Feng Yijin finally knew that Sheng Tang could not be provoked. At least she can't take advantage of it when she's alone and simple.

In the past, she came directly to fight with Sheng Tang.

"Don't make any noise. Don't you have to sleep?" The monitor yelled.

Other students also help: "you do something wrong, but also angry others?"

There are a lot of students who speak.

Feng Yijin seemed to realize for the first time that he had committed public anger, and he felt a strange fear in his heart.

She pushed aside her classmates and ran out.

Things are still fermenting.

Three days later, the student union exempted Han Xiaozheng from the status of vice president and vice minister of literature; as for Feng Yijin, the forum said that she had been deleted by the school as "suspected campus violence" for several days.

It's slowly calming down.

Han Xiao is like the eggplant that frost hits, dejected. Once, in the dining hall corridor saw Sheng Tang, his eyes with hatred of anger.

That day, Jiang Baochu had something to do. Other students had to go to the teacher's side after eating. Sheng Tang went back to the classroom alone.

Han Xiaozheng blocked her: "did you do it?"


"Those posts, those posters!" He clenched his teeth, one word at a time.

Sheng Tang chuckled: "how can I have this ability? Classmate, you flatter me

Han Xiaozheng's face is slightly distorted and seems to want to hit people.

Sheng Tang looked at him. Her eyes were bright and her eyebrows were green and deep. There was a kind of cold air between her eyebrows: "do you want to start? Classmate, you go back to ask your sister, I have practiced Sanda. Do you want to be beaten down by me, more disgraceful? "

She was so powerful that she bluffed Han Xiaozheng.

In the distance, there was a boy who was walking with Han Xiaozheng and pulled him: "don't be wise with her. Let's go."

Han Xiaozheng is reluctant to be taken away.

There were seven or eight students around, and some even took the initiative to ask Sheng Tang what was going on.

Sheng Tang has a smile and doesn't intend to explain.

She was about to go forward when her hands fell on her shoulders.

Sheng Tang is slightly surprised and turns his eyes to see Gu shiting.

Gu shiting's hands are white and thin, and the joints are slightly protruding.

There was an inspiratory sound nearby.

Master gu!

That's Mr. Gu. He actually put his hand on the shoulder of that fat girl classmate.


But then, more incredible things happened: Gu shiting untied his coat and tied it to Sheng Tang's waist.

Sheng Tang was also frightened by him.

"What's the matter?" She hurried to stop him. "I'll do it myself."

Gu shiting bent down slightly, avoided her hand, and tied his school uniform coat for her.

More and more people were watching.

Many students point out.

Sheng Tang really doesn't want to be in the center of public opinion on campus, because he can't get any fame and wealth, but he will make a fuss.

Her face should be unnatural.

Gu shiting tied up, turned to go forward, did not deliberately wait for her.

However, that scene was still filmed.

Photos and videos were posted to the school forum.

Sheng Tang is at a loss.

She looked behind her, only to find that her trousers were dyed with dark red.

She came to her great aunt today. She didn't notice and made a pair of trousers.

She couldn't help her forehead.

For a moment, she didn't know which event made her more embarrassed.

She rushed to the grocery store, bought a packet of sanitary napkins and went to the toilet.

She was embarrassed to dirty Gu shiting's coat. She untied it and took it in her hand.

She brushed the forum in the toilet and made a bold decision.

"Let everyone see what's going on." She decided that was it and didn't want to cover it up.

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