Ali returned to the hospital. Before she went to the emergency room, she saw the warmth coming from the front. She was stunned and knew that Bo Hanchi had returned to the ward, otherwise warmth would not appear here.

Warm and slightly stunned, it seems that she didn't expect to meet Ali here. She came forward and pulled out a tired smile from the corners of her mouth. "He has been sent back to the ward. No accident. She will wake up tomorrow night at the latest."

"Warm sister, it's hard for you."

In fact, Ali could see clearly. At that time, she approached the emergency room with Bo Hanchi. She had taken off her white coat and was ready to go off work. She asked her to help.

Warm eyes flashed with amazement. He put his hands in the pocket of his coat, smiled and said, "if you really think I'm working hard, you'd better invite me to dinner."

Ali lowered his eyes and said, "as long as you have time, you can at any time."

"Then tomorrow noon! Anyway, you will basically stay in the hospital before he leaves the hospital."

Hearing the warm words, Ali noncommittally pursed her lips and smiled. She guessed right that she would never leave Starscream until he was caught by the police.

After thinking about it, Ali smiled and replied, "OK, tomorrow noon, you can decide where you want to eat. Don't save me money."

Warmth couldn't help laughing. "Haven't seen you for years. Have you become a rich woman?"

Ali also smiled. "The rich woman is not a rich woman, but a master with more money than he can spend."

On that pair of smiling eyes, warm was stunned. Before she could recover, he heard Ali continue to say, "by the way, sister warm, I'll ask you something. Did your hospital accept a man named Shen Fankai last night?"

"Shen Fankai?"

"Yes, it's Shen Fankai. It was probably between 10:30 and 11:30 last night."

Warm hesitated and said, "I'll check it for you."

Suddenly he remembered something. Ali frowned and added, "maybe he didn't register this name. The only thing I can be sure is that his attending doctor said that his head was hit and he might not wake up."

"After I find out, I'll contact you via wechat."

"Thank you, sister."

Warm smile, "Ali, I apologize to you for the past. I hope you don't take it to heart. I'm sorry for the cold pool..."

After a pause, she took a deep breath, raised her red lips slightly, and continued: "let's say it! I admit I used to like him until grandma Bo wanted to set me up with him. I still have selfishness towards him."

Ali raised his eyebrows. "What about now?"

"Now?" warm chuckled, "do you think I look like a fool who bumped into the south wall and refused to look back?"

"Hmm..." Ali deliberately touched his chin. A pair of beautiful apricot eyes looked at her. He was warm and didn't worry. He just looked at her with a smile and let her look at her.

Ali suddenly stepped forward, gave warm a big hug and said softly, "sister warm, there are many good men in the world. Why hang from a tree? I support you."

"By the way, I've met many high-quality men in recent years. I'll introduce some to you later?"

She was joking on purpose.

The lips were warm and curved, and the eyes were shining like autumn water. "I appreciate your kindness. I want to wait for Huanyan. In another month, he should be able to come back!"

"Good men are not afraid of more, more choices and more protection."


"Warm sister, if brother Huanyan tells you to take Joe, tell me and I'll teach him a lesson."

"He..." thinking of the last call, he warmed the smile raised by the corners of his mouth and stiffened slightly. "Don't tell me so much. Go to the ward to see him quickly!"

"OK! I'll go first. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."


Standing in place warm and quiet, she watched Ali's back disappear around the corner. Then she slowly took back her eyes and looked down at her watch. He should not be busy at this time!

Hesitated for a moment, warm picked up the phone and found the name "Lu Huanyan" in the recent contact.

Soon, the mobile phone came to a familiar, deep voice: "what's happening?"

"There's nothing wrong, just want to know..." the warmth paused for a moment, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "have you slept yet!"

Lu Huan Yan was slightly stunned, and immediately said coldly, "ready to sleep, what are you doing? If..."

He wanted to say, if it's all right, hang up!

But before he finished, warm suddenly smiled at himself and tightened his fingers holding the mobile phone, "Huanyan, do you hate me so much now? You don't even want to say two more words with me?"

Lu Huanyan was silent.

With a warm drooping eyes and a smile on the corners of my mouth, she said to herself, "my mother has been urging me to date for the past six months. She said that if I don't marry again, I will become an older leftover woman. In fact, at my age, I am already an older leftover woman!"

"Huanyan, I'll be thirty after the new year. I just want to ask you, are you willing to marry me? If you like, I'll wait for you to come back. If not..."

She pursed her lips warm and hard, and her eyes were wet. As soon as she lowered her head, tears rolled out of her eyes.

She took a deep breath, looked up, forced her tears back, and said in a repressed voice, "if you don't want to, I'll listen to my mother's arrangement and meet the man in a few days. My mother said that the man said that he was a returned doctor and a good-looking man."

Lu Huan Yan gently collected her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something. Finally, she was silent.

The warm heart knew that Lu Huanyan couldn't get the answer she wanted.

"That's all I want to say. I'm sorry to disturb your rest. Good night!"

"Doodle doodle..."

A busy tone sounded from the handset. Lu Huanyan still kept the posture of answering the phone. His engraved face was like a pool of stagnant water without any expression at the moment.

After a while, he regained his consciousness. Instead of going back to bed to rest, he put on his training clothes, went out of the dormitory door and ran towards the training ground.

One, two, three

When he ran to the 20th lap, Lu Huanyan gasped. He suddenly stopped, put his palm on his knee, looked up and looked at the dark blue night sky in the distance.

The first time he saw warmth, he liked her. He said to himself, it should be love at first sight! Later, he summoned up the courage to confess to her, and she hesitated and agreed.

No one knows how happy he was at that moment!

Just like how painful he felt after he knew the truth.


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