"Mr. Jiang, this article is very good." The editor in chief was very happy, "it's the best one in our plan!"

Jiang Baochu said thanks.

"That's hard for you. Send it out. We'll promote it later." Said the editor in chief.

Jiang Baochu breathed a sigh of relief.

At last the task was completed.

Finally, a big problem was solved.

She thought of a more attractive title and sent out the article.

Cinderella is written by Sheng Tang.

After seeing it, the editor in chief immediately called back and asked what was going on.

"Do you know the sentences and poems that I've become popular? All of them were written by my classmate; this article is also hers. " Jiang Baochu.

The editor in chief hesitated over there and asked, "can you discuss with her and use your signature or not at all?"

"Then I will not hair."

"If you don't, you will break the contract." The editor in chief was suddenly in a bad mood.

For disobedient subordinates, of course, we should put pressure on them.

When it comes to breach of contract, it can be either a soft nail or a hard fist.

"It doesn't matter. I can break it." Jiang Baochu said, "you say a number, I'll give you the money."

Then she hung up.

The article also did not withdraw, so sent up.

The editor in chief was obviously stunned and was not satisfied with Jiang Baochu's temper.

She didn't like the disobedience of her staff.

Therefore, the editor in chief intends to bluff Jiang Baochu and send her a contract of liquidated damages of one million yuan.

She was also angry.

Who is not fawning on her people? Jiang Baochu, a senior high school student, does not know the height of heaven and earth.

What's more, her article is just a little good. It's not so good. What qualifications does she have to blackmail her?

She immediately sent the contract to Jiang Baochu.

"Mr. Jiang, please change your signature in 10 minutes. Sheng Tang is not an employee of our company. You can't sign her name directly. "

"I won't change it." Jiang Baochu said, "I saw the contract. I will send a lawyer to contact you."

Editor in chief: lawyer?

The child's brain is broken after watching too many TV dramas?

"It's not necessary for an article. In fact, the quality of that article is OK, but it's not as big as fire. You can think about it again. " The editor in chief showed her 12 points of patience.

Jiang Baochu did not return.

She not only did not return, but also moved this article to her own micro blog.

, in order to attract traffic, they must wait for the official account to read enough. Then Jiang Baochu will move to other platforms.

She was suddenly disobedient.

Editor in chief explodes.

Ten minutes later, she informed Jiang Baochu again that the company would sue her for breach of contract and ask her to wait for the lawyer's letter.

Jiang Baochu still did not return.

The editor in chief was so angry that he didn't want to work. As we media workers, they also have to work overtime on weekends. The editor in chief was very angry, but now he has become a ball, which is going to explode at once.

At this moment, the secretary came in.

"Editor in chief, Mr. Jiang's article has been read by 100000 people in half an hour. It must have been a big fire. Is it promoted today? " Asked the secretary.

Editor in chief a Leng: "what?"

She has read that article and it is very good. But how is it possible to read more than 100000 in half an hour?

Jiang Baochu's ship doesn't have so much energy.

At the same time, a handsome middle-aged man, dressed in a well tailored suit, arrived at their company and handed in his business card: "I am Miss Jiang Baochu's lawyer. Is this the breach contract issued to my client by your company?"

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