After a few days, the school newspaper, published Sheng Tang's exclusive interview, the front page headlines.

Gu shiting specially bought several newspapers and collected them. He cut that page carefully and pasted it on his book.

His book, on which there are many screenshots and printed pictures, are all works of Sheng Tang. Some of them were copied by hand.

"Tang Tang really powerful, and fire an article." Gu shiting flicked the newspaper.

As expected, he was very talented, but also very happy.

There are also people who are not very happy.

Yang Mingming is the first person to be interviewed in the school newspaper, because she is the female anchor of the school radio, with the highest popularity and the first school flower.

Everyone was after her.

As a result, the second place is Sheng Tang.

Does Sheng Tang want to line up with her?

This girl, regardless of her family background, appearance and figure, and even her academic performance, is far inferior to Yang Mingming. Just wrote a few sour poems, what a nonsense fairy tale, terrible songs, but can be as famous as her?

Yang Mingming disdains to question the people in the school newspaper, but she conveys her unhappiness.

Sheng Tang didn't know about it.

Sheng Tang goes to school and school normally.

On Wednesday, it was another cloudy day, with a cold wind.

When Sheng Tang gets up early, his eyelids jump all the time. Every time her eyelids jump, there are some unexpected bad things.

She was still thinking, what would happen?

She was sitting on the bus, drowsy, and suddenly the bus clattered.

As soon as the crowd tilted, Sheng Tang almost fell down and the bus stopped.

The front of the car is smoking.

The driver went down to check and found that the bus was broken and could not leave now.

The next bus will arrive in 20 minutes, and Sheng Tang will have 20 minutes to go to class.

She didn't want to be late.

She looked at the stop sign, only two stops away from their school, and it was only ten minutes.

There are also shared bicycles nearby.

Sheng Tang immediately brush a bicycle, braved the cold wind to school.

She hasn't been riding a bicycle for a long time, and she is timid.

Approaching the corner of the school street, suddenly a car whistled. Sheng Tang has been walking on the side. He doesn't take it seriously. He feels that there is something rushing over behind him.

She didn't hold the front of her car steady and fell over the curb.

There was ice on the ground, and Sheng Tang's palm had worn a piece of skin, and her knee hurt.

it took her a long time to stand still. A driver got off the car over there and yelled at her: "don't you have eyes? Can't see the way? "

Sheng Tang:....

she hasn't met such an unyielding thing.

She walked her sidewalk well and prepared to turn. The motor vehicle left behind her and obviously wanted to hit her, but she said she didn't look at the road?

Does the driver take traffic law as a joke?

Sheng Tang to refute, suddenly behind a car quickly drove over.

Gu shiting rushed out of the car. With a wave of something in his hand, the whip came out of the sheath and whipped the driver in the face.

The driver has a pain.

Although the whip would not hurt the muscles and bones, but a whip like this made a blood mark on his face.

"What the hell..." the driver was very arrogant and wanted to beat Gu shiting.

Gu shiting's whip in his hand was extremely flexible, and his return was a whip, hitting the driver.

He took the car, but also down the tall driver and bodyguard, as well as leisurely station fixed Song Chen.

The driver looked at the car with a good eye.

The people in the car couldn't help it: "Gu shiting, stop it, it's all misunderstandings..."

the girl's voice is pretty.

She is dressed in a school uniform that fits her well. She stands still and looks graceful. She is Yang Mingming of Huishi high school.

Gu shiting's anger in his heart was even stronger. He suddenly turned back a whip and whipped him hard on Yang Mingming's face.

Her skin was tender and her face was splashed with blood.

Sheng Tang: "she was shocked by this scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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