: "I have a friend who wants to propose to his girlfriend. Do you think you need anything else besides roses and diamond rings? My friend wants a successful proposal."

As soon as you click send, someone will return in seconds. It is estimated that the person is playing with his mobile phone.

Li Qin from the marketing department: "boss, I personally think the most important thing is whether your friend's girlfriend has the intention to marry your friend? If not, your friend is thinking hard, and others may not agree."

Lu Yang, marketing department: "Mr. Li, what you said is wrong. If the girlfriend of the boss friend has no intention, we can tap her intention. There is a classic marketing case to sell the number to the monk."

Zhang Xiaomin of the personnel department: "President Li and President Lu, you all think too much. The boss said that this person is a friend of the boss. Think about it, the person who can make friends with the boss must be very excellent. Such an excellent man and his girlfriend must like him, so all we have to do is give ideas."

There was a few minutes of silence in the group.

Bo Hanchi stared at the mobile phone screen with patience. A pair of Zhan black eyes narrowed slightly. How many people are there? Do they want him to send a red envelope before they are willing to bubble?

Without any hesitation, he decisively sent a big red envelope in the group, seven. In less than a minute, the red envelope was robbed.

He hehe twice and replied, "it's all there! I thought you were all asleep."

As a result, they bubble one after another.

"Boss, as far as I know, the place with the highest success rate of proposal is in bed. When love is strong, are you afraid she won't agree?"




Looking at the dialogue that kept popping up on the mobile phone screen, Bo Hanchi threw the mobile phone back to the original place with a cold cry, and looked up at the room with lights not far away.

In fact, he had already prepared the ring. As early as six months ago, he gave a Amethyst obtained from the auction to a famous master in the jewelry industry. It was polished by hand. Even the style is unique in the world.

But also because of this, the production time cycle naturally becomes longer.

It's still a week before the delivery date initially negotiated. It seems that he has to call in person to urge it.

Twist out the cigarette butt between your fingers, throw it at the wheel, and then start the vehicle skillfully.

What Bo Hanchi didn't know was that behind the shining windows, a shadow put away all the curtains after he left, and took a panoramic view of the lonely scenery outside.

Ali leaned against the window, looked up and looked at the dark blue sky in the distance.

"Mommy, Mommy, I'll sleep with you tonight, okay?"

Before she could hurt the spring and autumn, little glutinous rice crept to her and looked up at her.

I haven't slept with mommy for a long time. When I live with my father in the future, he will have no hope. Therefore, he should seize all opportunities to sleep with mommy.

Looking at the big black eyes in front of him, Ali opened his mouth and almost said yes. However, at the thought of the little guy's sleeping appearance, she swallowed it back.

Once, she was poisoned!

After a pause, Ali deliberately said solemnly, "Song Chengan, don't you always say you're a big brother? By the way, last time you said, you're grown up now. Don't sleep with mommy. You'll be ashamed, because Mommy is a girl and you're a boy."

The little glutinous rice blinked and frowned gently. Did I say such a thing?

He held the little pillow and shook his head pitifully. "Mommy, you must remember wrong. I didn't say such a thing at all! Oh, I see. Mommy must be old and forgetful."

After a pause, little glutinous rice added, "it must be so."

Ali: "..." I really want to beat this little boy. Is it swollen?

She grinned, a pair of beautiful apricot eyes narrowed slightly, looked at the little glutinous rice in her spare time, and asked, "Song Chengan, what did you say just now? Mommy didn't hear me, can you say it again?"

Little nuomi: "..." Mommy, are you really good at threatening me like this?

Thinking like this in my heart, but I dare not say so in my mouth. Little glutinous rice smiled, "Mommy, I just said you were the best, so Mommy, you will let me sleep with you, right? Besides, Mommy, I will warm the bed. When you go to bed, the quilt will be warm."

At the thought of this guy wetting the bed, she was stunned to pee all over her, and her soft heart immediately hardened again.

Ali sniffed, "no!"

Little glutinous rice immediately flattened his mouth and gently sucked his small nose. He said pitifully, "Mommy, don't you like me? Daddy said that if you like a person, you must be willing to sleep with him. Mommy doesn't want to sleep with me now, so you must not like me."

With that, little glutinous rice sobbed sadly.

Ali was stunned at once and took a hard smoke at the corner of his mouth. What bullshit logic is this! If you like someone, are you sure you want to sleep with him? Well, it seems... Bah bah! It doesn't make any sense.

She took a deep breath, put her hands gently on xiaonuomi's shoulder and said with a smile, "xiaonuomi, this is a heresy. Don't listen to your father."

Little glutinous rice frowned and looked embarrassed. "But, Mommy, I think Daddy is quite right. Because I like mommy, I want to sleep with mommy."

Struggling to resist the impulse to roll his eyes, Ali narrowed his eyes, smiled, hehe twice, and said helplessly, "okay! Go on tonight and sleep by himself in the future, you know?"

If you are born by yourself, you should spoil it on your knees!

Seeing that mommy promised to come down, little glutinous rice was so excited that he almost jumped up. He immediately hugged mommy's neck, took a sip on her cheek, smiled and said, "Mommy, I love you most."

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