Other students came back to their senses and made a lot of noise.

"No matter how you say it, you shouldn't start hitting people. We haven't heard of Feng Yijin instigating you two."

"Yes, if you hadn't said it first, we didn't know that you two were in love. What's the matter with Feng Yijin? Would you beat her?"

"Chen Shen, you are not a gentleman, are you beating a woman?"

"He first pointed to Sheng Tang."

Feng Yijin listened to all the people's chatter, but they were all defending her. A strange mood rose in his heart.

She bullied them all the time. At the critical moment, they didn't hurt them.

Because Sheng Tang helped her.

Sheng Tang has a high prestige in the class. If Sheng Tang doesn't act today, other students may not be willing to speak for her.

Thinking of this, Feng Yijin's eyes are hot.

Chen Shen slapped her and she didn't cry. At the moment, she wanted to cry.

Strange moved, full of her, which makes her at a loss.

She pushed through the crowd and ran away.

"Feng Yijin!" The monitor yelled behind him, "so late, where are you going?"

He's going after him.

It's night.

On the 28th of the twelfth month in S City, there are few people. Feng Yijin, a girl, is very easy to have an accident.

Sheng Tang then took the monitor: "I'll go after it, you pacify this side."

After that, Sheng Tang quickly followed him.

Her physical fitness is better than Feng Yijin, two minutes later, she chased Feng Yijin.

She grabbed Feng Yijin: "don't run around...".

she spent her eyes on her eyes, and her face was covered with black stains.

When Sheng Tang went downstairs, she wore a down jacket. The paper towel she had put in her down jacket pocket was not useful in the toilet, but was used here.

She took out a paper towel to Feng Yijin: "don't go, I can't find you when I lose it later."

She forced her to a flower bed by the side of the road and sat down.

Feng Yijin took the tissue and covered his face.

"Don't be sad." Sheng Tang comforted her, "what's wrong with secret love? Anyway, from an onlooker's point of view, you didn't collude with Chen Shen, nor did you stir up the relationship between him and Bai Shaolin. It's not a big mistake to like him secretly. "

Feng Yijin did not speak, still covered his face with a paper towel.

"Who loves a few scum when he is young?" Sheng Tang said again.

Feng Yijin was in a stable mood for a long time, and he said, "you don't have to gloat at at it."

Sheng Tang said with a smile: "look at your virtue, who seldom picks up your fun?"

They were silent.

After a while, Sheng Tang thinks of Jiang Baochu, saying that Feng Yijin's stepmother connived at her. She is so bear now that someone behind her is misleading her.

Children are not yet mature, and the three outlooks are not fixed. It is really easy to be lured into the wrong way.

For example, Feng Yijin, does she really think her messy makeup looks good?

Maybe, someone in her family suggested that it was cool, different from other children, and unique; it was strong and encouraged to beat classmates in school.

Sheng Tang is very tolerant to the underage children.

"Are you a little silly?" Sheng Tang laughed, "Feng Yijin, you should think about who is good to you in this world."

Feng Yijin suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her.

Sheng Tang's words shocked her.

She was particularly confused these days, because she saw impatience and even disgust in her stepmother's eyes.

All her previous perceptions have been overturned.

If the stepmother has always hated her, and she has been following her stepmother's preferences, then what is she like now?

So she doesn't like to stay at home.

She knew that her classmates didn't like her very much, and she came to every party.

Now Sheng Tang said this again. Feng Yijin seemed to have been punched: "what do you say?"

"I heard it." Sheng Tang said, "some people say that you and your brother are bear children, and your father hates you both.

I think there is a reason for this. There are bear parents behind every bear child. No one connives and misleads, the child is not up

Feng Yijin's chest was thumped by something.

Tears as big as a quarter of a bean fell from the corner of her eye. Feng Yijin was silent for two seconds and burst into tears.

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