"... I really want to invite you to my home for dinner, but my parents are not in China recently." Jiang Baochu has a little regret, "how about some time?"

Sheng Tang pinched her face: "I invite you to eat, is it to go to your home to rub rice? If your parents are not at home, or if you think my grandmother's food is delicious, it's OK to come every day. "

Jiang Baochu laughed sweetly: "Grandma's food is so delicious!"

Sheng Tang waved goodbye to her.

The family liked Jiang Baochu very much and praised her as beautiful and polite.

"Now don't worry. I didn't make bad friends at school." Sheng Tang said with a smile.

After dinner, she didn't have to go to the gym today. The whole family went for a walk in the neighborhood.

When Sheng Tang talked about the school, he talked about Qi Lin.

When she described it, her parents were frightened by her.

"He said, if I win, he will jump. I said I didn't have to jump off the building. I took off all of them and ran around the playground. But in the end he ran to jump

The faces of both parents sank.

Sheng Tang didn't seem to know their worries and went on.

Speaking of her songs, she also talked about Qilin's mother's thanks to her, as well as the fictitious praise of the head teacher.

Parents are sweating.

My grandmother didn't care about others. She just asked, "can Tang Tang write songs by herself? What song is it

Brother interrupted: "sister, you have learned guitar before, don't you say you can't learn it?"

Sheng Tang touched his head: "I learned not to learn, not to give up."

Then she began to sing.

The effect of Qingchang is not as good as accompaniment, but the singing voice of the original owner is very good. With a little skill, you can sing very beautiful.

Father listened and listened, and most of his worries were gone.

Mother is still worried.

Sheng Tang thinks that her parents may be more worried when they hear about these things from the local population in the future. She might as well tell them about them on her own initiative.

Some things can not be covered, like wounds, the more cover the more serious.

"... nice to hear!" When she finished singing, her brother clapped, "sister, I want to learn too!"

"Well, I'll teach you." Sheng Tang said with a smile.

At this time, my father said, "go home and learn again. Tang Tang, is this really what you wrote

In the entertainment industry, too many years old, Sheng Tang has forgotten what human beings should be shy and nervous. She can say anything without changing her face.

Her nerves were numb from the frequent wind and waves.

So she said frankly and sincerely, "yes, I wrote it."

"What did your head teacher say later?"

"There is nothing to say. Qilin's mother seems to have great prestige. The teacher gives her face." Sheng Tang said with a smile.

After hearing this, the parents were afraid for a few minutes and turned to be happy for their daughter.

Their daughter, now unusual.

Especially the mother, happy to death.

When they came back from their walk, the younger brother Sheng Brown found the dusty guitar.

"It's so late, disturbing people." Their father didn't allow them to play, "tomorrow, during the day."

Sheng Tang went back to her room to wash, and Tiantian fell asleep.

She's only been here for half a month, and she's got more happiness than her previous life combined.

Sheng Tang is very happy every day.

The weekend passed quickly.

Time from Monday to Wednesday, Sheng Tang unexpectedly found that they should have physical education.

"Ah?" She was surprised. "I thought there was no PE class."

"The last two classes of every Wednesday afternoon are physical education, but they are occupied by the head teacher." Jiang Baochu told her.

Sheng Tang: "no matter what the world is, P.E. teachers can't escape the fate of" weak and sickly ".

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