It's snowing harder and harder.

By the end of the third class, the classroom outside has been a pure white.

Snow has flooded roads and trees, turning the world into a whole and lengthening the view.

"It hasn't snowed so much in years." Jiang Baochu sighed.

S city is located in the coastal area of East China. It is very rare to have a little snow in winter.

Jiang Baochu remembers that the last time it snowed was ten years ago. When she was very young, she rode on her father's neck to watch the snow.

"The weather is abnormal this year." Sheng Tang Road.

The two of them sat by the window of the fourth group and could see the snow without going out.

They chatted and watched the snow.

"Do you want to take pictures at noon?" Sheng Tang asked her again.

Jiang Baochu quickly nodded: "of course! It's such a beautiful snow scene. It's very beautiful to shoot. "

She looked at the other students. "I'll ask more people later. Let's take more pictures."

Sheng Tang nods.

In the fourth class, the teacher's throat is inflamed and uncomfortable. Let's study by ourselves.

The class began to pass notes.

Jiang Baochu is the most active.

"It's good to send a message directly. What's the message?" The note came to Sheng Tang's hand, and she wrote it like this.

Jiang Baochu quickly returned to her: "playing mobile phone will be seen by the teacher."

Sheng Tang: "elder sister, can't the teacher see the note? The teacher is not blind.

She was speechless and passed Jiang Baochu's note to the front and back tables.

In this way, Jiang Baochu made an appointment with eight female students before class. After lunch, they went to take photos.

Then, they discussed where to take photos.

Behind the school hall, there is a small forest. There are all kinds of landscapes and pavilions in the forest. They are usually well maintained and have a large area.

They chose the address there.

Students can't wait to go out after class.

Sheng Tang goes to the canteen with Jiang Baochu and others. On the way, he sees that there are students who can't afford to eat. He first makes a snowman in the open space.

When they came back from eating, the snow was half finished, and it looked like a big round faced monkey.

Sheng Tang and they watched for a moment. Several girls took off their scarves, hair accessories and other decorations. They soon finished a big monkey.

"Come on, let's take some pictures." Jiang Baochu.

Several girls crowded into one place.

Originally, the three boys who made the snowman were junior high school students. After a busy day's work, they were occupied by the students' shameless faces. They were helpless.

They wanted to recapture their monkey. They started to remind them several times, which were interrupted by the students.

Three people are very helpless, admit that they have been busy for a whole noon.

"Forget it. Eat first." One of the boys said, "when we finish eating, they should go."

They think too well.

Jiang Baochu and they did go, but other girls came again. They often took pictures around the snowman and trampled the snow around into black mud.

When Sheng Tang and his party arrived at the grove behind the auditorium, there were already students.

Like Jiang Baochu, they also came to take photos.

Fortunately, no one occupied the Pavilion behind the rockery. Shengtang quickly passed by and circled the site.

"... who can't take pictures?" Asked Jiang Baochu.

Three girls raised their hands.

The rest of us will, so we take turns to form a group photo, or shoot alone.

The woods are full of people, not a moment of leisure.

Sheng Tang felt that time passed quickly. He looked at his mobile phone and said, "there are still five minutes for class."

The girls exclaimed, "it's impossible..."

they just took pictures for a while. How could more than an hour pass? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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