Gu shiting stands by the door.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun moved westward, and the warm golden sun fell on him, inlaying his outline with a faint Phnom Penh.

He is about 1.85 meters tall, and he is also outstanding in school uniform. His eyebrow bone is slightly high, his eyes are deep, his nose is high, his lips are thin, his skin is very white, and he is handsome with a third of his childish temperament.

"Why did you come?" Sheng Tang was very surprised and walked towards him.

There was no expression on his face: "that day, thank you for saving me." Thank her for saving him and for being with him.

Come here and say that?

Sheng Tang smile: "don't thank you. Your father has already thank you and helped me find my home."

Gu shiting looked down at his feet, reached out of his pants pocket, took out a thing and handed it to Sheng Tang.

Sheng Tang reached for it.

It's a very common platinum Bracelet without diamond inlay. It's up to 1000 yuan.

"... maybe I took it off your hand by accident and then hung it on my trousers. You didn't notice it." Gu shiting said.

He doesn't speak slowly, his voice is not high, and even his eyes don't look at people very much.

Sheng Tang suddenly realized.

She said, Prince Huishi, if you want to thank her, it's impossible to send such shabby little jewelry.

"Thank you." Sheng Tang Road.

She didn't know how to deal with the shy boy, so she politely asked him, "this is my community. Do you want to go in and sit down? Have dinner or something

Gu shiting looked at her.

I don't know if it is Sheng Tang's illusion. At this moment, he seems to really want to go.

Then, he looked at the sun again and shook his head: "No

Sheng Tang also remembered that he was afraid of the dark and said, "it's too late. Please come to dinner some other day. Go back and be careful. "

Gu shiting nodded: "goodbye."

"Wait a minute."

Gu shiting stands still.

"What grade are you in?"

"Senior three."

Sheng Tang then waved: "goodbye, elder martial brother."

Gu shiting nodded. Although he did not smile and his expression was lacking, his politeness was conveyed.

Sheng Tang put on his bracelet and went home.

Gu shiting's car also left.

He sat alone, empty of heart.

The bracelet was worn on Sheng Tang's hand at that time. When he tried to hold her hand, he accidentally took it off.

A few days ago, he couldn't sleep at night. Even if he turned on the light, he was very flustered. Holding the bracelet hard and pressing it in the palm can make him return to reality and escape those nightmares.

But it's somebody else's stuff.

Pick up the girl's small jewelry, secretly collect, how to feel very obscene.

Gu shiting made a decision and wanted to return it to her.

He said hello to her at school today, which attracted her criticism, so he could not return it to her at the school gate.

Huishi students' information can be found as long as he wants to. He specially found her home address, came to wait early, and saw her as expected.

It's over. It's over.

But his heart is endless loss.

Sheng Tang doesn't know the drama of master Gu's heart. She doesn't take the bracelet seriously. Looking for the memory of the morning, she returns to her downstairs.

I happened to meet my grandmother who came back from shopping downstairs.

Grandma said with a smile, "today you are the latest to come back. Cook your favorite sweet and sour spareribs in the evening. "

Her body has a kind of smell of snow cream, old-fashioned women love to use, over the years, the taste has soaked into the skin.

Like Sheng Tang's grandmother.

"Grandma is so nice!" Sheng Tang acts as a coquettish, and then helps grandma carry vegetables. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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