Xu Bingzhi didn't leave. After he came, he said what he thought and was driven out by his grandmother.

So he sat in the car downstairs and waited.

He was suddenly stubborn and would like to see his daughter today anyway.

He has been successful in his career these years, but he has not been married. He had a girlfriend who gave birth to a pair of twins. He is ten years old this year.

That girlfriend and Cheng ruojuan's idea is the same, want to borrow children, marry into the Xu family.

In the end, his girlfriend's hope was dashed. He threw his two children to him. He got a large sum of money and went on a happy journey.

He still has many girlfriends around him, who will change from time to time.

No matter how, I always think of Cheng ruojuan.

It was his first love.

He can't forget seeing Cheng ruojuan for the first time.

At that time, the social environment, everyone was gray, no matter it was clothes or skin, even the young students in the school were no exception.

Cheng Ruojun is different.

There are no girls in the University of Geosciences. If they have a little beauty, they are all admired as class flowers, but Cheng ruojuan is not a little charming.

She is very beautiful.

On the first day of school, she wore a white shawl shirt. Instead of combing her ponytail like other girls, she put it down directly.

Black hair, soft and slick, thick and dense, poured down her shoulders. Her skin was white against the black hair.

Not pale, but delicate with a ruddy white, eyes are bigger and brighter.

When she came into the classroom, all the boys held their breath and their eyes lit up.

On the first day of the report, the whole university of Geosciences knew that there was a girl named Cheng ruojuan among the freshmen, who looked like an immortal.

How many people pursue her, Xu Bing can't count.

Finally, I won her heart. It was a big victory.

After catching up with her, he realized that the beauty was not pure and pure. Cheng ruojuan also selected Xu Bingzhi, the eldest son of the family who had real power in the city at that time.

Young people fall in love, fight and make trouble, and he and Cheng ruojuan are no exception.

Especially in the year of breaking up, the more they quarreled, the more fierce they became.

Xu Bingzhi has his backbone and wants to take Cheng ruojuan abroad to do business in the future. However, his family wants him to stay in the city, get a civil servant examination, and go into politics in the same way as his family.

Cheng ruojuan is disliked by his mother, but in order to please his mother, he stands at his home and helps his family force him.

At that time, Xu Bingzhi felt a deep betrayal; he also realized that Cheng ruojuan did not love him at all, but the power behind him.

In a fit of anger, he broke up with Cheng ruojuan.

He had no choice but to compromise with his family and family for a while and accepted the fiancee he was looking for.

Later, he also resisted, carrying his fiancee and getting together with Cheng ruojuan, even with the pleasure of revenge on her and the family.

When he was with her again, his heart softened, and he loved her at that time.

However, Cheng ruojuan even made his most annoying Assassin's mace - pregnancy.

Xu Bingzhi is a selfish man, regardless of Cheng ruojuan's situation and life and death, only care about his sad love has been thoroughly disgraced and betrayed.

He went abroad by himself and really broke off contact with Cheng ruojuan.

But Cheng ruojuan has always been despised by Xu Bingzhi's parents. Now they can't even find their son. They suspect Cheng ruojuan's obstruction and break her desire to marry into the Xu family.

When his anger subsided, he also found that what he hated was not Cheng ruojuan, but his powerless youth.

He wanted to find her, and if she wasn't married, he gave her everything she wanted.

He compromised with her.

But what he got was the news of Cheng ruojuan's death.

Xu Bingzhi was deeply hit. In the next few years, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to his career, which seemed to be desperate.

As a result, he did make some achievements, and now he has huge financial resources.

Until last year, his twins were getting older and older, and he suddenly had a thought: did Cheng ruojuan's child really not come into being?

How can a woman give up her future until the last moment?

Cheng ruojuan is also the most utilitarian person. How can she give up so easily?

With such suspicions, he sent people to investigate openly and secretly and found Sheng Tang.

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